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About Uzir0ck70

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  1. The MAC-10 textures look really good. I can't wait for all this stuff to launch!
  2. I really wish that this would override the lack of Third Person in MP...
  3. Uzir0ck70

    Third Person View and veteran difficulty

    I'm going to add a +1 to this. Nobody asked for this change, and the only people that this'll make happier are idiots who don't set custom difficulty on their AI. BI, just remove this, it's not fun, it's annoying and has caused me 10 hours of work to figure out how in the hell to make it work. (I still haven't, mind)
  4. Uzir0ck70

    Third Person View and veteran difficulty

    This is my Start.bat TASKKILL /F /IM "arma3server2312.exe" timeout /t 5 /nobreak start "" /realtime /affinity FF "C:\Server\Arma\arma3server2312.exe" -port=2312 -high -maxMem=2047 -exThreads=7 -enableHT -malloc=tbbmalloc -world=empty -nologs "-config=C:\Server\Arma\Config2312\Config.cfg" "-cfg=C:\Server\Arma\Config2312\Basic.cfg" "-profiles=C:\Server\Arma\Config2312\Users\Server\Users\Server2312" -name=Server2312 "-mod=curator;heli;kart;mark;@Shitloadsofmods; And in that profile, under all of those folders, I have a Server.Arma3Profile, where in lies this version=1; blood=1; singleVoice=0; gamma=1; brightness=1; sceneComplexity=1000000; shadowZDistance=100; viewDistance=3800; preferredObjectViewDistance=3200; terrainGrid=3.125; volumeCD=10; volumeFX=10; volumeSpeech=10; volumeVoN=10; maxSamplesPlayed=96; vonRecThreshold=0.029999999; difficulty = "Custom"; class DifficultyPresets { class CustomDifficulty { class Options { groupIndicators=2; friendlyTags=0; enemyTags=0; detectedMines=0; commands=1; waypoints=1; weaponInfo=0; stanceIndicator=1; reducedDamage=0; staminaBar=0; weaponCrosshair=1; visionAid=0; thirdPersonView=1; cameraShake=1; scoreTable=1; deathMessages=1; vonID=1; mapContent=0; autoReport=0; multipleSaves=0; }; aiLevelPreset=2; }; class CustomAILevel { skillAI=1; precisionAI=0; }; }; So, I hate to be a dick and ask too much, but...what did I do wrong?
  5. Uzir0ck70

    Third Person View and veteran difficulty

    How do I do this exactly? I have no idea where my difficulty settings are on my server.
  6. Uzir0ck70

    New Respawn Screen (dev branch)

    Will it be possible to simply not use this, and stick with how respawning works now, scripts and all? It's not that I don't think this looks cool, but it over-complicates the act of me spawning in, shooting my 2IC, and then getting gunned down by my fireteam.