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Everything posted by ROTAHOE

  1. All is working fine apart from when I place the uniform on the ground I'm getting this in-game error? How do I get those nice mothers folded clothes? Also where is the location of the folded clothes paa files? Here is a screen shot of the error: https://imgur.com/a/O8D2Hte Any help would be amazing ! Cheers
  2. Setting DEBUG to false does not remove the "teleport" marker etc from the map
  3. This script is called by a key press to show how long till server restart. All is working but the hint is staying on screen forever. Want to have the script terminate 1min after the key is pressed but also need it so it can be called multiple times. _restart = ["RestartText","RTX"] call BASE_fnc_getCfgValue; _restartTime = parseNumber (["RestartTime","RTX"] call BASE_fnc_getCfgValue); _color1 = ["RestartTimeColor","RTX"] call BASE_fnc_getCfgValue; _serverTime = (round(_restartTime-(serverTime)/60)); _hours = (floor(_serverTime/60)); _minutes = (_serverTime - (_hours * 60)); switch(_minutes) do { case 9: {_minutes = "09"}; case 8: {_minutes = "08"}; case 7: {_minutes = "07"}; case 6: {_minutes = "06"}; case 5: {_minutes = "05"}; case 4: {_minutes = "04"}; case 3: {_minutes = "03"}; case 2: {_minutes = "02"}; case 1: {_minutes = "01"}; case 0: {_minutes = "00"}; }; hintSilent parseText format [ "<t color='#%1' align='left' size='0.9'>%4</t><t align='right' size='0.9'>%2H:%3M</t><br/>", _color1, /* %1 */ _hours, /* %2 */ _minutes, /* %3 */ _restart /* %4 */ ]; Any help would be amazing Cheers
  4. All is solved code changed to: _restart = ["RestartText","RTX"] call BASE_fnc_getCfgValue; _restartTime = parseNumber (["RestartTime","RTX"] call BASE_fnc_getCfgValue); _color1 = ["RestartTimeColor","RTX"] call BASE_fnc_getCfgValue; _serverTime = (round(_restartTime-(serverTime)/60)); _hours = (floor(_serverTime/60)); _minutes = (_serverTime - (_hours * 60)); switch(_minutes) do { case 9: {_minutes = "09"}; case 8: {_minutes = "08"}; case 7: {_minutes = "07"}; case 6: {_minutes = "06"}; case 5: {_minutes = "05"}; case 4: {_minutes = "04"}; case 3: {_minutes = "03"}; case 2: {_minutes = "02"}; case 1: {_minutes = "01"}; case 0: {_minutes = "00"}; }; _RTXshow = hintSilent parseText format [ "<t color='#%1' align='left' size='0.9'>%4</t><t align='right' size='0.9'>%2H:%3M</t><br/>", _color1, /* %1 */ _hours, /* %2 */ _minutes, /* %3 */ _restart /* %4 */ ]; uiSleep 10; terminate _RTXshow; Its not 1min before terminate but like Grumpy Old Man said "Hints usually disappear after 30 seconds." So I guess its now terminating after the uiSleep 10 + 30 seconds + fade out period. Cheers
  5. I'm having trouble checking if a player has fully loaded in before exec my script. Using this is working but runs before player has fully loaded in: if not(hasInterface) exitWith {}; waitUntil {!isNull Player}; waitUntil {player == player}; [] spawn { disableSerialization; waitUntil {! (isNull (findDisplay 46))}; if (player nearObjects["Debug_static_F", 25] isEqualTo[]) then // If player not in debug box { _useCinemaBorders = true; showCinemaBorder _useCinemaBorders; _fg = ppEffectCreate ["FilmGrain", 2000]; _fg ppEffectEnable true; _fg ppEffectAdjust [1,20,8,50,50,true]; Camrunning = true; // set to false to stop the camera _radius = 5; // circle radius _angle = 180; // starting angle _altitude = 5; // camera altitude _dir = 0; //Direction of camera movement 0: anti-clockwise, 1: clockwise _speed = 0.04; //lower is faster _duration = 15; // In seconds. Higher number = intro takes longer _cameratarget = position player; private ["_nvg"]; call { if (dayTime > 17 or daytime < 6) exitWith { _nvg = true; }; // If above does not exit, set _nvg true _nvg = false; }; camUseNVG _nvg; _coords = [_cameratarget, _radius, _angle] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _coords set [2, _altitude]; _camera = "camera" camCreate _coords; _camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL","BACK"]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camPrepareTarget _cameratarget; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; while {Camrunning} do { _coords = [_cameratarget, _radius, _angle] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _coords set [2, _altitude]; _camera camPreparePos _coords; _camera camCommitPrepared _speed; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera || !