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Posts posted by TyrDaishi

  1. You say its been ignored on the bugtracker, could you please specify the ticket?

    https://feedback.bistudio.com/T83026 this is one of the more recent tickets. This issue is known for months though and is easy replicated. Same for the missing stop command for playsound3D. To my knowledge say never had a proper distance command for Sound, only camera Text distance and changing db in description.ext has no effect as well. The main issue we Mission Designers have is that we can't stop or Loop local soundeffects since deleting Sound sources that are using playsound 3d will start multiple times when created again and say-objects are heared over the whole Map.

  2. Since there is no response for a long time regarding this (in my opinion important) issue this is my try to get your attention bohemia:


    playSound3D can't be stopped

    say/3D has a range option but it is NOT working.


    So we have no way to play a sound with locality that can be stopped! please fix at least ONE of those commands!


    Thank you for reading, and for the community, I'm aware this is not the best way to communicate this but what can we do when the bugtracker gets ignored?!

  3. Isn't isNil the wrong check anyway? That'd imply that _target as a variable is non-existant but since it's previously defined, the if statement returns false. I always mix up isNull and isNil though so might just be me. Either way, if target is a soldier, you might as well use !alive if you want to do a check. 

    the error explicitly stated undefined variable so I checked for isNil, which includes a contentcheck as well if I'm not mistaken?

  4. hm yes assigning a new unit as long as units from blufor that are players are alive is working fine, i'm concerned only about the situation when all players are dead and noone respawned. That is an unlikley scenario yet i would like to cover the probability. And my problem is when I'm alone on the server, die and respawn the function should "repick" me as new target since im the only one on the server right? yet as soon as _target is undefined once it won't be defined again.


    I'm using this function to assign new targets, which was working with two players on the server:

    fn_SelectRandomBlue = {
    _unit = objNull;  _unitsArray = []; _actualtarget = objNull;
    {  if ((side _x == west ) and (isPlayer _x)) then {
    _unitsArray = _unitsArray + [_x];  } ;
    }forEach allunits; 
    _unit = _unitsArray call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
    _actualtarget = _unit;
    };//end function

    and this is the if statement to check if assigning a new target is necessary:

    	if (!alive _actualtarget || isNil "_actualtarget") then
    		[] call fn_SelectRandomBlue;

  5. Hi,


    I'm trying to write a script but can't solve this puzzle/problem:


    1. At the start of the script I create a variable e.x. _target

    2. I pick a random alive player, the script is working with _target beautifully

    3. when all players died and they respawn the variable _target is undefined

    I try to catch that information with something similar to this:

    if (isNil "_target") then {
        _target = selectRandom playableUnits;

    Yet the variable remains undefined and I can't figure out why. If anyone wants to look at complete code I can send them a link.




  6. Guys, I'm at a loss.


    I did the following:


    1. Install server from steam (windows)

    2. copy tadst into the folder

    3. copied mods I want to run the server with from my arma3 client (so they should be 100 % identical)

    4. copied the ace_server.pbo from opt to addons in ace

    5. added userconfig/ace/serverconfig.hpp to server userconfig

    6. changed mod order to what I believe to be correct mod  loading order

    7. started tadst, setup and run server

    8. started client


    1. Two instances of the server get started, I have no clue why

    2. some mods show up red in the server addon box

    3. I get disconnected immediatly after trying to connect


    Seems to work with loopback?


    Here are the client and server rpts if anyone wants to take a look:




  7. So this is what I came up with finally, seems to work like a charm. I even got the animations to work, problem is I would have to add EVERY animation a player can make and match it to a set of movements for the hostage, and I'm not willing to add hundreds of animations to make the hostagemovement look smooth.

    // Needed file: releasenew.sqf
    // place this in the init of the unit that is a hostage(called _HVT): _HVT addaction["<t color='#FF0000'>Move _HVT</t>","grabnew.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","(_target distance _this <3)"];
    //Author: TyrDaishi
    _HVT =_this select 0;
    _taker =_this select 1;
    _stance = 0;
    _lastStance = "UP";
    if ((count (attachedObjects _taker))==0) then {
    	//add hostage to _taker and add release
    	_HVT attachto [_taker,[-0.3,0.5,0]];
    	_index=_taker addaction["Release _HVT","releasenew.sqf"];
    	while {alive _HVT && (count attachedObjects _taker >0) && (_HVT distance _taker <=4)} do
    		_HVT EnableAI "FSM";
    		_HVT disableAI "AUTO";
    		_HVT disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    		_HVT enableAI "Move";
    		_HVT enableAI "Anim";
    		_HVT setbehaviour "Careless";
    		_HVT allowfleeing 0; 	
    		_HVT setCombatMode "Blue";
    		//set unit stance according to _taker
    		sleep 0.1;
    		//hint Format["Stance:%1",_stance];
    		switch (stance _taker) do
    			case "STAND": {_stance = "UP";sleep 0.2;};
    			case "CROUCH": {_stance = "MIDDLE";sleep 0.2;};
    			case "PRONE": {_stance = "DOWN";sleep 0.2;};
    			case "UNDEFINED": {_stance = _lastStance;sleep 0.2;};
    			default {_stance = _lastStance;sleep 0.2;};
    		//_HVT setUnitPos _stance;
    		[[_HVT,_stance],"setUnitPos",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    		//check if player in and near vehicle, add _HVT to vehicle accordingly
    		if (_taker != vehicle _taker) then {
    			_HVT EnableAI "FSM";
    			detach _HVT;
    			sleep 0.2;
    			_HVT action ["getInCargo",vehicle _taker];
    			waitUntil{_taker == vehicle _taker && ((count attachedObjects _taker >0) || (count attachedObjects _taker == 0))}; 
    			[_HVT,"unassignVehicle",true,true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    	_taker removeaction _index;

