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About Leyo

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  1. finally found a solution... i shoud have found it earlier. the playsound 3D tricks will works cery fiine with a big audible range set, not leaving it to 0 (0). setting it to 10 000 for example, and i get the expected result, playe rin heli or in freefall will hear the ambient radio sound. fianl litlle scirpt looks like this my_music_handle2 = [] spawn { while {true} do { playsound3d [ format ["A3\Sounds_F\sfx\radio\ambient_radio%1.wss",floor (random 31)],vehicle player, true, getPosASL vehicle player, 0.5, 1, 10000]; sleep (7 + random 15) } }; so i can have both random music AND all the radio ambient chat from cfgmusic playing together ;)
  2. just bumping the topic once , hoping it'll bring me some luck...
  3. Hi guys So, here is the goal : -having looped random music playinig while in the mission -> already treated a lot of time. -having random radio ambient sound looping at the same time : not so easy.... there's no problem when player is on foot, with playsound3d i can reach all the files of kind Radio_Ambient, and their lentgh is slow enough to notice that the soundsource is static and not attached to the player. But it happens that the player can perform HAlo jump or finding himself in situations with a velocity higher than usual... and there, playsound 3d is useless because it's static. the say3d commands requires a soundname, not a filename, and it's a huge diffrence when we talk about radio ambient sounds (as they are only stored in cfgmusic). So one solutino is doing a big work of convertion and adding to cfg sounds all the files from cfgmusic related to ambient radio (31)... i really don't feel it will end good i don't know why. another way could be finding a trick that allows to play two music tracks at the same time? do you guys know if it's possible or have any idea ? thanks by advance
  4. Hi guys There's tons of tutorials on youtube about how to create your own paradrop or HALO insertion in Arma 3 . But i was looking for a simple script that regulates behaviours of AI teammates while in freefall, that would means, make them fly towards the player and keep formation close to him no matter where he decides to lead during his flight. It might be existing in advanced vesion inside big mods about HALO insertion, but after some hours of test i finalized my own one. I'm satisfied about the great results i obtained with such few lines of code. Feel free to test it and copy-paste inside your scenarios, or just get the idea (moreover the values ! long work to find good values to apply as factor of velocity). ///when all the player's group (4 units including players) are in freefall/// jumprandomposarray=[[0,15],[-10,5],[10,5]]; {_null= _x spawn { if (_this != player) then { _chooseapos=selectrandom jumprandomposarray; _xtoadd=_chooseapos select 0; _ytoadd=_chooseapos select 1; jumprandomposarray=jumprandomposarray-[_chooseapos]; while {!(istouchingground _this)} do { _diffx= ((player modeltoworld [_xtoadd,_ytoadd,0]) select 0) ) - ((getpos _this) select 0); _diffy=((player modeltoworld [_xtoadd,_ytoadd,0]) select 1) - ((getpos _this) select 1); _diffz=(((getposasl player) select 2) -6) - ((getposasl _this) select 2); _this setvelocity [((_diffx)*0.2 ),((_diffy)*0.2 ), ((velocity _this) select 2) +(_diffz*0.05)]; sleep 0.2; }}; }} foreach units group player
  5. I don't think we'll have an official answer, stealth has never been the center of this game. However , i saw multiple people working on stealth script and knowsabout manipulations, willing to turn the game into a splinter cell mod, so i hoped they were still alive and that they would share their impressions on this point. On my side it has been flagrant. I really started to feel different behaviour from ennemies. Then i workd on debugging my script (that's why there's a _whitelight spawn at the trigger), and found out this part of script was never triggered anymore. so i went for isolated test in a vanilla version and got aware of the "changes". This is not the only feeling i had. However ennemy reactions are more binaries at close range, they also seems to be more realistic than before. I insist, all of this is happening under 25 m distance, where noise of moving had proportionnal consequences on knowsabout values. i'm aware i am like a dog in a lama orgy when i talk about playing under 25m in arma :) .
