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About Furcas00

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  1. Furcas00

    Use for BIS_fnc_keyHold?

    I tried searching before, but I was completely off track in terms of keywords. Now that I have the actual function's name, it makes it much easier to find on here. Now to try get it working Globally, rather than Locally. Thanks for the link though.
  2. So I've been looking into adding the 'Hold Space' to interact with an object, as in Apex Protocol to complete tasks, and so far come across BIS_fnc_keyHold as the function to use for this type of interaction. But I can't find any documentation for it on the forum, or on the Wiki. All I know is that it was introduced in 1.44 with the Revive system. Is this the right function i'm looking for? if so, how do I use it? Thanks in advance for any help on this. Edit: Nevermind, someone on the steam community board just linked me https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd
  3. Gonna try this out. Thanks for posting it, i'll let you know how it goes.
  4. scottb613, when you set up your recording, you can use the optional arguments to enable the use of firing. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_UnitCapturehas the full function line. The example they provide is [bIS_Vehicle, 50, 30, true, 10] spawn BIS_fnc_UnitCapture; Which would capture data from a unit named BIS_Vehicle, would capture for 50 seconds, would capture at 30 FPS, and would also record the unit's weapon fire data as well. Frame time offset would be 10 seconds.
  5. "You can do that with ALiVE" Serious answer though, you might want to look into the script version of the Dynamic Ai Creator (DAC), It's possible to active/deactivate zones which will add/remove AI along with them. You also can define what will spawn in each zone. The hard part will be the system you put in place to manage the activation/deactivation. Also it should be noted the Zones are defined using trigger areas, so it should be easy enough to stack them on each other.