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Everything posted by Vicashh29

  1. Vicashh29

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi guys, i'm having problems with Lock-In Target when playing Antistasi with ACE enabled. The Disposable NLAW works fine, and the Titan MRPL (The AA version) works fine too, the problem is with the Titan AT Version, i can Lock In Targets with ACE Keys (Tab while Thermal Vision) but every rocket will just miss the target, no matter what, they will fly away from it or too short, even if the Lock In is completed, i tried it with Ace Enabled in VR and works fine, tried it in other MP missions, works fine, but when i fire at something in Antistasi, no matter what, the rocket will just miss it's target, i read somewhere that i have to Max ZOOM with the Titan, but the Zoom keys is on the Numpad wich my keyboard doesn't have, neither i find the option to change it's keybind since i can't find nothing in the Controls menu, any help? Ty so much
  2. Vicashh29

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Thank you very much! :)
  3. Vicashh29

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi guys, just a simple question. I came back to this mission few days ago (with a friend of mine) and wow, MP is even better we're having a blast, thank you for this it's just so polished and optimized it seems an AAA content. Back to us, we run a LAN Server (we're 2 maybe 3 sometimes, but mostly 2) and we just started, not so much going on atm, apart from scavengin and stealing what we can, we would like to add some new weapons, since we didn't start with RHS and i don't want to load it mid campaign, will there be a problem if we load NIArms Mid campaing? Will my save get corrupted? Another simple question: Afaik the only way to get NIArms is the Black vendor who spawn with the quest, am i right? Or i'm missing somthing and there are maybe some other ways to obtain new weapons? Oh yes, we're just running ACE - BC Phoenix - JSRS4 APEX - CBA3 Thank you!
  4. Idk if i did something wrong at this point, i edited the pbo tho (to let AI go unconscious) but i'm pretty sure i left the Medical System to basic, i can heal my friend and IA w/o problems, they come back up after epinephrine and i don't have all the advanced options, so i'm pretty sure the system is set to Basic, but after the 30 min i can't transfer blood to anyone even if i have blood bags in my Inventory.
  5. Guys i have a question, i'm playing an MP mission (Lan) with a bunch of friends and we love ace3 medical system, we still have to try the advanced medical system, we don't know if we want to make our life harder so we're happy with the basic medical system atm. The only thing that we don't like to much it's the 30Min Lifetime of Blood Bags once they are removed from a storage, i know it meant for being realistic and i have no problem with it, but we would like to change it by our own, is this something we can do? Like adding 20-30 minutes of lifetime to Blood Bags. We're totaly noob with scripting editing and stuff, i have no idea what to do and even if it's possible, but if it's possible i would like to know how. Thank you :)
  6. Vicashh29

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    That's why there's a (Keep it cold) tip, i knew it it was something like this. So afaik Saline isn't used in Ace3 Basic, what should i do for keep my Blood IV cold but still in my Inventory? We're just noot good enough to switch to Advanced Medical Thanks!
  7. Vicashh29

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Guys i don't know if this the right topic but i have a problem with this mission, well actually is more an ACE3 problem. I'm playing the KP_Tanoa version with a friend of mine, LAN Server, i'm hosting. Since we're not so much but we love ace3 medical system, i edited the tanoa pbo with some modules so we can heal with bandages cpr blood etc, IA Too. Everything works fine except that at some point the option to transfer blood just disappear, we can bandage and all the other stuff but we can't transfer Blood, i can't transfer blood to IA or to my friend, he can't neither, the courious fact is that we usually can for a limited period of time, we always try to use it at the start of the mission to make sure it works, and it works, than after like 20-30 min of play we can't give blood to anyone, if i restart the mission it usually work again for a short period, than poof, gone. We're using Basic Medical System and this mods: CBA_A3 - BC-Phoenix - ACE3 - JSRS4 Apex Can someone help us? Thank you :)
  8. Just completed the survey, good luck with this new project, i really loved the first HS and i'm really hyped for this one!
  9. Vicashh29

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (continued)

    Hi guys, i have a couple of simple questions i would like to ask. First of all i'm really enjoying the mission so far, i'm playing it with a friend of mine on LAN and we are having lot of fun, heres the questions: 1- We are kinda noobs with the game, so in the early beginning we accidentally killed a lot of civs to the point our Ammo went down to -70, is there a way of restarting all over again? I'm noob about save files location etc, if i run the Local Game again it just load to the point we left it, how do i restart all over again if i want to? 2- When we met to play what i do is start the game as the first time we did, but the game give me the options of chaning parameters everytime (Like shortert nights, first FOB already built, Difficulty, and so on .... ) do changing parameters affect the game if the last time we played parameters were differents? Ex: We met last night and played at normal difficulty, if i restart the game tonight and change it to Hard will this affect the game? I mean, do changing parameters affect the game everytime i want to play or just the first time i run the server? 3- Do you suggest me to not change parameters if i'm not starting all over again? (can changing parameters everytime be dangerous for the save file?) EX: We started with first fob already built, if i run the game tonight to keep going from where we were the "default" parameter it's: Start the game with first Fob already built = NO, but we already have the first fob already built, can this corrupt the game or something? 4- If i want to save and go to bed, do i just "Esc" "Abort" or there is a safer way to make sure i'm saving? I'm always scared next time i'll play the game will restart all over. That's pretty much it, sorry for my english, i'm Italian. Thank you very much,
  10. Vicashh29

