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Everything posted by duda123

  1. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    Source can be found here: https://github.com/sethduda/AdvancedTowing/blob/master/addons/SA_AdvancedTowing/functions/fn_advancedTowingInit.sqf Hasn't be published on steam yet, so add me on steam if you want to subscribe to the private workshop item.
  2. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    I have a private addon published to steam for towing.. it's working on both MP and SP - if anyone want to try this out, add me on steam (http://steamcommunity.com/id/saduda) and I'll share it with you. Towing a train of multiple vehicles is entertaining.
  3. Yes - it's stable enough to be used. Been running on our dedicated server for a few weeks. Seen a few glitches assigning squads to vehicles, but overall it's working pretty well. Here's how to get it working with the command radio that you pick up: 1. Add the AICommand folder to your mission's main directory (from here: https://github.com/sethduda/AIC) 2. Configure your mission's description.ext file to use this: class cfgFunctions { #include "AICommand\cfgfunctions.hpp" }; class CfgNotifications { #include "AICommand\cfgnotifications.hpp" }; 3. Create an invisible marker in your mission called "hc1" - you'll see this referenced in the init.sqf file. This is where the command radio will appear. 4. Copy the code in the init.sqf here (https://github.com/sethduda/AIC/blob/master/init.sqf) into your init.sqf file. If you want more than one command radio on the map, you can modify the first line in the init.sqf file to be (e.g. for 2 command radios): [markerPos "hc1", [[1,"Take High Command","FUNC_takeHC",true,true,false],[2,"Release High Command","FUNC_releaseHC",true,false,true],[3,"Alpha Go","FUNC_alphaGo",true],[4,"Bravo Go","FUNC_bravoGo",true]], false, 2] call AIC_fnc_createCommandRadio;
  4. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    Nope, not using setVelocity for this
  5. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    Hopefully within a week or two I'll have something for people to try out and give feedback. I'll post it on this forum.
  6. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    Funny. Try making the anchor a vehicle and then attach the ropes in reverse ( anchor -> boat )
  7. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    What are you trying to anchor a boat to?
  8. ka0s_, as long as you don't publish it as a new version, go for it. If you think the changes should be part of the addon/script for everyone, please fork the github repo and create a pull request so we can release the changes for everyone.
  9. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    Yes, in a few tests I've done, towing works in the water as well.
  10. I've used this in the past to attach ropes while in the water. Let me take a look to see why it's not working.
  11. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    It's being built so it can be installed on the server only (so clients don't require any mods). That limits me to the BI-provided animations.
  12. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    It's for fast ropes. Added a new video to the first post.
  13. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Simulation is getting better... 100 objects rolling down a hill
  14. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    Would anyone like boat towing?
  15. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    I should be able to get this to work without custom memory points. Thinking of having an action available on all vehicles (Ropes > Take Tow Ropes) The player would then be able to drag around both ends of the tow rope. Next the player would need to walk up the front/rear of a vehicle and attach the ropes to a tow hitch, and then drag the other end of the rope over to the vehicle to be towed. The player would then attach the ropes to the front/rear of the other vehicle.
  16. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    I'll have to build some logic into it so that a quad bike can't pull an mrap :) Probably will use the vehicle's mass to determine what can and can't be towed. six_ten, ideally, yes. However, I just tried and it needs some more work.
  17. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    Yeah... yet to see how smooth it looks to other players in MP.
  18. duda123

    Advanced Tow Ropes

    When towing on the ground, the ropes don't actually move the vehicle. There's a separate algorithm that calculates the position + direction of the vehicle and moves it as if the ropes were towing it. Once the towing vehicle lifts of the ground though, the ropes are used.
  19. Released v1.2 of the addon and script version: I've made an update to the addon to allow mission creators to disable lifting of heavy vehicles. By default, lifting of heavy vehicles is enabled. Add the following to your init.sqf file to disable heavy lifting: missionNamespace setVariable ["SA_ASL_HEAVY_LIFTING_ENABLED",false,true]; Add the following to your init.sqf file to enable heavy lifting (enabled by default): missionNamespace setVariable ["SA_ASL_HEAVY_LIFTING_ENABLED",true,true]; Latest source can be found here if you don't want to use the addon version. See readme for directions to use the script version. https://github.com/sethduda/AdvancedSlingLoading/blob/1.2/addons/SA_AdvancedSlingLoading/functions/fn_advancedSlingLoadingInit.sqf
  20. This has been published on steam! http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=615007497 Couldn't get a editor module to work that's server-side only, so I made the addon apply by default to all missions. At least it makes it easy to install and use via steam.
  21. Never seen that before. Can you send me the ropes sqf file you're using?
  22. If I make this into an addon (installable via steam) should the addon apply itself to all missions by default, or should it add a module that can be used via the editor? Also, I could try to make this a server-side only mod so clients don't need it.