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John HeartlessSaint

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About John HeartlessSaint

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  1. John HeartlessSaint

    [MP] Rescue Dawn [CSAR]

    Yeah everything seems to work atm. Still have some issues where the ai doesn't fall into a unconscious state. I may need to add the head variable to help force that. Basically the ai is just standing up and I can't get a carry or drag action. I had remove some of the interactions that you added due to ace support. Such as _crew0 allowDamage FALSE; _crew0 setDamage 0.52; _crew0 setBleedingRemaining 600; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_isIncapacitated',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_loadable',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_loaded',FALSE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_unloaded',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_unloadable',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_draggable',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_dragged',FALSE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_carryable',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_carried',FALSE,TRUE];
  2. John HeartlessSaint

    [MP] Rescue Dawn [CSAR]

    Hey QS, I am in the process of switching the mission to ace. I am trying to remove the BIS revive features. I think I have have removed the player side of the system but having trouble Identifying the AI portion. From what I have read through your scripting. The locations are in the missions. Aircrew Mission _crew0 setDir (random 360); _crew0 setSkill 0; _crew0 allowDamage FALSE; _crew0 setCaptive TRUE; _crew0 disableAI 'FSM'; _crew0 disableAI 'MOVE'; _crew0 disableAI 'TEAMSWITCH'; _crew0 disableAI 'TARGET'; _crew0 disableAI 'AUTOTARGET'; _crew0 disableAI 'SUPPRESSION'; _crew0 disableAI 'AIMINGERROR'; [_crew0,'TFAegis'] call (missionNamespace getVariable 'BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia'); _crew0 removeWeapon (primaryWeapon _crew0); if ((random 1) > 0.5) then { removeHeadgear _crew0; }; _crew0 unlinkItem 'NVGoggles'; _crew0 setDamage 0.52; _crew0 setBleedingRemaining 600; _crew0 switchMove 'AinjPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon'; for '_x' from 0 to 2 step 1 do { _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_interacting',FALSE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_isIncapacitated',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_missionObjective',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_rescueable',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_rescued',FALSE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_loadable',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_loaded',FALSE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_unloaded',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_unloadable',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_draggable',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_dragged',FALSE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_carryable',TRUE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_carried',FALSE,TRUE]; _crew0 setVariable ['QS_RD_recovered',FALSE,FALSE]; }; then setting in [_crew0, 'body', 0, objNull, selectRandom ['stab','bullet','falling'], 0, 0.60] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage_advanced; [_crew0, 'leg_l', 0, objNull, selectRandom ['stab','bullet','falling'], 0, 0.60] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage_advanced; [_crew0, 'leg_r', 0, objNull, selectRandom ['stab','bullet','falling'], 0, 0.60] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage_advanced; [_crew0, 'hand_r', 0, objNull, selectRandom ['stab','bullet','falling'], 0, 0.40] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage_advanced; [_crew0, 'hand_l', 0, objNull, selectRandom ['stab','bullet','falling'], 0, 0.40] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage_advanced; [_crew0] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage_advancedSetDamage; ^This could be a very wrong format. I am just not sure