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About renehasp@gmail.com

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  1. renehasp@gmail.com

    Texture Map Help - (CO, SMDI, AS, NOHQ)

    Or can you attach one psd example so I can get an idea of the different channels before it got converted to paa. Or do you think I can grab this from any pbo and reverse engineer it to see how it was put together?
  2. renehasp@gmail.com

    Texture Map Help - (CO, SMDI, AS, NOHQ)

    Hi six_ten and scotg. Would one of you be so kind and do a step by step YouTube video so I can follow along. I too have photoshop but I don't get the whole keeping everything in separate channels and the combining it.. Thanks so much. -Rene
  3. Hi after the last update we are all experiencing some type of glitch where we constantly fall to the ground if we walk and run. Does anyone know the solution to this? Thanks so Much Rene
  4. renehasp@gmail.com

    Free Falling

    Has anyone figured out a fix for this? We are all experiencing this on our server. And it started right after the lastest Arma update. Any additive would be appreciated.
  5. +1 for Pardus, I had this same issue and it fixed it for me.
  6. Hi there, does anyone use Substance Painter to create the RVMAT textures? I'm hoping that you could share with me the export settings needed to create the Arma3 Super shader images. 1. Normal map 2. Detail map 3. Macro map 4. AmbientShadow map 5. Specular map 6. Fresnel function 7. Environmental map Instructions or youtube tutorial on how to set them up for export would be very helpful. I spent 3 hours trying all the export settings that come out of the box with Substance Painter and had no luck or good results. Thanks you so so much. Rene
  7. renehasp@gmail.com

    Post New Thread Button missing?

    Just wanted to say thanks, I didnt know how to get out of Pre-member...
  8. renehasp@gmail.com

    Texture Map Help - (CO, SMDI, AS, NOHQ)

    Yea I read the two links and they aren't that helpful. I am in the same boat as the original poster. I did find an awesome app called Substance painter and it exports a whole bunch of the different layers for RVMAT. However I too am stuck as when I export them they do not have the correct settings for Textview to read them. I too would love to see a tutorial and step by step instructions. Thanks -Rene
  9. renehasp@gmail.com

    How to texture a custom model.

    Thanks for the info.. The idea of thinking of unwrapping as paperfraft helps a lot.