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Everything posted by Plasmasuka

  1. Maybe this : Mission Overview could help you.
  2. Plasmasuka

    Custom Saving & Loading

    Hello ! Maybe you could try a workaround. Like using playMission at the end of "playerKilledScript.sqs". -> Restart the mission immediately after the player is dead. Also you could use : enableSaving and allow the player to save only when some conditions are met. Hope it helps. Have a nice day :)
  3. Hello ! You can check in the eden editor : addons options -> ACE Medical. I think there is an option there. I can't check now, but i'll do this evenning. Have a nice day !
  4. If i've understood well, you simply want to randomselect a Task and remove it from the task list. This should do the trick : _tasks = [ _task1, _task2, _task3, _task4, _task5, _task6 ]; _randomTask = selectRandom _tasks; _tasks deleteAt (_tasks find _randomTask);
  5. Hello ! You could use this function : BIS_fnc_neutralizeUnit Have a nice day :)