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Posts posted by AJE2

  1. I think another reason for the opposition to near future is the view that Arma should be a game/simulator that emulates real-world elements, and shouldn't try to apply the same level of realism to concepts.

    I do agree though that BIS should have made the plunge into a true near-future setting, instead of the rather restrained one we have.


    Spoilers for East Wind campaign ahead:

    I also have to ask, how plausible is CSAT's seismic WMD device. I don't just mean the technology itself, but also the fact that it was constructed by 2035.


    I also wonder how plausible the construction and deployment of a kinetic bombardment system would be within the near future.

    I imagine it wouldn't be too far-fetched when the US believed that a system as elaborate and complex as the SDI would be of sufficient strategic value to justify the massive expense that its creation would have involved.

    Not to mention that metal bars apparent fall outside of the outer space treaty.

    I think it's possible to create a device like the one in the campaign, but it wouldn't fit on a single truck like that.  It would likely have to consist of multiple precisely emplaced machines at various points, each generating a specific frequency or shockwave, to work.


    As for kinetic bombardment systems, they work against hardened targets and have considerable range (as the railgun prototypes and tank sabots demonstrate).  The problem is that it will just penetrate into the ground, leaving a hole a few inches wide on or near the target, without doing much else.  It's better to have an exploding projectile against soft targets that can actually transfer its energy to the targeted area.  Finally, orbital defenses like the SDI would work, but there are much cheaper missile-based missile defense systems like the Ground-Based Interceptor or the Israeli Arrow 3 that can do the job just as well.  That's why those systems aren't deployed; it's not that we can't do those things, it's that they just aren't the best way achieve certain effects in war.

  2. As a suggestion, it would be great to replace SU-25 with F-4E Phantom in your schedule because there are many SU-25 available for arma3 now.

    That's a good point, since RHS: Escalation already has both the A-10A and the Su-25 modeled in them.  If those won't suffice because of the lack of AWS, perhaps Firewill could ask to modify RHS' A-10 and Su-25, which would (presumably) save a lot of work creating those aircraft from scratch.  Many people (most notably beaar) have done retextures of their mods, so they seem to be open to the idea of others modifying their work (with their permission, of course).


    Also, will the Su-25 and MiG-29 require a new, separate AWS CSAT/Russia as opposed to the current AWS NATO/US/MNNA, or will the existing AWS be expanded in scope to accommodate the new non-NATO weapons used by those aircraft?

  3. i forgot the announce next projects for future, anyway let's start it.




    next new projects schedule

    - A-10 Warthog Series - late 2016

    - F-23A Grey Ghost / XF-23 Black Phantom : 2017

    - MiG-29 Fulcrum Series : 2017

    - Su-25SM3 Frogfoot : 2017

    - F-5E Tiger II Series : 2017~2018


    maintenance program list(not relate the schedule with new projects)

    - F-16 : F-16E/F Blk 60, F-16C/D Blk 3x, F-16AM, F-16V

    - F-14 : F-14A/B

    - F-15 : F-15SE / F-15S/MTD / F-15ASE

    Does that mean there won't be any more R-series units from the game (like the AH-99R or A-164R) in the near future, or are plans for such units not included on that list?




    Hiya Firewill,

    I have been going crazy(a short trip down a familiar path) trying to find a list that tells me what each weapon in your  FIR AWS US - AirWeaponSystem US/NATO  Is and how it is targeted. For instance,GBU-3   -  JADM  -  GPS  or something similar.


    I was hoping you (or anyone else) could point me in the right direction.






    I can make an excel sheet on Google Docs if you like describing the general size, traits, guidance system (if any), etc, of each of the munitions available.

