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Everything posted by Nils89

  1. Hello everyone, I'd like to invite you to our upcoming International Liberation Event. Are you interested in team-based, semi-hardcore gameplay? Check out this Thread for more information: https://www.killahpotatoes.de/index.php?thread/573-international-kp-liberation-sessions/ If you have any questions or need more information you can also join our Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/bpPUU48 The event will take place at 05/20/17, 18:00 CEST. You'll need to register on our website to participate. Also, if you like, check out our short teaser: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MjpU-WwEjw I hope I'll be seeing you there! :)
  2. That's what I wanted to know, thanks :lol:
  3. This is all very interesting but it still does not answer if ACREs behaviour is desired or not. I really don't want to seem cocky but it seems you did not read my question.
  4. I really appreciate your intention to help me, but it seems you don't understand my question. I want to know if ACRE ignoring the TS settingsis the desired behavioror if I'm missing something else that could fix the problem (e.g. a tickbox that I didn't see, which says "use Teamspeak³ sound settings", or an obvious parameter that needs to be changed, you get me); I'm not looking for a workaround. Turning the game volume down and the system volume up seems more like a workaround with side effects that I don't necessarily want to experience. Right now I'm assuming the problem is on the client side, not on ACREs side.
  5. The thing is, I don't want to overwrite the TS volume. The Pre-and Post-Mix bars (set to higher levels) cause the sound to clip, which is quite painful for my ears :/. No, it cannot, as long we are ingame the individual settings seem to cause no effect. As I said, "This seems to be happening because ACRE ignores the TS's volume settings set by the client. ". "-> My receiving volume in TS is set to +10, but ACRE seems to ignore it / sets it to +0 when ingame. "
  6. Hello there, we are a gaming community and recently switched from TFAR to ACRE, which we essentially like better. I have a quick question regarding TS setup for this release. Some members (including me) have problems with volume settings, people are talking in normal volume in TS but you can hardly understand them ingame. This seems to be happening because ACRE ignores the TS's volume settings set by the client. -> My receiving volume in TS is set to +10, but ACRE seems to ignore it / sets it to +0 when ingame. The release notes (from 2 years ago) say TS3 individual set volumes are now applied to people speakingbut it does not seem to be the case anymore. Is this the desired behaviour or are we missing something (except putting TS to max. volume in Win sound mixer etc.)? Thanks in advance!