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I love this game
  11. Vicashh29

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    Hi guys! 2 Questions for you 1- After a lot of farming/tasks i took a power plant (first "big" objective) and Intel Told me AAF Got 820K €, i'm sitting at 2K with no HR income because i have basically 0 support Is it possible to keep going or they are just too rich right now? Want to mention that i couldn't keep the power plant because there's a Base 1KM from it and they were shooting at us standing there The Power plant is the one near Zaros, wich have a near base with a Radio Tower in it, just so you can have an idea 2- I had 30% Support on Zaros, Supply Delivery task pops out, took the truck to zaros (Task completed pops out) and support went down to 25%, why? :( Thanks :)
  12. Vicashh29

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    So you hit "Resume" everytime you start a new session? I've been using restart/load previous session so far Well, nice to know ty :)
  13. Vicashh29

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    That's something i can't do. I can persistent save at HQ only afaik, and after i reload all tasks disappear (I Spawn at HQ W/O my gear) It took me like 15-20 mins to clean all the guys near the truck, they were hiding behind some trees and since i just have Arco/Mrco for sniping it wasn't easy at all, after that time i took the truck went to the to road and after few seconds "boom" if i respawn i lose all the gear i had + some money, so i usually Reload but have start all over again. To be clear, i'm not looking for an Easy mission where i just kill every1 by myself and get control of the island as a Lone Wolf, i'm just asking for tips on how to get throu this kind of challenge, now let's stop the complaining, i'm getting a little bit better, here some questions tho. 1- When i call in mortar strike after i chose the type of ammo and SP/Barrage the game tells me to select a position on the map, but the "ammo" and "type of attack" keep pops out, if i click the map nothing happen, i usually have to click "Back" 10 times before the message disappear and i'm able to select the position EDIT: Fixed this i was missing the GPS in my inventory 2- If i rest at Campfire sometimes after i rested a message pops (Nato Prestige Changed +X) When do i get this? Why? Why sometimes i get 10-12 and sometimes 5 i have nothing but my HQ, and the support it's like 33 Civs in the whole map 3- Best way to get some Sniper scopes? Found some spotter in the wild they had what i was looking for but unlocking them in the arsenal looks hard :( 4- If i'll ever plan to move out what should be my first "Big" objective? I heard that power plants are a must before starting your expansion 5- I found an AAF "Outpost" on a mountain, 4 Guys + a Truck and they even had an Ammobox, is there a way to know where those outpost are? Like intel or something like this? Map don't provide any Intel on Outpost :( 6- Back to the task i mentioned before, the one when you get the AID Truck who was spotted by an AAF Patrol, as i said i found a convoy who killed me, what i want to know is, was just bad luck OR AAF send out patrols because i killed them and stealed the truck? Ty again guys, sorry for my english
  14. Vicashh29

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I mean, i can reload but i just wasted 30 mins doing something Hard (at least for me) accomplished it and just watch all my work gone, again and again and again. I just need to get the hang of it probably, i like this kind of challenge, sometimes the "response time" is just too much for me, example: i just wiped out an outpost from distance (Like 300m) went in with car for loot and escape, in 5 min a 6 man squad was there :( Guess that's the point, sometimes you have time sometimes no just have to learn to play the mission, but sometimes i'd like to rage quit so bad :D Btw ty guys for the help
  15. Vicashh29

    [SP/CO8] A 3 - Antistasi Altis.