    • Like 1

  4. Those are all decent mods but RHS is the pinnacle of the modding community for arma 3 IMO. Unfortunately, at least for me, RHS is so good that it's ruined every other unit mod out there. Since the latest release I've DL'd project Opfor, BAF, French, Swedish, Chinese, and Thai mod packs, hoping to have some different factions to play with in conjunction with rhs. Loaded them up played them for 10 minutes and then deleted them all except POpfor (no surprise being its mainly rhs content).. Mainly as I stated earlier is because of the sound quality in those mods. RHS has spoiled me for what I expect from mods now. BAF has pretty good stuff, now if only it used RHS sounds. Might try the BW mod again, maybe it will stack up. Lol

    Ironically Firewill's AWS module has ruined virtually every aircraft that doesn't support it, and the aircraft in RHS Escalation are the biggest examples of that (as much as I want to love them, they still have just 1 loadout option).  I guess no mod in Arma 3 has everything (that's why you need as many mods as your computer can handle  :D )

  5. I agree with the two above posts. Futuristic weapons, vehicles, etc. are just a turn off in a military fighter for me unless it's full blown like Halo, etc. Then you know what you're getting into.


    Mixing current with future is not a good idea. It breaks the immersion of the game, at least for me.

    The problem with maintaining the realism of Arma in a future setting is that everyone has a different idea of what the future will look like (Believe me; I've written down enough ideas about future technology and weaponry to describe practically all the equipment a near-future military would need).  I think that where they actually went, a future "backwater" which isn't important enough to get the latest weaponry and instead uses upgraded older equipment, was about as futuristic as they could get without losing too much authenticity.  I'm reasonably happy with the future setting as it is, it's different enough from typical modern day video game settings, and still has enough modern-day features to have realistic combat mechanics.

  6. First of all, let me thank you for making this mod and the AWS system. :)  I was just wondering if it's possible to access the AWS loadout system from the Eden editor.  If it's not, is it possible to make a mod that adds the AWS loadout editor into the Attributes section of the Eden editor?  I was thinking something along the lines of the 3den Enhanced mod, which adds a lot more customization options to the Eden editor (unfortunately the ability to edit AWS aircraft loadouts is not one of them).

  7. Hi, I go by AJE (as my name would indicate), and I'm kind of a history buff (an armchair general, especially when it comes to WWI or technology of any era).  I used to play (and mod) a lot of Wargame: Red Dragon, but I have terrible reflexes, so I never could get into FPS games, until I read about the slower pace of Arma.  


    I still can't really play Arma very well, (it takes me 3 full seconds to get a good steady aim at an AI when popping out from cover, while the AI can kill me in 2), but it's more reliant on strategy, and it includes an editor for all sorts of fun no matter how good or bad I am at Arma.


    I thought I would be able to create some mods for Arma as well as W:RD, but Arma is much more complicated, and it will take a lot more time to learn how to model and code units and weapons.

    • Like 1


    In these pics you can see a Tornado-MR (Multi Role), this is the result of the MRUP (Multi role upgrade programme) and it is used mainly in exported aircrafts... The main differences from the normal Tornado is a little upgraded fuel capacity, new radar and weapons system to make the Tornado able to engage air targets, this make it a good platform to launch long range AA missiles and then fly away really fast...

    This must not be confused with the tornado ADV that is a version only for the  air defense.

    This version will be used by the Altis Armed Forces in 2035.


    This will obviously have a loadout menu with different weapons options! 

    So it's like a hypothetical Super Tornado which combines all the capabilities and good features of the Tornado IDS, ADV, and ECR into one variant.  In that case, I can take a crack at what such a variant might include:

