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Everything posted by techladdie

  1. I've been fiddling around with Vcom for a bit, but it's been a recent addition to my A3Wasteland MP mission, which uses civilians as the AI (with the other factions as playable). I'm not too sure if Vcom has control over them, as I read this on the Armaholic page: Just wanted to see if there was anything I needed to do other than the basics of installing it to get Vcom to control CIV? Cheers 🙂
  2. I was using the previous version of VCOM, and when I upgraded I cleared everything out. I see this many times when I try to launch my server: I've looked at the rpt files but I don't really see any red flags... [EDIT]: Code wasn't in the correct part of class CfgFunctions, nevermind :)