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Posts posted by Tuskegee_99th

  1. Hi shay_gman,


    Thanks so much for the update, and the mod in general, it's great.


    The settings issue I mentioned earlier is still exists. In fact, none of the settings stay set except the general mission settings. UI, GAIA, Role Selection etc. none of other settings remain set the way you select. Once you enter the settings from the MCC interface you can make changes but if you then exit the UI and return the settings will not have stayed the way you set them. Hope that's clear.


  2. So I imported the mission into the Eden editor and exporting to multiplayer. I ran the mission via a locally hosted server. The paradrop function does not seem to work correctly now with the new base unpack system. With the base unpacked or not, paradrop just returns you to the location of the truck or unpacked base.


    I will say that I like having the mission files because I can set the default parameters the way our group likes them. So I hope you don't mind continuing to provide the unpacked mission folder in the future.


  3. I won't speak for the developers of the fantastic framework. But, I can tell you that when developing missions using the F3 framework the loadout scrips make it much easier to make global changes to the loadouts. For example let's say you outfitted most of your units with an M16A4 from RHS and now you'd like to replace that rifle for all units with the M4A1. That can be done with one quick class name edit and all the units that had an M16A4 now have an M4A1. Another example would be globally changing the amount of ammunition being carried. I could probably think of lot's of others.


    • Like 2

  4. Hi,


    We use the ShackTac User Interface which provides a squad radar at the bottom middle of the screen. With it you only see the members of your group. If you alone in your group the radar does not even render. When we start a session of Combat Assault everyone has the ShackTac squad radar at the bottom of there screen with the appropriate group members shown on the radar. Often, but not always, when someone respawns they will either have no squad radar at the bottom of their screen, or if they do no all members of the group they were in are shown, or someone else who was not a member of their original group is on the radar, the later is why we believe that respawn is inadvertently moving players to a different group.


    I'm sorry, I got the groups menu thing mixed up with another mission where we have the same issue, BattleZone Altis, that mission has the 'groups menu' action item which doesn't seem to work correctly.


  5. Hi code34,


    Just saw this post. I will update my server with this version and my group will play some sessions and I will provide some feedback asap.


    Actually there are two issues that we have with previous version that I might mention.


    1. It seams that on respawn, the mission is, randomly,  moving players to different groups and the 'groups menu' action item sometimes does not appear in the list and even when it does it usually doesn't work.


    2. We use ACRE2 and often, again on respawn, players have to put their ACRE radio on the ground and pick it back up to regain radio function. I don't know if this is an ACRE issue or something to do with how the mission applies the players loadout on respawn.


    That being said, we still very much enjoy this mission. So, as always, thanks for your great work.


    Just thought of a third thought.


    3. I wonder if it would be possible to have the mission favor towns somewhat when selecting random AO locations. Maybe make this a mission parameter 'favor towns' or not.


    Wow, ideas just keep popping into my head...


    4. How about the idea of not immediately revealing the enemy occupied areas at mission start. So that some sort if recon is needs to happen in order to locate the enemy. Maybe only reveal the objective markers where there are specific objectives. Or don't reveal anything until a player is with some distance from one of the occupied sectors, and only then reveal that group of sectors and objectives.




  6. I very much wish this mod had a feature whereby, in missions (not made by me) which provide 'virtual arsenal' it could intercept that and provide only Loadout Transfer features. That way people wouldn't be tempted to screw around in the arsenal all day long prepping for a missions. And might provide some load out control as well to prevent 'everyone wants to be a sniper' or 'one man army' loadouts.