  6. Thanks a lot for your test ! it does completly match with what happens to me. close range : switch directly from 0 to 4, and i also rarely saw an 1.35, like for example, firing with muzzeled weapon while there's an intersect in line of sight or while in the back of the target, and higher distance i didn't tested anything because out of interest of stealth environnement. I made enough mesures last weeks about noise at close range ( under 25 m) , i can attest knowsabout was evoluing differently according your weight and distance from ennemy. you could see 0.0785524 , then 0.1758855 , that kind of things in close range, exactly like your test at high distance. when i talk about noise, i don't talk about weapon fire, just noise of moving. But this changed suddenly with one of the lastest update that's sure. However, i re-made all the scripts, that gives something more simple but it's sad that noise factor completly disappear and become something totally binary. To get the info about the ennemy knows about i used a very simple script : _null=[]spawn { while {true} do {guytocheck= nearestobjects[p1, ["TBAN_Fighter3NH"],40] select 0; k1=guytocheck distance p1; k2= guytocheck knowsabout p1; k3= guytocheck knowsabout p2; k4= guytocheck knowsabout p3; k5= guytocheck knowsabout p4; hintsilent format ["%1,%2,%3,%4,%5",k1,k2,k3,k4,k5];sleep 0.05 }} where p1 is my char, p2 etc are my teammates. i have a real-time report every 0.05 seconds of the knowsabout and distance of my closest ennemy. p2,p3,p4 are useless here, i just used them in other situations. below is a part of how i manipulate knowsabout, it was working very fine whe you force a unit to join grpnull when knowsabout is not justified. Edit: for more precision, the goal was to cancel reactions due to gunfire and due to to ai super-ability to detect dead people 1km away ^^ without even seeing them. it is not the full part, just the one which trigger close range noise detection. knowsmanagement= _this spawn { while {alive _this and ({_this knowsabout _x>=3}count units group p1<1)} do { if ({(_this knowsabout _x>1.34 and _this knowsabout _x<3)}count units group p1>0) then {while{{_this knowsabout _x>0}count units group p1>0} do{[_this] joinsilent grpnull;sleep 0.2;};_this forcespeed 0;_this setbehaviour "CARELESS";sleep 0.2; _this dowatch ((nearestobjects [_this,["Land_Map_F","Land_Map_unfolded_F","Land_Pillow_old_F"],3] select 0) modeltoworld [0,10,1])}; if ({(_this knowsabout _x>detectlevel and _this knowsabout _x<1.34)}count units group p1>0) then { if ({_this distance _x<detectdistance}count units group p1>0) then {{_this reveal [_x,4]}foreach units group p1;sleep 0.2; _whitelight = "#lightpoint" createVehicle position _this; _whitelight setLightBrightness 0.1; _whitelight setLightAmbient[0, 0, 0]; _whitelight setLightColor[46,100,254]; _whitelight lightAttachObject [_this, [0,0,2]];} else {while{{_this knowsabout _x>0}count units group p1>0} do{[_this] joinsilent grpnull;sleep 0.2;};_this forcespeed 0;_this setbehaviour "CARELESS";sleep 0.2; _this dowatch ((nearestobjects [_this,["Land_Map_F","Land_Map_unfolded_F","Land_Pillow_old_F"],3] select 0) modeltoworld [0,10,1])}; }; sleep 0.2; }}; this now doesn't work anymore, there's no more intermediate value between 0 and 1.35 at very close range.
  7. Hi guys, I was working on stealth scripts since weeks, based on the knowsabout value evolution of each npc. The Knowsabout value rarely swithced form 0 to 4 directly, there has always been some intermediate values, many videos on youtube can testify. since today... knowsabout only switch directly from 0 to 4, no evolution, nothing. First i though it was my own system that was broken, so i made several tests in vanilla situation. operating test is (no exact script, just principe) : -ennemy join grpnull /// this reset all knowsabout values to 0 -ennemy stop -approching this ennemy while crouched or proned, in a dark night. this way you could check the ennemy knowsabout value growing more and more, related to the noise you make. But this, it was before. Now, no matter the noise you make, no matter the place you are, the knowsabout value swtich directly from 0 to 4. Before considering it's a new mechanic of the game (i didn't read anything about that in patch note), i'd like to know if someone could reproduce it please : check the knowsabout value when approchaing an ennemy in a dark night. Thanks by advance
  8. HI Mad Cheese, it's a must have you done there, i've been particularly impressed byt the "clear building" feature, it's very fun to support your AI clearing room by room. playing with c2 since months and i can't imagine anything without this. But i come to the forum because i give up with a point after month of investigations :) .let me explain. It concerns the two functions of ROE, Fire On Target and FIre on My Lead. It seems both can be combined, that would mean everyone shoot on designated target at the moment you are shooting too. A perfect feature for our beloved stealth mission. Yeah but i never manage to reproduce it twice in a mission... sometimes it works only once, sometimes it never work... AI get free to fire bu't don't fire on designated target (at least they don't fire at will, that would mean the command "FIre on target still remain somewhere, or the "fire on my lead overwritten evry target designated, i dunno). I hope you understood my english and the issue here, and would be grateful if you could bring some ligths to these behaviour.
  9. Same here... it's a disaster. i worked for weeks on immersive dust/smoke scripts last year, everything was fabulous, and now i'm back after six months... i cry. a lot. gpu nvidia gtx 870 M, always worked fine no matter the settings with arma 3. suscribed to the ticket and added a coment... no news on your side , guys ?