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Everything posted by Kaleu

  1. Hephaestus is a Forward Operating Site (FOS) located west of the main airport Altis... //History Building during the civil war to maintain control of the industrial area nearby which was extremely important for the AAF, after the end of the same served as observation field monitoring activities around the airport. In the present day has a small QRF and rotatory troops, the old factory turned into a military depot. //Useful Links Dropbox Source Files Steam Workshop Imgur Album
  2. Helios is a small observation post located south of Altis... History: Created to observe the maritime movement of pirates and civilian boats in Pyrgos Gulf entrance and its surroundings. Later he received a small expansion to the northeast of its main facilities of which it became the station itself, where now stands the old station was built a helipad and some deposits equipment/ammunition. Useful links: Dropbox Source Files Steam Workshop Imgur Album
  3. For my tests this function was removed. But you can still access the 2D editor by pressing Ctrl-O in the selection of maps editor, however if you want you can also ask them to add it again (would be useful) https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184951-eden-feature-requests/ :)
  4. Thanks man worked perfectly :)
  5. Guys me again, I'm now having a problem with "bis_fnc_holdActionAdd" He can't read the script I did for some reason I still do not know (for me the code is written correctly). Here is the code params ["_object"]; [ /* 0 object */ _object, /* 1 action title */ "Upload", /* 2 idle icon */ "\a3\ui_f_exp_a\Data\RscTitles\RscEGProgress\downloadicon_ca.paa", /* 3 progress icon */ "\a3\ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\simpleTasks\types\upload_ca.paa", /* 4 condition to show */ "true", /* 5 condition for action */ "true", /* 6 code executed on start */ {["Raposa do Deserto", "Começando o upload"] call BIS_fnc_showSubtitle}; {[_object, 3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate}, /* 7 code executed per tick */ {hint "Uploading..."}, /* 8 code executed on completion */ {["Raposa do Deserto", "Upload completo"] call BIS_fnc_showSubtitle}; {["Marsupial", "Dados recebidos com sucesso"] call BIS_fnc_showSubtitle}; {[_object, 0] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate}, /* 9 code executed on interruption */ {["Data Center", "Dados corrompidos, necessario reiniciar o processo"] call BIS_fnc_showSubtitle}, /* 10 arguments */ [], /* 11 action duration */ 10, /* 12 priority */ 0, /* 13 remove on completion */ true, /* 14 show unconscious */ false ] call bis_fnc_holdActionAdd; And that is what is in the INIT of the object null = this execVM "data_terminal\data_1.sqf" EDIT: The error is that
  6. It looks like I'll miss a few more hours of sleep then. EDIT: I was using a wrong syntax
  7. It's just me that I can't call "Spawn BIS_fnc_showSubtitle" through a file .SQF ?
  8. Kaleu

    [REQUEST] ORBAT Tutorial

    Thank you man, you saved my morning (are 05:00 in the morning in Brazil kkk).
  9. Kaleu

    [REQUEST] ORBAT Tutorial

    Hello I am new here in the forum and I wanted to help you. Anyway I wanted to know what is wrong with my code Here he is