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About KehanGaming

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  1. KehanGaming

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Hey guys. As A2:OA (DayZ Overpoch) is my favorite game (Over 8000 hours) I felt It was important for myself to have my saying in this matter. I can't help but to think with the recent donations war that maybe this was intentional to get people to A3. Seems strange to update a game all of a sudden that they/you obviously want everyone to forget. I was sure it was a joke when I bought a Lee Enfield from the Overpoch traders when the zeroing said "167" - "233" etc. May I ask - Is it? I have absolutely no idea why many of these gun changes were made? KSVK has zeroing as well? WHY? The scope was meant for it to be hard to zero with the Russian scope. The gunner seat in the Armored Mi-17 is also broken. Can hardly move the gunner around at all now - Landing steel also seem to have been lowered quite a bit. Anyways I'm sorry for my little rant here. I hope there will be a fix for all this soon. Merry Christmas and all that stuff :) - Kean