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Everything posted by HBAOplus

  1. Could you ACE guys please bring back the turret/hull indicator from ACE2? I konw some vanila tanks have similar one on their gun sights, but vehicles from other mods which are not as advanced, can benifit from ACE indicator in crew-coordination. Thanks!
  2. HBAOplus

    Eagle Wing Campaign Remake

    Will you please replace Nimitz with CUP static LHD?
  3. Thanks for the reply. It's a pitty I have to temporarily zoom in to maximum, in order to command my teammates.
  4. Hey guys, I found out that when ACE night vision is enabled, most of the GUI elements(eg. weapon info, stance indicator, action menu, GPS, command list) are nearly invisible. Any workaround, please?
  5. I think I've found a bug. When go prone, there's no animations, and swapping around stuff will complete in no time.
  6. HBAOplus

    Jets - HUD improvements

    A step zoom-in feature should be introduced in when being a pilot. Currently when act as a pilot and press + button (num pad), your view will directly magnify to max level.
  7. HBAOplus

    Jet DLC?

    Will eject seat and afterburner feature be introduced in the Jet DLC?