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Everything posted by PCanas

  1. Hey :) So, since some update ago (can't remember wich, but probably one of the last 3 or 4) my GPS/side panels don't show properly. All I get is a thin line, probably 2 or 3 pixels wide, by a few dozens tall. You can see it this screen shot: Look closely. If you count 7 squares to the right, from the head, you'll see 2 little "glitches". Those are the side panels. If I move around, there's some change in them: the white/black "pattern" changes. So apparently they work, they just don't show right. If I go the display menu, where you can arrange the location and size of the several elements in the screen, they show up properly, but in-game, they don't. Suggestions? Thanks in advance :)
  2. Might work... I actually used that to attach some smoke grenades into planes to make a flyby with the flag colors. Worked nice. Funny thing is the planes flew as intended with normal waypoints, only minor tweeking needed. I have 5 planes in a V formation, they're all independent from each other and each has it's own waypoint. They fly straight, in formation. Apparently, ground units can't do that...
  3. Hi folks :) I'm trying to make a parade, for a video. I have a bunch of vehicles lined up and I want them to simply move forward, straight, and at constant speed. (will have infantry too) Apparently, the "simply" part is not so simple... I've serached the interwebz and found a bunch of commands like disableAI [whatever], but it didn't work. The only thing that seemed to work was "limitspeed" or "definespeed"... can't remember exactly. I also tried placing a waypoint straight ahead of the vehicle, but it will follow the road next to him (I'm making it in the Altis airport runway). Long story short, I can't make them move forward, in a straight line, ignoring any road nearby, or trying to move away from other vehicles. (I managed to put 5 tanks side by side in the runway; they're not that close to each other) Need help. Thanks! :)
  4. What if... I tell the AI to move to a xyz coordinate? Would they move straight forward or would it work like a regular waypoint, i.e., they'd go to the road?
  5. But won't they go to the same path as the first? I mean, BIS_fnc_UnitCapture records the path too, right? so if I place a second vehicle next to the first (wich got recorded), won't the second steer until it's the same track as the first?
  6. I've seen that. The problem with that is that its human dependable. It would be very hard to make all the vehicles start moving at the same time, and drive at the same speed... specially when you have about 50 vehicles, maybe more.
  7. PCanas

