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About cav_guy

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  1. I've been trying to figure this out as well, with no luck so far, but I wanted to share what I've found in the hopes that we can all figure this out as I think it could be really cool. If you look through the functions accessible in the Extended Debug Window, you can see the functions that I think they used to put together the showcase mission. Here's a list of the ones that I think are relevant: BIS_fnc_AircraftCatapultLaunch BIS_fnc_AircraftSystemsInit BIS_fnc_AircraftTailhook BIS_fnc_AircraftWingStateCheck BIS_fnc_Carrier01AnimateDeflectors BIS_fnc_Carrier01CatapultActionAdd BIS_fnc_Carrier01CatapultActionRemove BIS_fnc_Carrier01CatapultID BIS_fnc_Carrier01CatapultLockTo BIS_fnc_Carrier01CrewInAnim BIS_fnc_Carrier01CrewPlayAnim I've been experimenting with them to get them to work but haven't been able to figure it out yet. The only one that I can get to work is BIS_fnc_Carrier01CatapultID. If you're sitting in the cockpit on the flight deck with the engine running, run "hint str (["true",100] call bis_fnc_carrier01CatapultID);" and it will return the catapult ID closest to you (0 is the bow right catapult, 1 is the bow left cat, 2 is the waist right cat, and 3 is the waist left cat). It looks like BIS_fnc_Carrier01CatapultLockTo will only work on the players aircraft and I think that's the function they use at the beginning of the showcase to move your plane to the catapult. I've dug through the config files to find the inputs required for it and can get it to run with no errors, but it doesn't do anything. To prevent others from having to dig through the config files of the carrier, the catapults can be found in the config viewer under configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "Land_Carrier_01_hull_04_F" (for the bow cats) and Land_Carrier_01_hull_07_F (for the waist cats). I've tried placing an AI aircraft on a catapult and calling BIS_fnc_AircraftCatapultLaunch on it (I think this is what they used for the AI plane in the showcase) but all I get is a generic error in expression from inside the function, so I'm figuring there's some setup you need to do before you call it. I'm going to try looking through the function line by line to see what it's actually doing, but I'm not all that experienced with ARMA scripting. I'm going to keep plugging away at this as I like a challenge, but I'm working this weekend so I don;'t know how far I'll get any time soon. Does anyone else have some thoughts on this?
  2. cav_guy

    EDEN - Questions

    Is the author field in the Attributes -> General menu working or am I just doing something wrong? When I put my name in it, it shows up as "Unknown Community Author" on the mission loading screen. When I open up the mission.sqm file, it looks like the author attribute was never written to it, even though I see the other attributes I've added ("briefingName, overviewText, onLoadMission). When I create a description.ext file with the author field in it everything works fine. I don't see anything on the feedback tracker about it but I am wondering if it's a bug. I wanted to check with the community to see if it's just something I'm doing wrong as I'm fairly new to this. If you want to see what I'm talking about there are screenshots here and here illustrate it.