  8. You might want to try this: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/164617-extraction-example/Definatly the best script out there, you can order for evac over radio by simple call for it or combine it by poping some smoke nearby or ir strobe. You can control the area where the chopper lands, set some nice variables for the chopper including safe landing positions choosen by algorithm. If setup correctly, it works 100 % reliable for me. You can even choose different helicopters for different sides.

  9. Hi I have a few issues I need a fresh perspective with.


    My Problems are:


    1. The hostage is only sometimes getting in the car, sometimes not. after trying a few times and releasing, taking it works for some reason I can't figure out.

    2. The animations are going crazy because of attachto, I need to match the hostage animation with the animation of the player it is attached to. I have a vague Idea how to do this but if someone already did the input would be appreciated.

    3. In a local server or dedicated server the Hostage is not matching the stance of the player it is attached to.


    If anyone wants to give it a try here is a .pbo to test: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3UwVAEkxk4TWUxqSEVnZ1Q1S2c/view?usp=sharing


    Here is my attempt so far:



    // Needed file: releasenew.sqf
    // place this in the init of the unit that is a hostage: this addaction["<t color='#FF0000'>Move HVT</t>","grabnew.sqf",nil,1,false,true,"","((_target distance _this)<2"];
    _HVT=_this select 0;
    _taker=_this select 1;
    if ((count (attachedObjects _taker))==0) then {
    	//add hostage to taker, add him to the players group.
    	detach _HVT;
    	_HVT attachto [_taker,[-0.3,0.5,0]];
    	_index=_taker addaction["Release HVT","releasenew.sqf"];
    	_HVT disableAI "FSM";
    	_HVT disableAI "AUTO";
    	_HVT disableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    	_HVT enableAI "Move";
    	_HVT enableAI "Anim";
    	_HVT setbehaviour "Careless";
    	_HVT allowfleeing 0; 	
    //	[_HVT] joinsilent _taker;
    	//copy player stance
    	while {(count attachedObjects _taker >0)} do
    		//set unit stance according to _taker
    		sleep 0.1;
    		_stance=stance _taker;
    		//hint Format["Stance:%1",_stance];
    		if(_stance=="prone") then{
    					if(_stance=="crouch") then{
    	_HVT setUnitPos _unitpos;
    	_taker removeaction _index;
    //check if player in and near vehicle, add hvt to vehicle accordingly
    	while {alive _HVT && _HVT distance _taker <=4} do
    		waituntil{vehicle _taker != _taker}; 
    			detach _HVT;
    			_HVT assignAsCargo vehicle _taker;
    			_HVT action ["getInCargo",vehicle _taker];
    		waituntil {vehicle _taker == _taker};
    			unassignVehicle _HVT;
    			moveOut _HVT;
    		if (true) exitWith {};


    _Taker=_this select 0;
    _index=_this select 3;
    _id=_this select 2;
    _HVT =((attachedObjects _Taker) select 0);
    detach _HVT;
    _HVT enableAI "FSM";
    _HVT enableAI "AUTO";
    _HVT enableAI "AUTOTARGET";
    _HVT enableAI "Move";
    _HVT enableAI "Anim";
    _HVT setbehaviour "Aware";
    _HVT allowfleeing 1;
    //[_HVT] joinsilent grpNull;
    player removeaction _id;

    I'm not seeing the tree in the woods here. Tried for quite some time now. I tried to check locality aso. Still not working.

    Any ideas?




  10. I'm trying this on the vietnam map, I can spawn the Helicopter but as soon as it spawned it is climbing where it spawns in and does nothing after that. I tried smoke and default behaviour. I changed the heli to a huey but that shouldn't change anything right? It seems that there is something wrong with updating the position or spawing the helipad?


    Edit: figured it out, high foliage and object heavy maps need to set way smaller distances in the rube function.

  11. Everyone is talking about briefing.sqf, yet I can't find any information about it in the documentation. I'm really having a hard time to understand where the briefing goes and where tasks need to be added and states changed. so am I assuming correctly that, if I want to add a task and assign it, as well as succedding the previous task all of this goes in one trigger? and where do I assign initial tasks when the mission starts? I'm confused as hell right now unfortunatly. I don't understand how the chain of adding one task after the first succeeded works. Also if I don't want to show waypoint locations on the map but I need to add "Task Waypoint Description" to what exactly if there is no target?


