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About Tomczyk271

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  1. You're welcome :) Making object invisible ends with ground units only pointing their weapons on it, without firing. But I did not check if changing object size will influence their behavior, so you may give it a try ;)
  2. Hello thirith! I've found a partial solution to this. First put some units in the area and name each of them, for example: s1, s2, s3 and so on. Then put near them an empty, small object (for testing I've used a briefcase), name it, for example t1, and in it's init field put: this setPosASL [position this select 0, position this select 0, 55]; // This make it hover in the air t1 enableSimulation false; // this prevent it from faling down and also disable it's other physics (for example collision with other objects) Then put some choppers on the map, name them for example h1, h2 etc. Then create a trigger, name it for example trg1, and make appropiate conditions for it. In this case, in trigger's condition field, put: h1 in thislist or h2 in thislist or h3 in thislist; //and so on, it depends on how many choppers do you have And in trigger's on act field put: {_x doFire t1;} forEach [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5]; // array of units depends on how many do you have them Then create some other small object, name it, for example t2, and in it's init field put: hideObject this; Then create another trigger, set countdown time (for example 15 seconds in each field) and put: triggerActivated trg1; // in it's condition field {_x doFire t2} forEach [s1,s2,s3,s4,s5]; // this goes into trigger's on activation field This stop the soldiers from firing. Notes: 1. In my tests units won't shoot (only point their weapons at) target that is higher than 55 (but they can start throwing grenades or shooting their underbarrel GLs). 2. Target cannot be too small (I've used baseball ball, same results as above, without tossing grenades). 3. Target cannot be invisible (same result). 4. First trigger must of course cover the area in which helicopters will make ground units fire. 5. The result can be rather eerie, when pilots see briefcase floating in the air. At least it won't be danger to the helicopters (due to enableSimulation false;). 6. For best visual effects set mission to be in nighttime (at least briefcase will not be easy to spot, and the tracers will look cool ;) ). My regards :)
  3. Thank you very much, Spunkmeyer! Also, thirith: when you get familiar with the editor, you could use A2B Editor, to avoid misspelling in commands such as setSimpleTaskDescription etc. But remember to put lines generated with aforementioned application in {} and add forEach playableUnits in the code ;)
  4. Hi thirith! I am also quite new in editing and scripting, but I guess that you don't have to create tasks for every player manually. There is an easier way to do it, which I found on this forum: For example: You want to set two tasks: first is destroying SCUD missile launcher, and second is evacuation. So put this in init field of the leader of your group: {tsk1 = _x createSimpleTask ["scud"]; tsk1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Destroy Scud missile launcher", "Destroy Scud", ""]; _x setCurrentTask tsk1; tsk1 setTaskState "Assigned"; tsk2 = _x createSimpleTask ["evac"]; tsk2 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Evacuate from the area of operation", "Evacuation", ""]; tsk2 setTaskState "Created";} forEach playableUnits; Remember that you can have only one name per one task. Because of this, first task is called tsk1, and second tsk2. But I still can't find out how to set state of this tasks as succeeded. Putting: {tsk1 setTaskState "Succeeded";} forEach playableUnits; or tsk1 setTaskState "Succeeded"; in trigger on act field do nothing :( Maybe some other user could find a solution to this :)