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About jambo45

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    Private First Class

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  1. I am overwhelmed by the support you guys have given me since I placed this post yesterday afternoon. Huge thanks to Nikiller , nomadd and esp beerkan. beerkan gave me a working paradrop mission to work from and it all looked good when i ran it (albeit 11pm last night lol ). This had been bugging me for ages and I am massively grateful to the time spent to help me out - a BIG THANKS
  2. Many thanks beerkan , i think if i copy this format in , it will do the job nicely. I well appreciate your help with this :)
  3. ok the troops eject nicely , but the helo still hovers in mid-air at the first waypoint , im going to search for the mods that beerkan posted earlier in an attempt to solve this, its driving me crazy , i have been at it all day , just to make a helo move out of area ! thank you for all your help nikiller :)
  4. Many thanks for helping beerkan , I downloaded the file Paradrop.Stratis and tried to run it but i need some mods from the workshop it seems , i tried to find them but need to stop for food because my only brain cell is overheating. I have been at this all day and need to break from it , i shall resume again some point soon , again cheers for all your help.
  5. Sorry for being stupid , whats a repro mission ? I am currently just trying to get this to work on an empty map before transferring it to the mission i have been working on , as thats complicated enough. I tried putting BOD = group this in the init field of the lead paratrooper , and put [bOD] execVM "paradrop.sqf" in the trigger act , but it came up type script , expected nothing. Many thanks for yours and everyones patience , i appreciate it isnt easy coping with noobs.
  6. Hi Nikiller, forgive me being an ignoramus but where do i put that script ? I have tried the unassignVehicle and that didnt work , so will have to try the group script. Do I copy this to a notepad and name it paradrop.sqf for example?
  7. ok I have tried both of the above , I renamed the helicopter to UH80 and tried that also , but it still hovers in mid-air after the last trooper is ejected and doesnt travel to the waypoint. I am beginning to think maybe i should make them catch the bus :blink:
  8. i have 4 triggers , 1 for each dropping trooper and they are all synced with the waypoint of the heli - yes
  9. yes i have named the paratroopers A, B , C & D , then on the trigger I put A action ["Eject", helicopter] for the first trooper , this is repeated for each trooper.
  10. the waypoint for the helicopter is just a move waypoint , i hadnt done any other waypoints as it didnt reach the first one !
  11. Apologies , i shall try to explain myself better. I have created a UH80 flying (elevation 100m ) , it has 4 paratroopers in it . I set it to move to a waypoint and paradrop the troops along the way - which it does. After dropping the last trooper it then just hovers in the air at the last drop point , it doesnt continue to the waypoint i have set. I dont use much scripting but am learning , most of my missions are using the basic tools of the editor. I have tried very little in the way of scripting , mostly just tried to vary the waypoint commands but this doesnt work .
  12. I have posted this question on a couple of threads , my apologies for duplicating it but I am a Newbie and it wouldnt let me start my own topic. I am having trouble with my helicopter remaining stationary after ejecting the last of its AI paratroopers , despite it having waypoints to go too. It drops the troops ok but then just sits there and wont move. I have tried all sorts and its driving me nuts. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
  13. jambo45

    Simple ParaDrop Script

    As a newbie , I cannot start my own post to ask this question and so am looking to add to any threads that relate to the subject , I am having trouble with my helicopter just sitting there after dropping AI paratroopers , despite it having waypoints to go to , it doesnt move . Any ideas on how to resolve this please ? Any help would be muchly appreciated as its driving me nuts - thanks.
  14. jambo45

    Simple ParaDrop Script

    As a newbie , I cannot start my own post to ask this question and so am looking to add to any threads that relate to the subject , I am having trouble with my helicopter just sitting there after dropping AI paratroopers , despite it having waypoints to go to , it doesnt move . Any ideas on how to resolve this please ? Any help would be muchly appreciated as its driving me nuts - thanks.
  15. Can someone please help ? I am having a problem with the helicopter remaining stationary after ejecting the last of its paratroopers , despite it having waypoints to go to - it justs sits there. This is driving me nuts and after spending ages trying to figure it out I have joined site to ask for help !