(Camrunning)}; _camera camPreparePos _coords; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; _angle = if (_dir == 0) then {_angle - 1} else {_angle + 1}; [_duration, _camera, _fg] spawn { _duration = _this select 0; _camera = _this select 1; _fg = _this select 2; uiSleep (_duration - 0.3); _camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; ppEffectDestroy _fg; }; }; }; }; Need the script to run once the player is visual and has a true position. Its circling around an invisible object and in an location thats not true. Script was made in editor then transfered to a dedicated server. All is work apart from the script runs before the player is created. The devs at desolationredux gave me a hint I need these conditions checked first but now script wont run at all ? while {true} do { if (!isNull player) then { isPlaying = player getVariable ["DS_var_isPlaying", false]; if (isPlaying) exitWith { MY CODE }; }; sleep 1; }; This is what was used when the script wouldn't run at all : if not(hasInterface) exitWith {}; [] spawn { disableSerialization; waitUntil {! (isNull (findDisplay 46))}; while {true} do { if (!isNull player) then { isPlaying = player getVariable ["DS_var_isPlaying", false]; if (isPlaying) exitWith { { _useCinemaBorders = true; showCinemaBorder _useCinemaBorders; _fg = ppEffectCreate ["FilmGrain", 2000]; _fg ppEffectEnable true; _fg ppEffectAdjust [1,20,8,50,50,true]; Camrunning = true; // set to false to stop the camera _radius = 5; // circle radius _angle = 180; // starting angle _altitude = 5; // camera altitude _dir = 0; //Direction of camera movement 0: anti-clockwise, 1: clockwise _speed = 0.04; //lower is faster _duration = 15; // In seconds. Higher number = intro takes longer _cameratarget = position player; private ["_nvg"]; call { if (dayTime > 17 or daytime < 6) exitWith { _nvg = true; }; // If above does not exit, set _nvg true _nvg = false; }; camUseNVG _nvg; _coords = [_cameratarget, _radius, _angle] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _coords set [2, _altitude]; _camera = "camera" camCreate _coords; _camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL","BACK"]; _camera camPrepareFOV 0.700; _camera camPrepareTarget _cameratarget; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; while {Camrunning} do { _coords = [_cameratarget, _radius, _angle] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _coords set [2, _altitude]; _camera camPreparePos _coords; _camera camCommitPrepared _speed; waitUntil {camCommitted _camera || !(Camrunning)}; _camera camPreparePos _coords; _camera camCommitPrepared 0; _angle = if (_dir == 0) then {_angle - 1} else {_angle + 1}; [_duration, _camera, _fg] spawn { _duration = _this select 0; _camera = _this select 1; _fg = _this select 2; uiSleep (_duration - 0.3); _camera cameraEffect ["terminate","back"]; camDestroy _camera; ppEffectDestroy _fg; }; }; }; }; }; }; sleep 1; }; Any help to what I doing wrong would be amazing ! Cheers
  6. Its executed via server side addon. Its called local via that. Trying to keep it server side as the desolation devs have told us. If you would like to see the structure of the addon Ill need to upload pictures or the addon itself? Can you see anything wrong with the script itself ? Cheers
  7. Looking for help to have a camera intro that does a 360 around the player. Wanting it to start behind the player then destroyed after the full 360 also 5m away from player and 5m above. Any help will be much appreciated. Cheers