    I'm bad at this game, no doubt. And my english is bad too (sorry guys) But the early it's MEH, i'm playing it as SP and i love this mission as much as i hate it. It remember me Dark Souls but harder. I understand the warfare simulation and guerrilla tactis, all the mission is nicely done but there's literally too many things to do before reach something you can call a "Set up" especially if tasks spawn 3+ Km away from my HQ (Can't go offroad and can't get throu road blocks) I tried many start strategies, AI is not an option at the start (Not before 2/3 trainings) Playing as a Lone Wolf and want to share some experience with you: Supply Task, get a truck go to "City" wait 2 min=Profit, no. last city i went to had 10 AAF Soldiers + a Strider, i mean i'm delivering supplies not gonna Rape their childrens, i know they don't like me but rly, 10/15 infantry+ a Strider JUST for this kind of task? Another Example, Supply Truck task went spotted and you have to recover it and deliver it. Went to the place found a Transport truck full of soldiers, must have been 8/10, managed to kill them all from distance, went into the truck loaded it and after like 200m a Strider +2 Tank spotted me, game over It's like every "Easy" Task is anyway too hard for the early stages Only usefull thing i unlock are RGO Nades. That's just 2 of the frustrating things happened to me while playing this, always so close to accomplish something but never make it AI it's useless at the start as i said before, they just die and do nothing (they have bad weapons too, not totally their fault but well..) I tried the "Easy" Start, but feel not satisfied at all playing that way. Would be nice if at least early tasks like city supplies were a little easier (Like 2-3 bad guys waiting for you, not an army) sometimes i play for 2-3 hours and do no progress at all, it's just try ,die, load. Anyway, the mission is one of the best i every played, it's hard but at the same time when you accomplish something (Yes i did something lol) the reward make you so satisfied, too bad it's rare atm. Any tips for a pure SP player? At least for the early stages Ty guys and GJ Barbolani, the mission is wonderful, probably it's just me being bad at this game, or SP need some tweaks :P P.S Sorry for my english
  16. Vicashh29

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    I hope you guys will be able to help me (Sorry for my english in advance) I know this mission it's intended to be played as MP scenario, but i couldn't convince any of my friends to buy arma :( and almost all the servers are hosting the Tanoa version, wich i don't have. So i would like to play this mostly as a SP, here's the problem: I can manage to get cities, radio towers and factories but the Military Camps are a nightmare, best i can do is recruit like 9 AT guys and hope for the best but i usually fail. Any tips you can give me? This is the best mission i'v run into so far, i really like the concept of taking cities keep them and all the others features this mission offer and it would be really sad for me not being able to play this as i would like to. I know we can add ALIVE to help SP with CAS and stuff but i'm not the right person to do it (Never Opened editor so far) I know i could jump into a MP servers but yes, my english is bad, i can understand it but will not be my best experience imho, getting into a community of players who all understand each others and probably know them since they play toghether for a long time it's not the easist thing to do. So what's the best things i can do for improve the SP experience of this awesome mission? thanks to everyone who will lost some minutes to reply this, i know it's kinda of a weird answer but well....i love this mission so bad :P
  17. A restart fixed everything, exactly what i was looking for, the ALIVE Tablet Menu works too (Found how to open it thanks to you) The mission is a lot of fun so far, still feel a bit lost since there's really few infos on the map but i gues that's what you were looking for. Thanks a lot and gj, keep up the good work :)
  18. Hi Jcae, sorry for my english, i'm Italian so ye i will mess a up a lot, hope this post is going to be clear, forgive me for any grammar error or stuff like that. First of all good job with the mission, i loved Hunter Six and i'm still playing it very often even if i'm an Arma Noob, and that's why i'm going to ask few question about this. I'm having some issues on how to play this (i played like 1 hour yesterday and did not encounter any bugs, but neither enemies or some action) i think i'm doing something wrong here. I started the mission, did some stuff with arsenal and recruited my team... all fine. Then i went directly for the informant, took a bit for me to figure how to tell the heli to transport me and my team (That's probably because i'm an Arma noob but something like an Hint would be cool at least at the very beginning) The informant told me about and IED, went there with Heli Again, did not find the IED probably because i had no IED Specialist in my team, not to bad i said let's just explore around a bit i'll take care of this later... Starting from the base i went to all the cities (3-4 cities if i remember correctly) surrounding it, nothing; no civs no enemies, nothing, i kept going but after like 30 min of car/run/Walk i was still alone in Altis, i tought it could be a bug but idk tbh. So yes, what i would really appreciate here it's something that give you Hints on what to do at the very beginning, in Hunter Six at the start you can go to the Aid truck, and while driving stop sometimes to get Int from Civs then it's all starting to work and from there you decide what to do next because the mission offers you a lot of tasks and stuff. Here some questions too: 1- Is there a way to call Heli Transport to pick you up? So far i just talk to the pilot tell him to drop me off at a certain point and wait for me, because if i tell him to RTB i have no idea how to call him again (Kinda walked around this with Fast Travel to base, is this work as intended?) 2-Not very clear how Fast Travel between bases works, i mean there's only 1 at the start, no idea on what to do for having others around the map 3-If i lose the transport bird is there a way to replace it? 4-You said it's better to keep viewing distance to 750, i started with 900 may it be a problem? I'm Running this mods CBA Alive JSRS3 That's all i think Forgive me again for all this grammar errors my english it's still pretty bad. Thanks in advance for any reply and again Good Job with this mod, i'm pretty sure i'll enjoy it once i figure out how it works