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Jake McBride

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Everything posted by Jake McBride

  1. Jake McBride

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    UPDATE: I found the issue. *NEW* AI's accuracy/vision is impact my rain intensity. This 2.6 addition causes problems when you suppress ai - even slightly. STEPS TO REPRODUCE: 1. Spawn some ai. 2. Have overcast and rain on max 3. Spawn yourself as guy with LMG or have static hmg 4. shoot an entire box at AI - make sure to leave some ai alive to see results 5. observe ai shooting holes all day long 1 foot in front of them. you can walk right up to them and not be hit. This bug might possibly be a bug with any features of ACE that modify ballistics, but even with advanced ballistics off for non marksmen rifles it still seems to bug out. Maybe an issue with some modifications to AI that ace has? Is there a way to disable the ai accuracy hit with heavy rain? I can't seem to find where it is in scripts. EDIT: Found the place where it does the math. It is in the "VCOMAI_FocusedAccuracy.sqf". You can clearly see the weather variable declare then used in the calculations. I ended up taking it out and ai shoot like a charm in the rain - all the other accuracy modifiers still work just fine. Would do a pull request on your git but not sure you check it much @Genesis?
  2. Jake McBride

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Has anyone had a bug using the 2.7 script where AI aim SUPER terribly and shoot the ground in front of them. If the AI initiates combat on me they will have decent accuracy, but if I shoot a few rounds at AI they seem to suddenly get shitty at aiming. I can stand 10 meters away from a full squad of enemy ai and they will be unloading at their feet. Their weapons are aimed at me but the rounds just hit the ground. I have tested this with hard placed AI as well as AI that spawn through EOS. I have tested with MOD units as well as default A3 units. I have tested with AI using mod weapons as well as default arma 3 weapons. Not sure how to resolve this. My mod list is currently. - CBA_A3 - Ace - CUP Weapons - CUP Units - CUP Terrains - Core - CUP Vehicles - CUP Terrains - Maps - MRT Accessory Functions - ShackTac User Interface - Specialist Military Arms (SMA) - Em_Buildings - GWS: Turkish Armed Forces - Jbad - Spec4Gear.v4.5 - The CSAT Modification Project - CSAT-R (Revenant Division) - Commbat Barricade v0.95