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Everything posted by duda123

  1. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    That's one problem I wasn't able to solve if you place the cargo group directly into the heli using the editor. Try placing cargo group outside the vehicle and then put this in the group leader's init line: {_x moveInCargo NAME_OF_HELI} foreach units group this If anyone has any ideas how to make the editor-placed-cargo units work, let me know. I've tried using the leaveVehicle function (which prevents them from trying to get back in), but it has the side effect of causing the pilot to stop following orders / waypoints for some reason.
  2. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Well that's too bad. Maybe the function to find crew doesn't work well on non-vanilla helis. Here's what it's using: fullCrew [_vehicle, "cargo"]; https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/fullCrew
  3. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Also, what type of WP are you using?
  4. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Odd - can you try with the vanilla ghost hawk? Also, if you know how, can you check your client log for any errors?
  5. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    What does the heli do? Make sure you have another group of AI in the heli's cargo.
  6. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    If you're using a waypoint, you can use this in its activation: [vehicle this] call AR_Rappel_All_Cargo That will cause the heli to drop troops at the vehicle's current position once the waypoint is reached. Let me know what you're trying to do, and I can recommend an approach.
  7. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Depends how your're getting the position. If there's already an object/unit/vehicle at the position, you can use getPosASL OBJECTNAME. Another way is to place a marker and the use AGLtoASL getMarkerPos "MarkerName"
  8. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    v1.1 Released! https://github.com/sethduda/AdvancedRappelling/releases/tag/1.1 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=713709341 Adding rappelling sounds (thanks to Mynock for the audio files). Still supports server-side install, however, clients without the addon enabled locally won't hear the sounds. Adding ability to detach before reaching ground Player will fall off rope if end reached Rappel action removed if moving more than 150km/h Improved rope attachment points on player (comes down middle and now hangs off right hip) Added function to auto-rappel cargo units at a specific position and height. See directions on first page! You can now tell AI helis to drop AI within ~1m accuracy and from a specific height! Added support for APEX VTOLS Demo of auto-AI deploy:
  9. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    For the first release it will be setup to auto-detect rappel positions. It should work on things other than buildings, as long as they're more than 4-5m high and the incline is steep enough. However, manually placing a rappel anchor sounds neat. I've added in the ability to detach from the rope. Good idea!
  10. Latest update: Sounds have been added (see Jeza's video above) Added ability to detach from rope before you get to the ground Improved AI rappelling (they will push off wall as they rappel down) Last thing to be added are the animations. They're still in the works, so stay turned....
  11. latest version is on my group's server if you want to try it: Port: 2302
  12. The latest version on GitHub (source) has fixes for this. Haven't published the addon release yet, but if you use the script version, you can grab it from there.
  13. Jeza - great video! Thanks to mcrupert we have some awesome looking animations in the works! Will make weapon switching work much better as well. These addons will come packaged with the addon. If you're playing in SP they will be used by default. In MP, you will use the vanilla arma animations unless you also have the addon installed locally. The addon is still optional for for clients, but will look much better if you have it installed. Also working on adding in some optional rappel sound as well. Both the models and sounds will also be added to the heli rappelling eventually. Finally, the first release will contain AI rappelling, meaning you can order your AI squad to rappel with you.
  14. Yes and no -Yes you can create a custom rope inventory item. However, it can't be embedded into a mission or be server side only. That's the downside. Clients would need an addon installed to use it. I could make a setting for my addons that lets you specify the inventory item to require, if that helps.
  15. Thanks! Yes, but I like to let people easily pick and choose what they want to use. Some people might like sling loading but don't want towing, etc.
  16. No - it would check to see if you have the addon installed locally. If you do, it would use the better animations. Otherwise, it will fall back to the defaults that you see in the video above.
  17. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Almost done....
  18. This will be separate so people can choose if they want both or just one. It will be called Advanced Urban Rappelling.
  19. Probably this weekend sometime. Working on some custom animations with mcruppert, but those will probably wait until a later release. Still working on two things: 1. Supporting weapons while rappelling (without custom animations) 2. Walking left/right on wall (without swinging back to the middle)
  20. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Ok, that probably makes the most sense. I'll start by making a simple function that you can drop in the activation field on a "script" waypoint or in a trigger. I like giving people the ability to package everything inside their mission. Not sure if that's possible with custom editor modules.
  21. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Questions about how you will be using this: When you have AI rappel from a heli, would the AI rappelling be in a different group from the pilot/copilot/gunners? If not, what should happen when the AI reach the ground? The heli will keep following them if they're in the same group. One thing I could do is make the heli crew form their own group once everyone has rappelled. The troops on the ground would remain in the original group and would continue to follow any existing waypoints. However, the heli wouldn't move once you do this. Would have to pass in via the function some position / marker name for the heli crew to fly to.
  22. I'll take a look. Yes, I can add in support for the blackfish by default. Do you happen to know the class name(s) for the blackfish?
  23. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Still working on a better script for this... will let you know once I have something working.