Hello, I'm sad to jump into this ship too... It's the very first time I have a problem with ArmA that I can't fix myself.
I get "0x00000001 – UNABLE_TO_INIT_DXGI" either at random points while playing different modes, or at specific points in certain missions.
I've tried everything from new drivers, old ones, slightly incompatible ones, reinstalled windows, arma, steam, etc... To no avail.
Here are links to my dropbox where anyone who'd like to help can get my logs (autogenerated error-report) with mods:
and without mods (there is no difference whatsoever, I crash either way with the same error code):
I found this: https://communities.intel.com/thread/46821?start=0&tstart=0, which might be useful for people running the game on an HD 4000.