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Everything posted by _leech

  1. _leech


    Yeah i have tried it. But it still snows in buildings i think. Also i'm not really looking for snow storms but just subtle snowing.
  2. _leech


    Wow that looks perfect.. And doesn't seem laggy at all? Would love to try this out. You think you can get the codes from him?
  3. _leech


    Nice, would love to see the video. Wish someone better at coding than me could figure this out. Did he post how he did it somewhere?
  4. _leech


    Did you guys get this to work?
  5. There is still fog breath underwater, also it would be nice if it would stop when indoors, but i don't know if that is possible?
  6. Sounds for Niarms and KA weapons is much needed!
  7. Ok just wanted to give an update on the barriers/convoy. Turned out not using any triggers at all (and only using "this enableSimulation false;" on the objects on each side of the road) works pretty fine. It just takes some adjusting of the objects to make the convoy stop and not crash into something or turn to the side (when using the barriers). It would still be nice to know if there's any way at all to totally turn off CollisionAvoidance or make objects totally invisible for the ai. But for now (and once the objects are in place), this works very good.
  8. I want to disable collision avoidance for one specific ai/vehicle. I'd like to hear from anyone who knows how to do this. Thanks alot
  9. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=790828401&searchtext=snow+module Have you tried this?
  10. I don't necessarily want it to crash with it but if it should happen i'd like it to have the physics effect. I already got a trigger attached to the road barriers that will force the vehicle to stop when it's a certain distance from the barriers and only when the barriers are on the road. Only thing i want is that the vehicle drives up to the barriers and stops without turning to sides or trying to drive around.
  11. The small dented can apparently totally stops the vehicle :) The problem is, that it is part of the mission that road barriers have to be manually dragged onto the road via ace dragging. I use it like this "this attachTo [roadthing];" is that right? Also, using "this enableSimulation false;" on the road barriers is kinda too bad because it turns off all physics and the ability for them to be knocked over.
  12. Actually I just might need some more help. I just got a new problem. At the end of the road with the containers on each side, there needs to be an object blocking that tunnel. When i place an object there, the vehicle turns to the side. Even with the "this enableSimulation false;" in that object. Is there ANY way to make an object totally invisible to an ai?
  13. Thanks alot johnnyboy. This works very nicely. For some reason the ai is still slightly affected by the objects, and you might have to place the objects right so that there's no collision. But when you have done that, it works flawlessly. Thanks for the help!
  14. I need a car/convoy that drives in a loop and at some point it has to drive through a spot with containers on each side of the road. But even though there's lots of space on the road the ai still drives off the road and around the containers. I need the ai to ignore the objects so that it wont drive around them. I'm not sure if this will work?
  15. I tried this but the ai still avoids the object.
  16. I want a vehicle driving on a road not avoiding the objects that's on that road. Here's something i found in another topic: class AICarSteeringComponent { steeringPIDWeights[] = { 2.0, 0.2, 0.0 }; speedPIDWeights[] = { 0.5, 0.2, 0.0 }; doRemapSpeed = true; remapSpeedRange[] = { 10.0. 90.0 }; remapSpeedScalar[] = { 1.0, 0.35 }; doPredictForward = true; predictForwardRange[] = { 1, 20 }; steerAheadSaturation[] = { 0.01, 0.4 }; speedPredictionMethod = 2; wheelAngleCoef = 0.7; forwardAngleCoef = 0.7; steeringAngleCoef = 1.0; differenceAngleCoef = 1.0; stuckMaxTime = 3.0; allowOvertaking = true; allowDrifting = false; allowCollisionAvoidance = true; maxWheelAngleDiff = 0.2616; minSpeedToKeep = 0.1; }; from https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191515-ai-driving-feedback-topic/?hl=collisionavoidance Does anyone know how to use allowCollisionAvoidance = false; on one specific vehicle? Or just anything similar that works.
  17. Puddles would be cool too. Also, how would it work if the particles were closer together so they just looks like a line?
  18. I'd like to know how to be able to break the animation when for example you shoot an enemy in the middle of having a piss. I know it works with using "[this,"STAND"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnimCombat;" instead of "......_ambientAnim". So it must be possible!
  19. _leech

    Custom Ammo Box

    This is good, but how do you use this to add items (more items than virtual arsenal will allow you) to a player?
  20. I'm making a big coop mission and i'd like to completely re-design a mod map, remove objects, change texture and so on. I know how to extract the .pbo files and how to view/edit .paa texture files. So where do i go from here? I'd like to finally save the map as another version of the original map (save it as a mod) Also, how to i open/view the .p3d files that i extracted from the .pbo? Thanks alot !
  21. _leech

    Editing a mod map

    Ok, so i wrote him a mail and he gave me permission to make my own version of the map as long as it states that its a modification of the original map (which i would have stated anyways). But he didn't have the source files.. So back to my original question: Is it possible to use edit the files extracted from the pbo's - add textures, remove objects and so on.. And then pack them back to a pbo and create a new/edited map? - without the source files?
  22. _leech


    I'd like to hear a status report from someone testing it out â†â†â†â†â†â†â†â†â†â†
  23. After a clean install of arma tools, this message pops up when opening pd3 files: "An error happened in the application". Then after some time it starts loading the object and then crashes.... I'm new to the program but as i think im doing everything right. So how do i make it work?