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Posts posted by Zakuaz

  1. Been a long time since I used vanilla weapons, Quick editor drop n go before heading to the office.


    Elements: BLUFOR Fire team, 2x OPFOR fire teams and a Recon team. Empty vehicles APC Gorgon and a Tempest covered cargo.


    Small arms fire had some nice report, I feel the sonic cracks in some cases maybe not "fun" enough (make them louder) haha. I will do a much larger field test this evening as I really want to hear more of the vehicles and weapons.


    The Gorgon, way different sounding! Interesting sound and the airbrake effect I think it was?  I like it -BUT- at the moment the sound doesn't mesh well with the over all audio experience... I think it's just a little to loud maybe?  I know in 3rd person view I quickly had to fit my earplugs in.  Bottom line; It's a cool sound just maybe needs some adjusting.


    The Tempest, I think I like the previous Tempest sound better but again like with the Gorgon it felt a little to loud for comfort. I'm sure the sound would grow on me overtime but atm it feels to loud.


    I wont lie, I quickly missed not having the Enhanced Soundscape mod active.  I've used it in conjunction with your standard JSRS sound mod for some time.  I understand not wanting to use any other sound mods while testing this Beta so I'll move fwd on that.


    So far so good for the general running around and shooty shoot stuff.


  2. Haleks, I'm running most of your modules for a "Savage" mission I like to do from time to time ( Ravage with out Zombies ).  The scenario is on Chenarus Redux, all is fine except from time to time I stumble onto a friggin zombie, serious!  


    I had found several dead zeds along various roadways and thought "wtf that's odd" but carried on.  Then the other day I was clearing a town and heard that sound... that distinct zombie bellow, the hair on my neck stood up haha, I was slightly freaked out, so I ran around and located the little bugger in a church of all places.  


    Just this morning I double checked my placed modules and there are no ambient/horde zombie modules or Ryans zombies, WF Thai zombies ...no zombies,  Crazy!


    I wonder if TPW has something hidden on his CIVs haha, it'd be pretty easy for him to check map or modules and add to the mayhem.


    It's no problem really and actually added some mystery to the scenario for me. Simply a curiosity.

  3. Sounds awesome Night515, does this mean an assets share that is transparent to us the users or are we going to see some big ass merger at some point?


    BTW I swear I posted over the weekend asking if those Tempest retextures are in Aegis live atm?  I searched for them but no dice...

    • Like 1

  4. Yeah those Zamak textures :eyeheart:  I've not taken a look at them in game yet. 


    More dirty stuff, I like the idea of that.  A really dirty pass on some of the vehicles  ( Gorgon, Marid haha ) would b awesome!  I might need to shut my mouth and open Substance Painter and/or Photoshop myself instead of hassling you all the time =) 

    • Like 1

  5. Awesome 7.62 madness has returned!


    Yeah I noticed  my heavy gunners' favorite helmet the woodland one was missing but if it's getting a redo then hellyeah!  There was a nice new one added, I don't recall the name but I plan to pour over my AI squads loadouts this evening and play with some of the new gear.

    • Like 1

  6. 52 minutes ago, terry123 said:

    I'm wondering if you can use _alluniforms, _allrifles to make random spawns with every mod I have and zombies with every uniform. So far I haven't been able to do it

    Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk


    That's a lot, well it could be!

    IIRC you can already tell it to use CUPs, IFA, Friths, WF Thai and something else can't you?  That alone is a crap load of diverse loadouts.

  7. More Gorgon skins, you can not go wrong with options! Will my Coaxial work now or do I still need to shoot Zombies with the 30mm?


    I'd like to see a Gorgon with cage and net all matched to something fitting for Chernarus Redux =)



    BTW thank you so much for all the added assets, truly is a must have mod IMO.

  8. Camp Ravage = A module 

    Preface: I have 5 survivors at the moment, I had 3 then lost 2 and gained 4 during a 6-ish hr Ravage tour of Chernarus Redux, I need something to do with these guys!


    I'd love to see a module I could place in Eden that would establish a "Base Camp" that creates a 50 or 100m radi spot, the Base Camp its self is innocuous and does not deploy or spawn any structures but it adds a scroll menu item to send the selected survivor there. Is that even possible? 


