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neon dash

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About neon dash

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  1. neon dash

    Using Arma 2 mods the simple way

    if this is in the wrong area feel free to move this post, as i just make this acct and for what ever reason i cant start a new ARMA 2 CO/OA thread... Heres my issue (not sure if it has to do with a mod or not) i've reinstalled Arma 2 CO SEVERAL TIMES and yet STILL have this error : http://imgur.com/fN0vfZK and yes ive googled this issue yet here it is OVER 2 WEEKS LATER and STILL no fix :( this is preventing me from playing ANY form of multiplayer even a LAN game!!! i'm starting to give up hope on there arma series because of this tbh, i love making my own missions in arma 2 and arma 3 is way to limited for me IMO the other issue im having is that despite being uninstalled and DELETING all the profile/mission folders some of the missions are STILL showing up as seen here: http://imgur.com/I3wQI4w SOME ONE HELP im losing hope in one of my fav games T.T