    • The stretched airframe with longer engine afterburner nozzles (better high altitude performance), more fuel capacity, and an inflight refueling probe from the ADV F3 variant
    • The uprated RB199 Mk 105 engines (the most powerful variant available) of the Luftwaffe ECR variant
    • An internal IR sensor with at least equal capability to the Tornado Infra-Red Reconnaissance System (TIRRS) low-altitude IR Sensor on the IDS GR4A variant (ideally it would be much more capable, as a general-purpose all-altitude IR sensor/laser target designator like those fitted to modern reconnaissance/targeting pods)-this eliminates the need to carry such a pod externally
    • The 2-cannon armament of most IDS variants (this might be difficult to incorporate along with the refueling probe, electronic sensors, or IR sensors (historically they each replaced one cannon), but with some rearranging and more modern, smaller sensors it should be possible to include all of this on the same airframe)
    • An upgraded avionics suite which would ideally contain an AESA radar to fit the large ADV radome, built-in ECM abilities equal to those on the Cerberus and Sky Shadow-2 ECM pods (this again eliminates the need to carry one of those pods externally), and electronic sensor abilities equal to those on the Luftwaffe ECR variant (the last 2 abilities could simply be included as different modes on the AESA radar)
    • The ability to mount AS 37/AJ 168 Martel, AIM-132 ASRAAM, and IRIS-T missiles, along with all other ordnance that was carried by any Tornado variant-the former were planned to be integrated on TSR-2, but not Tornado IDS despite it having a similar role and being well-suited to carry the missile (not to mention the successor to the Blackburn Buccaneer, which did carry them).  The Martel variants, though old, still provide abilities that even the modern ALARM or Brimstone cannot (mostly in range, IR sensor, and warhead size).
    • The ability to carry the BOZ-EC countermeasures pod as an upgrade to the Saab Bofors BOZ-101/102/107 chaff/flare pods- it adds a missile approach warning (MAW) system, a more modern countermeasures dispensing system, and a defensive aids controller to the older pods' design.

    Does that describe the Tornado-MR accurately?  (well, except for the 2nd cannon, ASRAAM/IRIS-T compatibility, BOZ-EC pod, and internal ECM abilities- the model still shows 1 cannon, an older AIM-9L/M, and the older BOZ and Sky Shadow-2 pods being carried)

  9. I read through this thread and I feel like I oughta make a few comments I don't see anyone else talking about. I also vomit words and can't write succinctly so I'll hide my garbage under a spoiler tag for you.



    NATO was displayed as having severely poor intel, and security for that matter, earlier in WIN and at the end of ADAPT. Firing on the FIA at the airfield (Miller's sabotage or not), losing literally every frontline defensive position at the end of their failed initial assault in one fell covert op (apparently, the single sentry that saw any enemies and lived was Kerry, assigned to a joke patrol while under suspicion), shelling civilians in Pygros, etc.


    And, presumably, at the higher levels Miller's activities were sanctioned and maybe even supported by NATO - even though Armstrong considers Miller 'not a friendly' early on, once he confirms his identity he quickly disallows Kerry from aiding him and cuts the sentence short, apparently angry.


    So, it's entirely possible that they legitimately were that disorganized and could not find the CSAT research group, especially since the 'final push' to separate and conquer the remaining enemy forces had a serious case of rushing and not covering their tracks. (RIP, Golf, may we never shell an enemy position and not secure it again...) Or, they legitimately overlooked the position to give Miller and his team the conditions they needed to retrieve the functional Device safely. Safely for the device that is. Not for James.



    While this is possible (and would make for an okay twist - I don't think many people had a high opinion of Miller by the end of The East Wind, he'd make an alright antagonist) he's in for a serious long con, and since he's in the briefing room cutscene at the end of Apex Protocol, he's overstaying his welcome by a lot if he's in for himself only.


    Also, why don't we look back to the 'secret room' in the FFV showcase, Marksmen DLC? It takes place before (I want to say a year, uncertain) before the main campaign, but it's a building with FIA men inside of it, along with a seismic map whiteboard and a laptop with Device Readings. CTRG has been helping the FIA for quite a while before the campaign, and they're probably the ones supplying and helping the FIA with that intel. Miller has been given a lot of help from the CTRG (and NATO by extent) and he's apparently left a bit of a paper trail, evidenced by that room and the picture that Gen. Armstrong managed to find for his whiteboard at the start of Win. I doubt he would get terribly far at the end of Apex if he didn't do his job, retrieving the Device safely.


