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About Methking

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  1. Methking

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    really, for what? this room/entry makes no sense. AND I tested the pathfinding on tanoa, its terrible! At least most towns on tanoa has walkable housetops and a couple of those are connected with each other - fine, the AI cant walk on those. If you spawn a civ car via Zeus and set a waypoint as example to the next town it will never arrive undamaged. Or spawn a A-10 on any arfield as example the largest on tanoa and order to take off - it will kiss the jungle. Result: Tanoa is sadly a horror for coop missions atm.
  2. Methking

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I dont understand the buildings on Tanoa. Are they WIP?? http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/271725310714806634/A00288440F74B9F81D5814EE3A06A8836722E91A/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/271725310714795467/D967945270936DBD5F8CD71D2649CBFA2A293018/ http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/271725310714802658/91AE17320B31217B369C87C5744837D47A6D08E9/
  3. Methking

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Strike Response Unit, Sir!
  4. Methking

    Arma 3 Units - Feedback thread

    Perhaps it is intended... i cant edit my unit-profile - tested with mozilla and chrome, the only thing i see is the header "EDIT" - on chrome it displays the edit-form for a second and then it disappears :huh: