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About jammin1974

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    Private First Class

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  1. jammin1974

    Huge FPS drops due to sounderrors 64bit

    Just a follow up from myself, installed the hot fix and the problem still existed so I went to see if there was any new drivers for my NVIDIA (970)card. There was so installed and checked to see if problem was still there and it WAS NOT so the drivers that were bad for me were 378.92 the one that fixed the problem are 381.65.
  2. jammin1974

    Hostage rescue problems

    just like to say thanks again dude everything works as expected thank you
  3. jammin1974

    Hostage rescue problems

    Thanks for the help Kauppapekka I pasted this into the bottom of my script replacing sender name with Base and tested to see if it works, but I got an error (_this select 0) sidechat (_this select 1)>Error position: <sidechat (_this select 1)> Error sidechat: Type String, expected Array,Object. I can get the hint function to pop up fine if I use that tough, have I done something wrong?.
  4. i have a small hostage script that is called in the civilian groups (2 civs) init which works perfect. The problem I'm having is I want a side chat message to pop up when all the hostages have been set free I cant for the life of me work out how to do it. I have been trying things via a trigger , setting it to detect if my civs set captive state has changed(doesn't work for me). Could someone point me in the right direction please thanks. _civilians = [civ1,civ2]; { _x setVariable ["hostageFree", false, true]; _x playMove "Acts_AidlPsitMstpSsurWnonDnon01"; _x disableAI "MOVE"; _x disableAI "TARGET"; [ _x, [ "Free Hostage", { params ["_object", "_caller", "_id"]; _object removeAction _id; _object enableAI "MOVE"; _object enableAI "TARGET"; _object switchMove ""; _object setVariable ["hostageFree", true, true]; } ] ] remoteExec ["addAction"]; _positions = nearestBuilding _x buildingPos -1; _x setPos (selectRandom _positions); } forEach _civilians;
  5. jammin1974

    Huge FPS drops due to sounderrors 64bit

    Last bit of testing was when I jumped into the gunners seat and cycled through all the infrared options and then back to drivers seat(1st person), this also caused frames and audio to bug out(I did not view the map at any time during this play through). Like ive said previous all the problems are in 1st person perspective in vehicles with 7.1 surround in windows audio settings. 32 bit does not have these problems for me and the only work around for me (in 64 bit) is setting either stereo or 5.1 surround in windows.
  6. jammin1974

    Huge FPS drops due to sounderrors 64bit

    Further testing, if you look at the map while in 3rd person(while driving) then go back into 1st person while driving everything is fine, the minute I check the map while in side the car the audio and frames glitch.
  7. jammin1974

    Huge FPS drops due to sounderrors 64bit

    Some testing I've done today. (windows audio on 7.1 16 bit 48 hz, in game audio samples seemed not to effect testing)Load single player vehicle showcase steal car drive down road switch between 1st and 3rd person audio and frames DO NOT glitch(for me the problems are ONLY in side the car). Get out get in switch perspectives while driving all is good, but here's the funny bit. View the map while IN CAR the audio and frames glitch(have to reload game to return to a all is good state). Tested if viewing the map outside the car then getting back in induced the glitch and it DID NOT.
  8. jammin1974

    Huge FPS drops due to sounderrors 64bit

    I also have this problem with my sound and have gone through a number of steps suggested from different sources to try and rectify this (all to know avail) that is until I changed my windows audio playback properties from 7.1 surround to stereo then test again up to 5.1 surround. The problem ONLY occurs when using 7.1 surround. No mods just vanilla and NOT using a head set (Yamaha amp with respective speaker setup). Clean install of game verified through steam etc..
  9. jammin1974

    Kill an animation Loop

    Thanks for reply weaponsfree, The animation Is working fine (it loops fine).The problem is that if you shoot the AI officer in the foot he will exit the animation for a split second ( goes into combat mode, gun up) then immediately trys to go back to the animation, this will happen 7 times then all of a sudden he will just stand up. The best bit is when you actually kill him, he goes into death animation then back to combat stance really quickly. iam not using no triggers just have this code in the init field of the AI officer.
  10. Has anyone got an idea why the NO RESPAWN POSITIONS AVAILABLE when using this script i have tried a marker and respawn module to no avail. Disregard this post I'm not even going to post the solution I'm such a dunce. I set respawn module to OPFOR DUH.
  11. jammin1974

    Kill an animation Loop

    I think im getting close ive managed to get the animation a: not repeat itself after he has died and b: react after hes been fired upon. Only thing to sort out now is why when shot the AI will go from standing to prone then back to fixing car 7 times then back to fixing car again. Heres what ive got so far animsimon = [] spawn { simon switchMove "Acts_carFixingWheel"; animloop = simon addEventHandler ["AnimDone", { simon switchMove "Acts_carFixingWheel"; {waitUntil {behaviour _this == "combat"}; _this call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate;} }]; };
  12. jammin1974

    Kill an animation Loop

    I think I'm getting somewhere now . Some of the animations do not react the same i.e. the fixing car animation in the animation viewer will die but the animation continues after death. While the animation used by the OP will not react at all to anything even if a trigger is used with removeEventHandler ["AnimDone", 0]
  13. jammin1974

    Kill an animation Loop

    I have been trying to get this to work for nearly a day and for the life of me I'm stumped. The animation just continues after the unit is killed, I think I may of over thought this one too much and have now confused myself. if any one can help I would be so grateful thanks. this is the code Im using in the AI units init field. animtony = [] spawn { tony switchMove "Acts_carFixingWheel"; animloop = tony addEventHandler ["AnimDone", { tony switchMove "Acts_carFixingWheel" }]; }; ​