    [EDIT: ok so I understand now that briefing.sqf is not required but the briefing could be added to the init if I don't want to outsource it, is that about right?]

    [EDIT2: Guys I figured it out, I just changed 16 tasks in 30 minutes loving it so far. The task module in the editor IS broken. tasks that should have worked didn't, now they do. Thanks for your hard work bro]

  12. You're adding the killed event-handler to all units when you should just add it to the enemy units.


    That is actually what I thought as well but since

    enmc = {(alive _x) && (side _x == EAST)} count allUnits; 

    checks for all alive enemy units I tried to substitute "_x" with "enmc" but that didn't work. probably because it returns a number not the array with all units? I don't know how to get that content though.


    Do you think I could check if the faction is east only for the eventhandler like this?

    	if ((side _x) == East) then
    		{_x addEventHandler ["killed", {enmc = enmc -1; if (enmc != 0) then {[(format ["Enemy remaining: %1",enmc ]), "hintsilent", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;} else {(_this select 0) cameraEffect ["Fixedwithzoom","top"]}; _mrk = createMarkerLocal [format["%1", enmc], getpos (_this select 0)]; format["%1", enmc] setMarkerTypeLocal "Empty"; "_mrk" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"}]} foreach allunits;
    } forEach allUnits;

  13. {_x doMove (getMarkerPos "wp1")} forEach thisList;


    Being activated by OpFor, any OpFor in that trigger will be part of thisList. So all you need to do is use it with a forEach loop to make sure, and that should work. Why are they straying out of the area though?


    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/2D_Editor:_Triggers - Search down the page for thisList


    This worked very well, thanks!


    I would like to ask another question, I found a counter to show how many enemies are left in an area, and changed it so it can be used in mp as well. The code is added to the init.sqf. It is working in general but my problem is that deaths of independent units (player faction) will be counted as well. I tried to select only faction EAST units but it didn't work:

    enmc = {(alive _x) && (side _x == EAST)} count allUnits; 
    {_x addEventHandler ["killed", {enmc = enmc -1; if (enmc != 0) then {[(format ["Enemy remaining: %1",enmc ]), "hintsilent", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;} else {(_this select 0) cameraEffect ["Fixedwithzoom","top"]}; _mrk = createMarkerLocal [format["%1", enmc], getpos (_this select 0)]; format["%1", enmc] setMarkerTypeLocal "Empty"; "_mrk" setMarkerColorLocal "ColorRed"}]} foreach allunits;
    sleep 0.5;
    player removeAllEventHandlers "killed";
    titletext ["KILL 'EM ALL","plain"];
    titleFadeOut 2;
    sleep 2;
    [(format ["Enemy remaining: %1",enmc]), "hintsilent", true, true] call BIS_fnc_MP;
    waitUntil {enmc == 0};
    sleep 3;
    cuttext ["All enemy has been eliminated.","plain down"];
    sleep 3;
    titletext ["MISSION COMPLETED","plain",0.4];
    cuttext ["","black out"];
    sleep 4;
    endMission "END1";

  14. First off, thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.


    Why are they straying out of the area though?



    They seem to leave the area sometimes due to commands issued by the vcom ai script. As much as I like the script it shows unexpected behavior sometimes.


    [edit] so how does the game know that _x is a substitute for every unit? :o Still having troubles understanding the whole scripting stuff. I get that foreach means that every element from thislist right? so how is_x the representing the current unit in the trigger?

  15. Hi,


    I can't figure out how to keep the AI in a certain area. What I basically want to do is creating simple triggers and when any East (OpFor) unit is walking into it to send it back to a marker location or what would be even better if it would be a random spot in a fixed area.


    I tried to create a trigger set to


    activation opfor


    on activation something like: "this domove (getMarkerpos "wp1");"


    So how can I tell the trigger that "this" is every unit from opfor side that walks into the triggerline?


  16. I tried this for one member present in an area 1by1 attached to a unit (in this case a civilian):

     if (!isNil "groupName") then { ({group _x == groupName} count thislist) > 0 }

    I didn't, however, try your advise so far regarding choosing anyone and removing the grouping to the group in question. I will try it when I return. I'm not sure though if this will work for trigger that don't have any kind of 2d area, which is about half of my triggers on any map I created :/ I might just wait for the new task modules that are wip atm.


    I don't see the benefit of working countless workarounds into my maps because nothing works like it's supposed to be ^^'

    After all we all work on creating content that helps keeping the game alive, or do we not? ;)

  17. So I'm assuming this is the reason why tasks won't get updated anymore for any groupmember besides the groupleader? What if I use trigger for task progression that don't use an area? I tried to use the suggested loop but it didnt work for me. Or is possible that triggers or tasks in eden are not syncing correctly to groupmembers sometimes until you create a new one and replace the old? I had this kind of issues in the past (in the 2d editor though).

  18. There went something wrong with tasks and triggers I think. When a trigger set to e.x. "any group member" it can only be activated and will only be updated for the groupleader. This prevents my scenario from progressing for all players. If someone can confirm this it would be great if this gets fixed soon, might breaks a lot of scenarios.
