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About RaggedySquid2

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  1. RaggedySquid2

    Spawning in edge of the map

    Hey guys, I hate to hijack a thread but I can't post yet, so I don't really have much of a choice. I'm trying to setup an automatic healing area using a trigger and I cant get the script to work. My settings are: Trigger Activation Activation: BLUFOR Activation Type: Present Checked "Repeatable" box Trigger Expression: Condition: true (I have tried using "this") On Activation: {_x setDamage 0} forEach thislist; I've also tried the old {_x Setdammage 0} Foreach thislist; Do any of you guys know how to fix this? I've spent a few hours searching but all i can find is the Setdammage line which, from what I understand, isn't used anymore.
  2. RaggedySquid2

    Eden editor - enable revive?

    The revives are working the same way for me. I've played in servers like that too, so it just be the way it's set up.