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About SeeRocky

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  1. @R3vo Thank you so much for the script! :3 and @jshock for the hint ;) I customised the script a bit further but some parts are not working, have you guys an idea how to fix it?
  2. Yeah. Unfortunately it doesn't work :(
  3. Hi guys I'm currently working on a mission, based on the "hunger games" model. Appart from normal loot, i want to enable supply drops, wich can be activated by throwing a red smoke grenade. I fond a script wich activates a heli extraction by throwing smoke, but i am not able to rewrite the sript for a supply drop. This is the script i found for the heli extraction: I also found this script, wich enables a supply crate drop without the module: Can anybody help me to bring these two scripts together? Would be very kind :)
  4. SeeRocky

    Sector B [MP Problems]

    Do it with a seperate sever init maybe?
  5. Thank u guys for the script And dont drink buddy :D Im new on BI Forums and wanted to start a new topic on editing. How can i do this?