    [WIP] Morse Script

    OP link says "404 Page not Found". Could you (or anyone else) repost it, please?
  8. Improve UAV (specially Darter) AI. It happens a lot the UAV gets completely "mad" mid way to a waypoint and starts flying around, literally. It then is a pain in the a** to regain proper control of it. Speaking of UAVs, create intermediate altitude options or an option that let's you specifiy the altitude you want the drone to fly. The jump from 500m to 2000m is just stupid, specially if you consider most servers "lock" the view distance to 1000-something meters... BTW, am I the only one who can't resize the GPS window size after the Jets update?
  9. Hi :) So, I'm making a mission where the enemy AI has a village occupied. There they have artillery pieces (Sochor) firing at a neighbour village. I don't know how to make this, but this is how I imagine it: 1- There are several targets at the neighbour village, and the several artillery pieces will fire at them. The targets are invisible, they're there just to tell the artillery where to aim. 1.1- It can be 1 artillery-1 target, or have 2 or 3 targets per artillery piece and make them select radomly, each time they fire. 2- The artillery is to fire continously until they get destroyed (they might require infinte ammo). Obviously, when destroyed, the attack on the neighbour village wil stop. 3- Each artillery piece is to fire with random delays between X and Y seconds. 3.1 - Each artillery piece should have it's own delay, to avoid synch shots. For example, artillery A fires with a random delay between 15 and 25 seconds, artillery B fires with random delay between 10 and 20, etc. 4- The artillery should ignore enemy presence. If possible, I'd like to avoid "external" script files, i.e., I'd like to put the code in the init of the vehicle itself. Thanks in advance! :)
  10. Ok, problem solved in a "whatever" fashion... I put the scripts in the artillery to delete the shells, and places ordnance modules on repeat. The game automatically repeats them every 6 seconds, I think, but I delayed the start of each module by a different ammount of time, so they are out of synch. Thanks anyway for the help :)
  11. init of what? The unit I want the loadout to be kept? Or on the files themselves?
  12. Yes, the actual artillery has to be in the map, since one of the mission objectives is to destroy them. I've managed to make shells fall in one place, using the Ordenance module, but I don't have the artillery. I managed to make the ordenance module stop if the artillery is destroyed, but it looks wierd aince the shells will be falling but the artillery won't be firing. Now that I mention this, maybe there's an easier way, mixing both methods... Make artillery fire. Define delay between shots and give infinite ammo. Delete fired shell. Have ordenance module(s) with same delay as artillery. (or "synched" to the artillery) Have them on repeat. Add random spread to them (how?) so the shells don't fall always on the same spot Stop ordenance module when artillery is destroyed (using trigger) What's the part from your script that deletes the shell?
  13. That WP method seems to work, at least the Sochor reacts, the thing is the target is out of range. How can I make AI define the range in the Sochor?
  14. Ok, I've read your posts and the links suggested by @Gunter Severloh, but since my understanding of scripts is close to none, I'm still adrfit here... What code do I have to use, what should I write and where, to make it happen the way I'd like to, i.e., have an artillery piece (not mortars, its a sochor) firing at a target, every x-y seconds, until it (the artillery) gets destroyed?
  15. I'll try that. I didn't discard script files completely, it's just I'm completely dumb when it comes to scripting, so if I can avoid it and make it more "simple", that'd be a plus ;)
  16. Hello folks :) I want to create a visible countdown, but for two different situations. 1 There's a laptop/pc. Blufor has to approach it and upload intel to command. It's supposed to take x seconds. The idea is for there to be an interaction menu (scroll wheel) with the option to upload the intel. When activated, a timer will appear showing "XX Seconds to Complete" (or, if possible, in %) and it would be visible to all blufor in an x meters radius. 2 You have x minutes to clear an area after beeing detected by opfor, or else the alarm will go off. Applying the same principle as above, I'd like that timer to show up when blufor is detected by opfor. If reaches zero and there's still opfor in the area the alarm will go off, but if all opfor is dead before timer reaches 0, it will disappear and the alarm condition won't apply. Thanks in advance ofr the help :) Cheers!
  17. Hi folks :) Is it possible to make enemies shoot at you, but always miss? I wanted to make an "intro" of a mission, where you are taken by heli to the AO, and at arrival AAs shoot at the heli, but always miss. It's meant to create a scene, not to actually shoot down the heli. Can it be made to be active only for specific vehicles? For example, two helis coming in, but only one gets shot, the other is "immune". (notice I don't want to make the heli invicible, I want the enemy to miss) Thanks for the help :)
  18. That's the point ;) I'd like to have the tracers from AA autocanons visible but missing too, so mix of the delete projectile and change projectile direction. It wouldn't be very accurate to be continuously shot with an autocannon and not be destroyed...
  19. But the projectiles are still visible?
  20. I'm kinda noob in this scripting stuff... JohnnyBoy, where am I supposed to put that code? It only works with missiles? What if AA is a Cheetah or something like that? Grumpy Old Man, what exactly does that do? I read it, but I didn't get it...
  21. I did Was I, somehow, supposed to know exactly what bugs the creator is aware of? Was I, somehow, supposed to know exactly what will be fixed on the next update? Damn, I didn't know reporting a bug was so... "bloody"... upsentting these days... Sorry mate, next time I'll just pray the creator of the mod notices every bug and wait for the update... Merry Christmas!
  22. So, I tested this mod and found the ambience it creates to be awesome, but... I found "bug": the ASP-1 KIR makes the same "echo" every other weapon does. I tested on top of a mountain and got the echo from all over. Why I say this is a "bug"? Because that weapon has huge built in supressor and fires subsonic ammo, so it's supposed to be way quieter than other weapons, even with supressors... still, for this mod it makes as much noise as full on machine gun ;) Am I right or am I getting something wrong?
  23. PCanas

    Vcom AI V2.0 - AI Overhaul

    Hi! o/ So, I found this mod yesterday and it looks pretty cool. I talked with the folks in my squad, mainly the guy who manages the server, and suggested we use this. Turns out, he tried it sometime ago but got a key error. You can't log in the server if you're using this mod (and vcom driving). I'm not an expert in signature check nor keys, but the man says the error shouldn't be there, since the key in the server matches the one in the mod. So, does anyone else has this problem? What's the workaround? I'm not sure, but I think the server is running the latest game version, without Apex. Thanks for the help :)
  24. I think it's both theoretically and pratically possible, as long as you fly it as a heli. If you want to fly it as plane afeter liftoff, you should get a vehicle that allows to load the cargo internally and then drop it with a parachute, like the Blackfish.