  8. Just want to know how I can run a check to see if my createVeh _bomb has exploded?
  9. Awesome mate thank you ! Yeah mate have plans for that later ;)
  10. @Grumpy Old Man having issues and need help adding this: null=["ChemZone",400,11,40,3,7,-0.3,0.1,0.5,0.85,0.85,0,13,12,15,true,2,2.1,0.1,4,6,0,0.0,23.9] execFSM "scripts\ChemStrike\Chem_Gas.fsm"; to this code: if (not isServer) exitWith {}; _plane = _this select 0; _ammo = "Bomb_03_F"; for "_i" from 1 to 1 do { sleep 0.6; _para = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", [0,0,100], [], 0, ""]; _para setPosATL (player modelToWorld[0,0,100]); _bomb = _ammo createvehicle ([getPos _plane select 0,getPos _plane select 1,(getPos _para select 2)- 2]); _smoke = createVehicle ["SmokeShell", [0,0,0], [], 0 , ""]; _smoke attachTo [_bomb, [0,0,0]]; _bomb attachTo [_para,[0,0,0]]; waituntil {!isnull _bomb}; _bomb setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,-1],[0,0.8,0]]; }; Using the check: !alive _bomb Cheers
  11. Why is my server doing this? All ports are forwarded 2302 2303 2304 2305 2306 The players are kicked straight after connecting and I get this in my servers .rpt 16:58:09 BEServer: cannot find channel #1293203332, users.card=0 16:58:14 BEServer: cannot find channel #1293203332, users.card=0 16:58:19 BEServer: cannot find channel #1293203332, users.card=0 16:58:22 BEServer::finishDestroyPlayer(1293203332): users.get failed 17:01:15 BEServer: cannot find channel #874294954, users.card=0 17:01:20 BEServer: cannot find channel #874294954, users.card=0 17:01:25 BEServer: cannot find channel #874294954, users.card=0 Done many google search but no solution. any help would be great Thank you
  12. Ok so I just want to add a mag to _weapon with a random amount of ammo if _zedLoot = [_zed modelToWorld [0,2,0],_weapon,(round(random 1))] Please any help would be great Thank you in advance params["_zed","_zIndex"]; if(alive _zed) exitWith {}; // set data to empty array to represent a dead zombie & to not compromise other zIndex's on zombies DSZ_var_spawnData set[_zIndex,[]]; // delete dead body from spawnedZeds array _index = (DSZ_var_spawnedZeds find _zed); if(_index > -1) then { DSZ_var_spawnedZeds deleteAt _index; }; _zed setVariable ["diedAt",diag_tickTime]; //mark zombie for cleanup [_zed] spawn { _zed = _this select 0; _weapons = ["DSR_Melee_Bat_Nails","DSR_Melee_Katana","hgun_Pistol_heavy_02_F","DSR_SGun_M500","DSR_SMG_MP40"]; _items = ["ItemMap","ItemGPS","Binocular"]; _weapon = _weapons call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; _item = _items call BIS_fnc_SelectRandom; _zedLootArray = [[_zed modelToWorld [0,2,0],_weapon,(round(random 1))],[_zed modelToWorld [0,2,0],_item,(round(random 1))]]; _zedLoot = selectRandom _zedLootArray; _null = _zedLoot spawn DSZ_fnc_pwrotate; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////// Add to script //////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Add random ammo mag to _weapon: // // // More Items: // ,"DSR_Item_Waterbottle_Full","DSR_Item_Cereal" // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  13. @Larrow this is the DSZ_fnc_pwrotate: private ["_turntable","_holder","_time","_dir"]; _turntable = createVehicle [ "Land_Can_V3_F", _this select 0, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; _turntable hideObjectGlobal true; _holder = createVehicle [ "WeaponHolderSimulated", _this select 0, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; _holder addItemCargoGlobal [_this select 1, 1]; _holder attachTo [_turntable, [0,-0.63,0.7]]; _holder setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,-1,0]]; _time = time + 60; _dir = getDir _turntable; waitUntil { _dir = _dir + ( if (_dir > 360) then [{-360},{3}] ); _turntable setDir _dir; time > _time }; deleteVehicle _holder; deleteVehicle _turntable; Also I would like it to have a random ammo count i.e _weapon addMagazineAmmoCargo [_mag, 1, 10]; Any help to adding loaded mag to spawned weapon will be great Thank you
  14. Anyone know why only my personal radio wont work ? I have to have a different radio for tfr to work? Everyone else on the server are able to use it, just not me ?
