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Everything posted by guidaguida

  1. guidaguida

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hello rhs team. Just wanted to say I am really enjoying the new content on dev branch and I really appreciate the teams dedication to realism and authenticity 👍 It is something neither independent or AAA developers strive for with the exception of Eagle Dynamics with DCS. In my humble opinion rhs is the best thing to happen to ArmA and we do not deserve all the work that goes into the mod especially me who has not donated anything due to my lack of income so i just want to say thank you to all the programmers, modelers and moderators that who have made the mission of returning ArmA to it's sim roots possible and I cannot thank you enough. I do plan on once i have a stable income to donate to the rhs team because if anyone deserves it, it would be you guys. Best wishes. guidaguida
  2. guidaguida

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Hey. Loving the abrams sepv2 on dev branch. Can you guys add it to the zeus editor as soon as you can. Don't know if you guys forgot or not. Forgive me as I don't know where to post feedback on dev branch.
  3. guidaguida

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Awesome. Don't make a whole lot of money but will contribute what I can when possible. Keep up the awesome work guys.
  4. Hello. Trying to download the dev version. It says the mod is private. What's that all about?
  5. guidaguida

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Sick armor guys. Awesome work as always.
  6. guidaguida

    Tanks - Damage improvements

    I feel like yes the the crew should take minimal damage in a tank from HEAT rounds. However I do feel like the crew in an apc or ifv should be mostly dead as the armor in an apc is much less thick and the crew is less protected against such things. Again I know the damage is WIP. In my experience correct me if I'm wrong but HEAT rounds are generally used against apcs anyways, and yes I'm neglecting atgms which are more powerful. I don't however know how much damage atgm HEAT should do to the crew. Crew damage from atgm HEAT is generally done by an egnited ammo compartment so maybe atgms should do the damage to the crew as if they should be in an apc as ammo compartments are not simulated.