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About florisheld

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  1. florisheld

    Error in terrain builder

    How do I check if my P: is setup corrrectly?
  2. florisheld

    Error in terrain builder

    Yep it is there
  3. florisheld

    Error in terrain builder

    reserved for issue status: RESOLVED Fix= create a NEW layers.cfg file do NOT copy ANYTHING from the old one!!
  4. I get this error when i try to generate my layers LOG: 19:53:25: Can't load image from file 'P:\': file does not exist. 19:53:25: Layers generation - PNGOVerlapV3Style.cpp bool V3PictureDataMod::LoadFromFile( const char* filename = "P:\" ) Unable to open the image file. 19:53:25: Layers generation - Unable to load the file "P:\". Layers.cfg file
  5. florisheld

    [Resources] How to make a Terrain

    Terrainbuilder gives me an error, ''Unable to load the file ''P:\". LOG: 19:53:25: Can't load image from file 'P:\': file does not exist. 19:53:25: Layers generation - PNGOVerlapV3Style.cpp bool V3PictureDataMod::LoadFromFile( const char* filename = "P:\" ) Unable to open the image file. 19:53:25: Layers generation - Unable to load the file "P:\". layers.cfg file: class Layers { class grass_green { texture = ""; material = "PROJECTS\map\data\grass_green.rvmat" }; class beach { texture =""; material = "PROJECTS\map\data\beach.rvmat" }; class seabed { texture =""; material = "PROJECTS\map\data\seabed.rvmat" }; class concrete { texture =""; material = "PROJECTS\map\data\concrete.rvmat" }; class Legend { picture="PROJECTS\map\source\mapLegend.png"; class Colors { grass_green[]={{0,255,0}}; beach[]={{255,255,0}}; seabed[]={{0,0,255}}; concrete[]={{255,0,255}}; }; };
  6. florisheld

    [Resources] How to make a Terrain

    Thanks a lot for this guide!