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About mechE

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  1. mechE

    3D Editor EDEN Trigger Problems?

    Anyone else still getting erratic trigger behavior in Eden since the 1.60 hotfix? I was in the middle of building a mission when I got the update, and am having trouble with triggers set to fire to a group owner and its members. Reproducibility is something I will have to check, because the effect is different between two triggers in my mission that do the exact same thing--detect presence (as stated, to group members) and sync to create-task and set-task-state modules. No hosting test was done pre-1.60, as nothing was finished. All triggers worked as intended in SP editor test, and host-side in MP editor test. Erratic behavior is when MP hosted on non-dedicated. Trigger1 issues: (presence of any member of sync'd group, playerGroup) Works perfectly and as intended at first. Then, 45 minutes into the mission, the task suddenly re-creates, re-assigns, and re-completes many times over and then stops. -Am I correct in thinking this is solved with an isServer condition added to the trigger, where I am getting a client-side delay that decides later to run the trigger activities? Trigger2 issues: (" ") Does not work at all, whether client or host presence within trigger perimeter. It should also be noted that the two triggers are in no way linked via create-task or set-task-state modules, and a client was in the "player" designated slot, host (me) in a "playable" slot in the same group. EDIT: Trigger3 issues: (checks if an AA squad named groupAA is !alive, syncs to tasks; other params set to none/none) This single trigger is depended upon to both "succeed" one task and "create" another with sync'd modules. However, I can only get this to work when I copy/paste the trigger, and sync both to the same modules. Issue present in all play modes.