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Everything posted by duda123

  1. duda123

    Advanced AI Command

    Edited the post above to take away command if you're not one of those players
  2. duda123

    Advanced AI Command

    Give this a try on dedicated: #define playerIsUnit(playername) ((missionNamespace getVariable [playername,objNull]) == player) if(hasInterface) then { [] spawn { while {true} do { if(playerIsUnit("SRROp") || playerIsUnit("sniperTeamLead")) then { ["FullCommand",true] call AIC_fnc_showCommandControl; }; if(playerIsUnit("strikeTeamLead") || playerIsUnit("SRROp") || playerIsUnit("sniperTeamLead")) then { ["CSSCommand",true] call AIC_fnc_showCommandControl; }; if(!playerIsUnit("strikeTeamLead") && !playerIsUnit("SRROp") && !playerIsUnit("sniperTeamLead")) then { ["FullCommand",false] call AIC_fnc_showCommandControl; ["CSSCommand",false] call AIC_fnc_showCommandControl; }; sleep 10; }; }; };
  3. duda123

    Advanced AI Command

    Try putting this at the top of your init.sqf file: if (!isDedicated) then {waitUntil {!isNull player && isPlayer player};};
  4. duda123

    Advanced AI Command

    Ok, I think the call to show the command control gets executed too soon when in the init field. Instead, name the player p1, remove its init field and then put in your init.sqf file: if(p1 == player) then { ["CSSCommand",true] call AIC_fnc_showCommandControl; };
  5. duda123

    Advanced AI Command

    Can you send me the sample mission?
  6. duda123

    Advanced AI Command

    No, it shouldn't. Ok, try changing the init line back, and add a single ai unit to the map. Then, put the add group function in it's init field. Let me know if that works.
  7. duda123

    Advanced AI Command

    Yeah, that should be it. If you change the init line to: [] call AIC_fnc_initAICommand; Do you get control over all groups on your side?
  8. duda123

    Advanced AI Command

    Can you post your description.ext file and init.sqf file?
  9. Sorry, don't know of a way to disable vanilla sling loading without also disabling the addon.
  10. Unfortunately it's another addon/mission that's doing the removing. Thinking about adding a player action that keeps track of the last tick time it was evaluated. Then, checking every few seconds, I can tell if the player action has stopped evaluation (has been removed). As far as I can tell, the action ID variable won't be set to nil when actions are removed. Too bad there isn't a function to get an action based on an ID...
  11. Anyone know of a way to check if an action you've added via addAction has been removed? (removed by another script using the removeAllActions command)
  12. I would like to switch from rifle to pistol. I'll send you the full example that's using custom animations. This is just a simplified example to highlight the problem.
  13. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    If anyone can solve this problem, we can get weapon switching working.... I'm stuck at the moment. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192807-weapon-switching-animation-problem/
  14. Spent some more time trying to debug this. I'm still stumped. Any time I override the ConnectTo, it gets stuck in the transition. There's gotta be something I'm missing... anyone?
  15. Running into some issues with weapon switching animations. Anyone know how to fix this problem? https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/192807-weapon-switching-animation-problem/
  16. duda123

    Advanced AI Command

    Yes 1. Add this to your init.sqf file: [false] call AIC_fnc_initAICommand; ["MY_COMMAND_CONTROL"] call AIC_fnc_createCommandControl; 2. For all groups you want to control, add this to their leader's init field: ["MY_COMMAND_CONTROL", group this] call AIC_fnc_commandControlAddGroup; 3. For all players doing commanding, add this to their init field: ["MY_COMMAND_CONTROL",true] call AIC_fnc_showCommandControl; The "MY_COMMAND_CONTROL" name is just a unique identifier you're assigning to a command control. You basically add groups you want to control to the command control, and then show the command control only to the players you want to give command access to. You can have as many command controls as you want, as long as they have unique names. There are some default command controls called ALL_EAST, ALL_WEST, ALL_CIV and ALL_GUER which already have all groups of the specified side added. Those are what's used when you use the addon version. Also, when including the hpp files in your description.ext, don't include cfgfunctionsaddon.hpp There's an example description.ext file on the github project. (https://github.com/sethduda/AIC) Also, FYI, the sample init.sqf file on github doesn't pass "false" init the AIC_fnc_initAICommand. This causes it to auto-configure itself and give all units on a side command over their entire side. Passing false disables this auto-configuration, and you have to do it manually like I described above.
  17. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Doesn't work at all, or blows up?
  18. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Haven't seen that before, but I haven't spent much time testing it on the VTOL. Can you reproduce it in single player? I'd guess that it's caused by the VTOLs width. The player is probably starting rappelling too close to the vehicle, causing it damage. If you can get it to reproduce in SP, that would be helpful in fixing the problem. Thanks
  19. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    We're working on some custom animations for rappelling - however, it's still going to be in a sitting position since that's how you would rappel on a rope. The FRIES animation would be more appropriate if you were going down a short, thick rope that's being held at the bottom.
  20. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Good find! I've fixed the source on github. Next release will include the fix.
  21. Cool, well if you make a harness or rope bag, it can easily be attached to the player. If we add it to the addon, I'd make it so that the bottom rope doesn't show when using the bag.
  22. Yes, but you have to change the source. Here's an example: https://github.com/sethduda/AdvancedSlingLoading/pull/10/files The 3 numbers are the number of meters to move the attachment points (up or down) from the original attachment position (front, middle, rear points). Most helis don't need adjustments, but some do.
  23. Easy to code - however, you'd need a custom model/object for the rope bag. If someone wants to make one, I can add it in.
  24. It's not coded specific to windows. The physics of swinging from a rope are scripted and take into account edges of objects, so you don't swing into them. Windows are simply a hole in an object - if you jump away from the building, the simulated physics takes care of the rest. Once you swing inside, you just lower yourself on the rope till you auto-detach from the rope. Yes - doesn't even have to be a building. Anything that's 4-5m high and has a drop off will work.
  25. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Oh ok - let me know if the description.ext file hanged work for you.