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Posts posted by SiliconPyro

  1. Hey I just started playing this mod and so far it looks good!

    I have a question though:

    How does defending work? Do I simply have to buy a squad for each sector (which eats up ny manpower) or does the game auto spawn defenders since I read something about auto BLUFOR AI spawn.


    When a sector comes under attack, friendlies will spawn to defend it.  In some cases they will fight off the attack without your assistance, but if your alert level is too high they may be overwhelmed and need your assistance.

  2. Is it possible to give AI specific command through Zeus without being their squad leader? For example, disembark, hold fire, etc.?

    Also, is it possible to modify squads in Zeus? If I leave AI on the server, then log in later, I'm no longer their squad leader and commanding them becomes much harder.
