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About itsjustadeer

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  1. 1. Okay I understand vehicle classes, and now I understand that ammo was the class for boxes. But my main issue still remains. How do I make it so it calls FIA boxes? I found this line in ConfigGetVehicleClasses: if (["ammo", _classType] call Zen_ValueIsInArray) then { _returnClasses = [_returnClasses, ["box_ind_ammoveh_f", "box_east_ammoveh_f", "box_nato_ammoveh_f"]] call Zen_ArrayFilterValues; }; I don't want a randomly selected box out of a large side dependent array, I want to choose 1 or maybe 2 or 3 boxes of my own and I want them to be the only ones spawning. They are FIA boxes. 2. The main issue is that I am doing this on Fallujah. Somebody on Steam released a version of Fallujah that works on Arma 3 on Feb 27th this year. Most of the buildings are not enterable or partially enterable. I have noticed that most of the time FindBuildingPositions works with partially enterable buildings. Is there ANY way to exclude certain buildings from the list? A blacklist of sort? I have also noticed that only ground positions are being chosen, no first floor or roof positions. I feel like I'm doing something wrong. 3. I will try it out ASAP.
  2. Okay so I got the cache position to correctly establish itself inside of a random building. The problem is, half of the time the cache spawns just outside of the building. Sometimes, it spawns directly outside of a non enterable building. Once in a while, it spawns partially inside of a wall and blows up. I'm going to mess around and see what I can do but I would appreciate if somebody could help me out. One concern I have is when I figure out how to make a different typee of ammo box spawn (a much larger cache), the cache due to it's size will spawn inside of walls more often and blow up.
  3. I tried using ArrayGetRandom to no avail. The main issue is, I looked through all of the tutorials and all of the sample missions and can not find an example where _FindBuildingPositions is even used. Am I not looking hard enough? I found one example but it used SpawnInfantryGarrison and that's not what I need.
  4. Kudos on the awesome utility for mission making! I followed the tutorials but I have a couple things I need done that I can not figure out as a novice. 1. _boxClass = [(["ammo", _side] call Zen_ConfigGetVehicleClasses)] call Zen_ArrayGetRandom; .... what does "ammo" refer to? I can not find where this is defined. I need to create my own custom array of addon ammo boxes. Can you help me out? I only have like 2 or 3 I want on the list. 2. How would I go about spawning said ammo box inside of a building? I know Zen_FindBuildingPositions but does it work for objects as well? I keep getting coordinate errors saying I'm not giving valid x,y or x,y,z coords.... I am doing this using randomly generated grid markers based on random selection of towns and cities. I can get the ammo boxes to spawn by themselves, in completely random locations, I just need to get them inside of buildings. Am I going to have to use Zen_FindPositionPoly when placing boxes inside of buildings? Figured this out, but I have issues. See a couple posts below. 3. I would like to spawn 5 random boxes inside of buildings at one time, but I only want 1 to be the objective at any time. Once all 5 are destroyed I want the mission to end. I think I can figure this out on my own once I have everything working but any pointers would be nice. Thanks in advance