Hi Kolmain
Let me start by saying how grateful we are that you revived the Sahrani version of this incredible mission. Thank you!
It's fantastic to be able to run around the familiar old area with the familiar old weapons and vehicles.
Here is our feedback so far:
1. FARP's seem to be broken. The tent spawns but it doesn't service vehicles, nor can one rearm or access the Arsenal there.
2. Side missions don't spawn, and there doesn't seem to be a way to request them manually.
3. There needs to be a light inside the hangar at base. New spawns literally can't see anything if they join at night.
4. We cleared the first three towns last night and did not encounter any armor at all. No BRDMs, no BMPs, no tanks. We only saw UAZs, trucks, helicopters and jets.
Smaller issues:
5. At the rank that you unlock the M24 (Sgt, I think) you don't have access to a marksman sight, only the ACOG.
6. The cleanup script for the unarmed vehicles (Hummers and Littlebirds) seems to be a tad aggressive. Same for the dead bodies.
Aside from that, we did not encounter any performance issues. On the contrary, it ran very smoothly.
Looking forward to further iterations!