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Posts posted by BattleChief

  1. Hey, I completed it guys, to all those who wanna find some stuff, feel free to try my new mission...I can't wait for the furniture Evil! OH! They added ravage compatibility to Project SFX! 


    EDIT: I did remember how you helped me out in my earlier Ravage missions Fire, I didn't forget you...

    All the key people who helped me out got a mention, and that's why I encourage you guys to look at my honorable mentions area in the game :D I paid more attention my mentions than the camps I put around 

    • Like 2

  2. 2 hours ago, lv1234 said:



    Would the layout of the document matter or i can just paste in the code that executes my script into that document and it should work?

    From what I understand, you should be able to paste in the code, I do it with a large code I have for the initial spawn when someone starts the game

  3. 2 hours ago, cosmic10r said:


    the backpack addition happens post init so its likely that your remove is executing before the addition of the backpack


    I have tried to isolate and remove the inventory addaction or workaround it but because the trader inventory is tied to the overall inventory i cant lock it out without locking the buy and sell


    We will need Haleks on this one :(

    Well darn, I guess I can skip that for now and keep rolling along with other features...I do have to ask that you try this scenario, when I'm done of course. I love my little additions that make references to people :D 


    Check out the Cave system of Gromada when you get the chance :P


  4. 3 hours ago, cosmic10r said:


    He has been busy behind the scenes creating compos for the furniture system as well.


    All hail Evil.... lol




    I think Haleks knows about that issue... I'll see if i can come up with a workaround until its fixed.

    Thank you SO MUCH! T_T and I had a feeling he had something to do with the furniture, he does have a used furniture sign around on this thread lol...I am documenting all the scripts I use, and I have successfully modified a spawn script that Jimmakos put on the thread before. Instead of just a burning car, I replaced it with a hunter :P


    EDIT: I have tried to use the remove backpack script, but the backpack pops up shortly after I start the game, I am doing all this in the editor, and it doesn't stop the pack from appearing...

  5. @Evil Organ

    8 hours ago, Evil Organ said:

    @BattleChief, try this instead....

    [this, "STAND", "ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; this setVariable ["isTrader", "rvg_arms_s", true];


    Thanks Evil, I never have any luck when it comes to the scripts, it never helps that when I run into a problem, I have usually been up for nearly 24 hours lol....I haven't even gotten the basics down, I have been working on scripts and animations...


    EDIT: Praise be unto Evil! it works! You seem to either have a knack for getting the best of things right! First I see your comment in the Project SFX page, and asking about getting it compatible with Ravage, and now your saving me a whole lot of time fiddling with scripts...You, Haleks, cosmic10r, Jimmakos, and the rest of the REALLY helpful people on here are life savers! I hope your fortunes increase tenfold for your help, Thank you.

    • Like 3

  6. If I may break the cycle here for a bit...I went through some of the previous posts, and I came across the Static trader script...I am trying to use it right now, I can not seem to get it to work for me...I have the AI set up to do his ambient animation, but I can't seem to get him to become a trader. I have the ambient AI enabled, and I just can't seem to get it to work...


    This is what I have :

    [this, "STAND", "ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; [this setVariable "isTrader", "rvg_arms_s", true];


    All it tells me for the error is "ERROR Generic error in expression" I got no clue what I gotta do..


  7. Hm, I remember using the outfit override once...had ghillie zombies running all over...good times...Now, cause i'm quite curious, I found an Alice pack, I have the basics for Jimmako's Esseker map, and I didn't notice an alice pack in the RHS gear...is this an item added to Ravage? I am sorry if it was mentioned somewhere, I haven't been here in a good while...



    EDIT: I do stand corrected...it is part of the RHS packs, I just haven't touched the editor in a LONG time lol, never mind me then XD

  8. Question, any way to get more mods compatible with Ravage? I know we already got the RHS packs together....but I would like to point a finger at NIarms, sweet selection of guns there that would be nice to have in a gun fight

  9. 3 hours ago, aseliot said:


    I thought I read somewhere there was somekind of ravagegear array. And maybe some public function to gear a unit too? Otherwise I will just open the pbo and search for something myself.

    Hm, I haven't seen much for stuff like that...for how many missions I have made (only 2 published so far...) I haven't seen much on just specific areas...good luck though

  10. 4 hours ago, aseliot said:

    Do you have any functions/arrays I can use to spawn ravage units/loot in an area? Have been looking into the wiki but can't find anything.

    In a specific spot? No, but all across the map you can have Ravage loot spawn, its in the modules under systems in the Eden editor, and its under Ravage. If your asking about a specific spot, I do not believe you can, it can affect certain buildings (chosen in the loot module) and that can limit it to those only, but its in sets like "Arma 3 buildings", "Namalsk Buildings", etc. 

  11. Read at your own risk, only warning


    Searched the whole place, nothing to hint to where I need to go to now..Like everything is clear, not a thing there but empty buildings.Do I just wander around? I am seriously confused about how this is supposed to go....I just want to complete this...it says you can't recruit people until the scenario is over


  12. OK, I am slightly scared...


    I was just doing a routine clearing of corpses and was about to go explore Oreokastros...and I got ambushed...I lost Frost due to a machine operated car with a HMG on the back...I don't think there is any way to destroy these? without explosives or a LMG?

  13. 13 hours ago, R0adki11 said:

    Please use the spoiler tags when discussing missions, i 've edited your previous post. But i've not got round to playing the whole mission i didn't need to know that bit of information. :(

    Will do, I am sorta new to the whole thing, I am sorry. 



    Also, 28 years later...I went to the large research area where it said to go...but I found no one but zombies...soon after, a runner killed frost, so I lost the ability to look around some more [/spolier]


  15. 19 hours ago, tortuosit said:


    You're not the first one asking for this. There are probably two types of players, lone wolf wanderers and base builders... E.g. I do not need base building at all. I think you rather will not see it in Ravage - you'll have to use addons for this.

    I agree about the bandits being armed too well. To me they are quick loot stations. Maybe Haleks could add more control :)

    I do agree that it does kill the game just a little, but I do want to be able to make a home, so as to maybe attract attention and give purpose to the game. I would prefer a sort of ability to build stuff like barricades so you can make a sort of barricade to keep them out while you loot a large area, or to make it a building for fighting off a horde or a large group of bandits...