  15. I'm not sure how to implement a waitUntil crew == o but with a sleep of 5 min (300 seconds) . I would like to add this to this script. Please help Cheers private _price = 50; if([_price] call HG_fnc_hasEnoughMoney) then { if (!player_boatcooldown) then { //Take $50 From Player [50,1] call HG_fnc_addOrSubCash; // Start cooldown player_boatcooldown = true; // Create Jet Ski _veh = createVehicle ["C_Scooter_Transport_01_F",getpos player,[], 0, ""]; _veh setpos (player modelToWorld [0,6,0]); _veh setDir ([_veh, player] call BIS_fnc_dirTo); // Move Player Into Jet Ski player moveInDriver _veh; // Start cooldown timer sleep 5; hint format ["%1 \nJet ski cooldown is 5min!",name player]; sleep 300; player_boatcooldown = false; // Player Still On Cooldown } else {hint format ["%1 \nYou are still on cooldown!",name player];}; }; Also can someone tell me why this is not working? Its creating it facing North (0). I want it creating facing the players Dir on call. I guess I need getDir player; ? _veh setDir ([_veh, player] call BIS_fnc_dirTo); I got that part from a armaholic forum. Thank you in advance
  16. Thank you very much mate ! I was told earlier to spawn my codes in a old thread but forgot LOL Also started to think it was not working then noticed you changed 15 back to 300 hahaha cheers ! [] spawn { if (!player_boatcooldown) then { player_boatcooldown = true; _veh = createVehicle ["C_Scooter_Transport_01_F", getPos player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _veh setPos (player modelToWorldVisual [0,6,0]); _veh setDir (player getDir _veh); [_veh] spawn { private _vehicle = param [0, objNull, [objNull]]; waitUntil { if (count ((crew _vehicle) select {alive _x}) isEqualTo 0) then { _time = diag_tickTime + 300; waitUntil { diag_tickTime > _time || count (crew vehicle _vehicle select {alive _x}) > 0 }; if (diag_tickTime > _time && {count (crew vehicle _vehicle select {alive _x}) isEqualTo 0}) exitWith { deleteVehicle _vehicle; true }; }; false }; }; player moveInDriver _veh; sleep 5; hint format ["%1 \nJet ski cooldown is 5min!", name player]; sleep 300; player_boatcooldown = false; } else { hint format ["%1 \nYou are still on cooldown!", name player]; }; };
  17. Testing in editor and will not work ? if (!player_boatcooldown) then { // Start cooldown player_boatcooldown = true; // Create Jet Ski _veh = createVehicle ["C_Scooter_Transport_01_F", getPos player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _veh setPos (player modelToWorldVisual [0,6,0]); _veh setDir (player getDir _veh); // Move Player Into Jet Ski player moveInDriver _veh; // Delete In 15 Seconds If Empty [_veh] spawn { private _vehicle = param [0, objNull, [objNull]]; waitUntil { if (count ((crew vehicle _vehicle) select {alive _x}) isEqualTo 0) then { _time = diag_tickTime + 15; waitUntil { diag_tickTime > _time || count (crew vehicle _vehicle select {alive _x}) > 0 }; if (diag_tickTime > _time && {count (crew vehicle _vehicle select {alive _x}) isEqualTo 0}) exitWith { deleteVehicle _vehicle; }; }; !isNull _vehicle }; }; // Start cooldown timer sleep 5; hint format ["%1 \nJet ski cooldown is 5min!",name player]; sleep 300; player_boatcooldown = false; // Player Still On Cooldown } else {hint format ["%1 \nYou are still on cooldown!",name player]; };
  18. How to add this to script? Its giving me trouble cheers
  19. Yeah mate that's what I'm look for. Bar I want the sleep after waitUntil {{alive _x} count (crew vehicle _veh) == 0}; For if the vehicle is left empty for 5min it will deleteVehicle _veh;. waitUntil { if ({alive _x} count (crew vehicle _veh) == 0) exitWith { sleep 300; deleteVehicle _veh; }; will this work ?