    And by "In Safe Hands" I equated that to him handing it off to whoever is reverse-engineering or deploying the Device. Having nukes is one thing, but having a weapon that can cause massive damage with no trace distinguishable from natural disasters? Hoo mama, that's the good stuff right there – and why CSAT did NOT want to give a fully functional example to their enemies.


    Lastly, though this doesn't have to do with the ending I saw it discussed a bit earlier, it's my opinion the AAF took out Task Force Aegis due to Miller's arrival at Maxwell - the two events happen minutes apart. I think CSAT wanted the AAF to take out Miller's group, but the only way to do this without alerting the rest of Aegis was to literally kill everyone, somehow. So they planned a surprisingly smart ambush, for the downput 'greenbacks' (limiting island traffic, then ambushing the island's NATO commander and killing him before setting off the rest of the assault) and killed everyone, blaming it on an FIA terrorist attack backed by NATO.


    Anyway, now that I've ruined my reputation by being a BIG NERD I can have a nice nap.

    That was actually very well written, no need to hide it or be embarrassed about it.


    That being said, I haven't actually played the game (I keep getting killed by enemies I can't see), just watched other playthroughs, so this is mostly based on those.


    Miller had to have kept the device for other purposes; destroying a superweapon would have next to no effect.  There had to be a huge Manhattan-like project behind that device, and even if the Eastwind device that was taken was the only one they made (I highly doubt it, we built thousands of nukes as soon as we could, in fact it's very likely that the Eastwind device on Altis was a different one than the one used on Tanoa), the knowledge and resources to build another one are still available to the CSAT.  Destroying it would be like Japanese special forces capturing and destroying Little Boy on Tinian before it got loaded onto the Enola Gay to be dropped on Hiroshima.  There would be plenty of other bombs under construction in the US, ready to be dropped a few weeks later.  As I said earlier, there's probably more than 1 machine in existence at the time of the campaign.  To permanently destroy the Eastwind Device and the program which developed it (let's call it the Eastwind Project), the countless scientists and research labs in the various CSAT nations involved in its development would have to be destroyed, as well as all the information related to it stored in secret databases and countless servers almost anywhere in the world.  While that would make for an impressive Special Forces campaign, destroying that much is completely unrealistic (all information would probably be backed up in at least 3 locations at any given time- that's what I'd do with that information).  So it's safe to say that the genie (the knowledge to create Eastwind Devices) is pretty much out of the bottle, and it can't realistically be put back in.


    This means that the captured Eastwind Device had to be used for 1 of 2 purposes: Reverse engineering it, so that a sort of Mutually Assured Destruction with CSAT can be achieved (which would presumably prevent the widespread use of those devices), or developing a countermeasure or defense against it (I'll call such a program the "Westwind Project").  Since Mutually Assured Destruction would pretty much guarantee both sides to know of each other's possession of Eastwind Devices, and Miller apparently didn't want the world to know about them, I think he wanted to counter it with a Westwind Project.  It would make sense that he would want to keep knowledge of that secret, as if CSAT knew there was a Westwind Project, they would probably try to find a way to counter it in turn.  If the existence of the Eastwind Device was public knowledge, CSAT would assume NATO/CTRG would be working on a Westwind Project to counter it (even if they didn't know a working example had been captured), and plan a counter-countermeasure accordingly.  I think that's why Miller probably didn't leak its existence to the press the way the Apex protocol was exposed.

  10. I signed up onto the forums because I noticed the MPRL launcher had AT and AA variants despite using the same CLU.  While this may have been for balancing reasons in the vanilla game (at least according to some forum sources), I would prefer both types of missile be compatible with the same launcher in some of my scenarios.  In theory, it shouldn't be too hard, since it requires no new models, just enabling a weapon to take 2 different existing "ammo" types (the AT and AA missiles), but I know next to nothing about Arma 3 weapon scripts (despite some exploration).


    So, onto the general request: can anyone either mod either model of the Titan MPRL to accept both AT and AA missiles, make a new missile launcher that can use existing AA and AT missiles from the Titan, or show me how to edit the weaopn scripts so that I can edit them myself?

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