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Everything posted by duda123

  1. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Latest update is getting close. Working great in SP and just finished the first pass at making it MP compatible. Will be testing it out in MP tonight. Here's the full list of changes: 1. Rappelling in MP won't look jumpy. 2. Visually, the rope won't lag behind the player when moving quickly. 3. Once you reach the ground, your player will automatically pull 3m of rope through the rappel device. You can walk around as long as there is slack in the rope. Player must manually detach from the rope. AI will auto-detach. 4. If the player doesn't detach, they can be lifted by the helicopter. This includes jumping off a building with the rope still attached :) 5. The player will be injured if they land on the ground too fast. e.g. hit the ground at 60MPH and you're going to die. 6. Shooting while rappelling is going away. You'll also be in 3rd person while rappelling. No action will be available while on the rope in the air.
  2. Sent you a message. Can you try running those scripts?
  3. What's the issue you're seeing with the custom crates? Can you not attach ropes to them? Or, can you attach ropes, but they don't lift off the ground?
  4. v2.1.1 Released https://github.com/sethduda/AdvancedSlingLoading/releases/tag/2.1.1 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=615007497 - Fixing issue preventing "pick up ropes" action from appearing when on USS Nimitz (or any other structure) - Fixing VTOL support
  5. duda123

    Advanced Towing

    Not a problem for a quad bike!
  6. duda123

    Advanced Towing

    Currently you can only attach to the front... sorry!
  7. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Nothings wrong with them, except that it's yet another addon people need to install. Wish more addons could be server-side only. Let's you add functionality to your server and players don't even need to think about it.
  8. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    The 3rd person will still work even though you have it disabled. Will only be used when rappelling and will go back to 1st person once on the ground.
  9. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Couple updates coming soon: After working on the SPIE/skyhook addon for a while, I've found a good way to actually attach MP players to a physx rope (and still keep the addon as a server-side-only addon). There are pros and cons to this new approach, but I think it's worth it: 1. In MP, the other players will move smoothly and the rope won't lag behind the player if the heli is moving. From that perspective, it will look much nicer. 2. When the player reaches the ground, they won't detach automatically. You'll be able to walk around with the rope still attached. The heli can lift you back into the air if needed. Players will need to manually detach. AI will auto detach. However, to make this work, a few things need to change: 1. Shooting while rappelling has to go away, sorry. 2. When rappelling self, you will go into a 3rd-person 360-degree orbital camera (works exactly like the 3rd person free look). You will be able to zoom in/out using scroll wheel. 3. No actions will be available while rappelling. You'll need to reach the ground. Now, if this addon wasn't server-side-only, we could do more, but I think it's worth keeping it this way.
  10. Reeling in the rope using the heli rotor isn't a good idea? :)
  11. Thanks for the model name - was looking for a ballon! Btw - I'm going to attempt the Fulton extract. It's going to be awesome :) Follow development here (in addition to SPIE): https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/193784-spie-addon/
  12. duda123

    SPIE Addon

    This would be pretty cool. Maybe I'll make this part of this addon and release both together. Here's how I would make that type of system work, and make it server-side only: When an aircraft is in the air, the crew would be given a deploy skyhook action. Once activated, all players on ground will get an action to deploy skyhook. When player deploys skyhook, some ballon-like object will float into the air above player, attached to player via rope. Would attach ir strobe to ballon. Then, if aircraft flies within x meters of the ballon, rope attaches from plane to ballon and retracts automatically. Once rope retracted, player is moved into heli. Only concern I have is that the rope will snap due to the velocity.
  13. duda123

    SPIE Addon

    Name for this new addon? Advanced Extract? Here's how it will work: Heli crew can deploy rope. Any player on the ground can walk up to rope and press "Attach Self". Multiple players can attach to the same rope (limited to 8 maybe). Once ropes attached, players can walk around on the ground until the heli lifts them up. Players are still attached to rope while walking, so you can't walk beyond the length of your rope(s) attached to other units. Players need to move together on the ground. Once in the air, it will immediately switch to a custom 3rd person view, letting you orbit around the player and zoom in/out up to 25m. If you need the ability to command your AI while on the rope, you can switch to 1st person view to get those commands. Once players reach the ground again, they will be able to walk around again. Then, players need to "Detach Self" from rope.
  14. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Yeah I know...
  15. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Ok, you don't actually need to include any of the animation classes in your description.ext file. Only way for animations to work is to have the addon enabled.
  16. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    What errors are you getting? Are you trying to re-package as a new addon? I'd be surprised if you got AUR working with custom animations if it's just included as a script in a mission pbo. Description.ext doesn't support custom animations. Let me know what you're trying to do.
  17. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    You can't use custom animations if using this addon as a script. Maybe that's the problem?
  18. duda123

    SPIE Addon

    Latest update video:
  19. duda123

    SPIE Addon

    I'd say that's pretty close! :)
  20. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    A new addon in the works: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/193784-spie-addon/
  21. duda123

    SPIE Addon

    Good news - I figured out a way to make this work with vanilla arma MP!! Will be server side only like all of my other mods.
  22. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Ok, I've decided to enable shooting by default. If anyone wants to disable it, there's an override variable to turn it off. While aiming your weapon, the rope "spin" still applies. v1.3 Released - Added custom animations for rappelling (same used in urban rappelling - thanks Ruppertle) - Added ability to shoot while rappelling (client needs addon installed locally) - Added ability for player to turn left and right +- 25 degrees while rappelling - Added ability to rappel faster by pressing the turbo key (defaults to left shift) - Added override variable to disable shooting while rappelling: AR_DISABLE_SHOOTING_OVERRIDE. Set the variable to true in your init.sqf file to disable shooting while rappelling - Added override variable to limit number of rappel positions: AR_MAX_RAPPEL_POINTS_OVERRIDE. Set the variable to any value between 1 and 6. Defaults to 6. - Improved rappelling simulation so that rope doesn't lag behind player as much when helicopter is moving. - Improved smoothness of rappelling (less bouncing as you descend) Find it on Steam or GitHub
  23. duda123

    Advanced Rappelling

    Would people find shooting while rappelling useful? I have the ability to reuse the urban rappelling animation, but not sure if I want to allow shooting.