  20. I want to use isKindof in a action condition like _unit addAction ["Call Boat Airdrop", "scripts\BoatSpawner.sqf", [], 1, TRUE, TRUE, "", "vehicle _this == _target && surfaceIsWater getPos _target && _target isKindof _man && _target getVariable ['crrcsdropped', 0] < 2"]; So I want (player isKindof "man";) as 1 condition. What should the _man variable look like ? Just this addAddiction is activated when flying over open water witch is the problem. Thank you in advance
  21. So with functions can I use: TAG_fnc_BoatAirdropAllowed = { params ["_target","_this"]; (vehicle _this isEqualTo _target AND surfaceIsWater getPos _target AND _target isKindof "Man" AND _target getVariable ['crrcsdropped', 0] < 2 AND isTouchingGround _target AND speed _target < 1) }; or is this a typo ? _target isKindof "Man" Like you said before _unit addAction ["Call Boat Airdrop", "scripts\BoatSpawner.sqf", [], 1, TRUE, TRUE, "", "vehicle _this == _target && surfaceIsWater getPos _target && _target isKindof "Man" && _target getVariable ['crrcsdropped', 0] < 2"];//does not work _unit addAction ["Call Boat Airdrop", "scripts\BoatSpawner.sqf", [], 1, TRUE, TRUE, "", "vehicle _this == _target && surfaceIsWater getPos _target && _target isKindof ""Man"" && _target getVariable ['crrcsdropped', 0] < 2"];//does work _unit addAction ["Call Boat Airdrop", "scripts\BoatSpawner.sqf", [], 1, TRUE, TRUE, "", "vehicle _this == _target && surfaceIsWater getPos _target && _target isKindof 'Man' && _target getVariable ['crrcsdropped', 0] < 2"];//does work
  22. Awesome mate cheers ! Also I can't add ( isTouchingGround ) As I'm using this if you bail out of a jet at sea. isTouchingGround returns false when swimming

    Balance Teams in MP TvT

    @pierremgi I like you following me around ! you teach me a lot mate ! Cheers

    Balance Teams in MP TvT

    like this ? private ["_bluforCount", "_opforCount", "_indyCount"]; _bluforCount = 0; _opforCount = 0; _indyCount = 0; Call { if (((getPlayerUID _x) != "") && (side _x == WEST)) exitWith { _bluforCount = (_bluforCount + 1); } forEach units _x; if (((getPlayerUID _x) != "") && (side _x == EAST)) exitWith { _opforCount = (_opforCount + 1); } forEach units _x; if (((getPlayerUID _x) != "") && (side _x == resistance)) exitWith { _indyCount = (_indyCount + 1); } forEach units _x; }; if ((playerSide == WEST)) then { if (((_bluforCount - _opforCount) > 1)) then { sleep 10; player enableSimulation false; titleText ["YOU ARE UNBALANCING TEAMS, BLUFOR/OPFOR/INDY RATIO SHOULD BE 1/1/1, CHANGING TEAMS...", "BLACK FADED", 999]; sleep 10; endMission "END6"; } else { if (((_bluforCount - _indyCount) > 1)) then { sleep 10; player enableSimulation false; titleText ["YOU ARE UNBALANCING TEAMS, BLUFOR/OPFOR/INDY SHOULD BE 1/1/1, CHANGING TEAMS...", "BLACK FADED", 999]; sleep 10; endMission "END6"; }; }; if ((playerSide == EAST)) then { if (((_opforCount - _bluforCount) > 1)) then { sleep 10; player enableSimulation false; titleText ["YOU ARE UNBALANCING TEAMS, BLUFOR/OPFOR/INDY RATIO SHOULD BE 1/1/1, CHANGING TEAMS...", "BLACK FADED", 999]; sleep 10; endMission "END6"; } else { if (((_opforCount - _indyCount) > 1)) then { sleep 10; player enableSimulation false; titleText ["YOU ARE UNBALANCING TEAMS, BLUFOR/OPFOR/INDY RATIO SHOULD BE 1/1/1, CHANGING TEAMS...", "BLACK FADED", 999]; sleep 10; endMission "END6"; }; }; if ((playerSide == resistance)) then { if (((_indyCount - _bluforCount) > 1)) then { sleep 10; player enableSimulation false; titleText ["YOU ARE UNBALANCING TEAMS, BLUFOR/OPFOR/INDY RATIO SHOULD BE 1/1/1, CHANGING TEAMS...", "BLACK FADED", 999]; sleep 10; endMission "END6"; } else { if (((_indyCount - _opforCount) > 1)) then { sleep 10; player enableSimulation false; titleText ["YOU ARE UNBALANCING TEAMS, BLUFOR/OPFOR/INDY RATIO SHOULD BE 1/1/1, CHANGING TEAMS...", "BLACK FADED", 999]; sleep 10; endMission "END6"; }; };