    This would be a module placed during mission creation -or- it would be cool if it was also attached to a bag/radio/rolled sleeping bag sort of item and player deployable, allowing us to establish/move Base Camp in-game.


    Pipe dream triggered!

    Module placed in editor has options like:

    Survivor Population:  Adds X amount of survivors to the camp. They'll stay there ( Garrison IIRC ) until selected to join squad or sent back to base camp.

    Recruitable:  Can the player recruit them or not. So I can play as the tacticool squad helping the plebs.

    Requires Resupply:  If you have survivors at the camp then the camp needs fuel, food, water in X amount over Y time

    Resupply interval: Game time 6,12 and 24hr selections maybe or just type in what ever value you desire?

    Requires Items:  Tent, Generator, vehicle... not sure where this is going.

    Camp issues Tasks: Does the Base Camp issue Resupply tasks to the player.  Requires a radio item equipped to player maybe?


    Not a comprehensive description of this wild ass idea but it's getting long.


    The short version/option would be a Ravage module you place in the editor that issues tasks to resupply your camp.  This would allow for some flexibility and immersion.  I create a zone, sync module to it and set interval of resupply and away I go haha


    Easy eh? =p


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  9. LarsAspras' post above has some nice SOAP suggestions!

    Just yesterday I was thinking about how cool it'd be to have more ambient sounds.


    Another sound ambiance desire:  I always have radio chatter on, I wont play with out it but I darn near have it memorized now haha.  I have no idea how much work that radio chatter is to put together but a new expanded mix of it would be awesome IMO.


    I was also curious to know if there would be a way to have an Intel option in TPW? 

    Something when toggled on would set down an intel folder at a random location from the maps index of towns/poi's.  Could auto set up a task objective of some sort based on a configurable set of criteria.

    E.g. in the HPP file I toggle on "Intel" then select one of two options for intel gathering type, 1= single document recovery, 2 = chain of intel recovery positions.

    Then you could also configure the style of intel, 1= classified document, 2= laptop, 3= device of some sort etc...

    Followed by the Intel briefing narrative, 1= Military "Command wants this intel recovered",  2= Survival "Possible stash location",  3= Zombie Survival "Information on the outbreak" and so on with what ever the imagination dreams up.


    These intel locations wouldn't be tied to any NPC spawns or conflicts...it is just an objective that overlays a players current mission set ( or lack there of like in Survivals). The beauty of it is that TPW spawns the intel obj over the top of lets say a RAVAGE mission, now I'm compelled to go see what this intel is in Elektro and just so happens I'll run into zombies ( Ravages ambient spawns) while I'm there.


    The idea came to mind while running around playing solo survival, shooting NPCs, looting and eating beans I thought "what if there was a little more substance as to why I'm going to travel across the map"  A simple objective not placed by me could go a long way in the immersion IMO.

    Just a long winded thought =)



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  10. Yeah it's no longer in the optional folder. 

    I pushed the overcast way up and killed the rain for a few hours but damn that maps dark when you up the cloud cover hah.  And that is not a complaint AT ALL, I love the fact the map isn't washed out looking, the deep contrast is wicked IMO.


    Was chasing zombies around the map all weekend and it continues to impress, never experienced an Arma map with this level of detail before, amazing!

    A combo of Ravage, Z&D, VSM, SMA and TPW goes a long way on this map, pretty sure I'll be busy for months here lol.


    0_o seems I was logged into my other account for that other post... or is this my old one...bah no matter, =)

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  11. Question for you TPW =)

    Is there a way I can specify the exact Civ faction to use in your mod?


    I've been running Alive on the Lythium map and I am using Massi Middle East WF units as Opfor.  

    Obviously TPW is in use for all the ambiance.

    I was seeing a lot of Civs with Euro/western clothing on - So I dusted off the old CAF Ag mod, I didn't want to see ambient Civs running around Afghanistan in swimming trunks and surf shirts.

    But I still see some western looking Civs ( still see shorts on but no more bright looking "O'neill" style surf shirts) from time to time and never a very accurate looking Afghani/Middle Eastern  dude.  


    I am using your latest version along with CAF but maybe the CAF civs you pull from are not what I expect them to look like =) Almost sounds bad hahah, stereotypes... 


