i just wanted to say this mod is awesome
i was playing it as part of the Conspiracy:Survivor scenario and the zombies are really well done...mad props
can anyone recommend any other SP or COOP missions that use this mod?
im playing this right now and the walking dead theme comes on every 5mins lol its actually kind of funny
there are some bugs but idk if its because arma2 has been updated since this was released
edit: for some sort of bizarre reason all the survivors in the hideout are in a subcamp surrounded by hescos and can't get out
edit2: hey...great job on the mission....the airport is my favorite part so far....i wish there were more games like this arma2 is a perfect platform for them
edit3: there is a serious need for some way to siphone fuel out of the fuel truck and carry it with you on vehicles when going on raids...im finding all these vehicles but how am i supposed to get them back to base with no fuel and the fuel truck itself comes with almost no fuel so i can't drive it to the other bases either
script stalkerinit.sqf not found......is this a problem?
edit: also, "cannot load texture dapzsm.paa" =(
edit2: on QL, i can't get out of the trader inventory screen =(