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Posts posted by yesyesjo

  1. 1 hour ago, pierremgi said:

    No problem. The fact is BI created a very powerful "simple object" system with all sims disabled. If used as is, in a dynamic simulation, that breaks the interactive actions on object.


    On the other hand, ...and another topic linked with the simulation feature, there are still voices and reports problem on "enableSimulationGlobal false, hideObjectGlobal true" AI units...

    In an ideal "BI world", disabled units should be muted (and most of all, disabled to give order like" disembark"), disabled buildings should recover all doors and ladders when player(s) in proximity...

    wait and see.


    Ha! dynamicSimulation solves the problem. easy... :) sorry for bothering!

  2. hey guys,


    i am not into the debugging stuff so much, but want give a short feedback from our exile taunus server, which is running in RC right now.


    we experienced a problem with custom set buildings like e.g. exile walls with doors AND arma stock buildings e.g. a warehouse. after the update we didnt get the open/close-door animations etc anymore. befor the update these objects have been set with "enableSimulationGlobal false". now we must use "true" to get the animations and be able open the doors. 


    did you change something with enableSimulation, enbableSimulationGlobal or the animation stuff?


    we didnt found the time yet to try the dynamicSimulation thing. but after all i read this should not effect simulationGlobal by default, or?


    it seems, that this is not affected to buildings, which are set through mission.sqm and eden editor...


    if you need more infos to that, please tell me.


    cheers, looking forward to the release next week! :)







    edit: i just opened a ticket aswell... https://feedback.bistudio.com/T123696



  3. 15 hours ago, Faelucc said:

    I wonder when people will understand... Not having the 3 fps bug doesn't mean you don't have the issue. Why didn't you crash in 64 bits? Because there where no memory leak? Or simply because you can now use so much RAM that you simply didn't play long enough to crash? You should check that...


    About this bug, this will be the difference between 32 and 64 bits:

    * 32 bits: your game will crash as soon as the total memory used reach 4 GB

    * 64 bits: your game will use as much as memory it can. When your physical memory will reach a threshold, your FPS will drop to 3... and actually all your computer will start to be really slow! If your paging file is too small, your system could crash....


    Play with a view distance of 10 km in ultra settings for some time, just to try :)


    ähhh, sorry man... dont know what to say to that. except: your right!


    BUT it seems you got another point of view. i guess most people/player here just want to play the game without crashing to death every 10 minutes in great fight situations or flying an expensive chopper... and i would bet, that 90% of the people here tried to play the game in absolutly minimum settings just to be able to play. less people are even thinking about ultra settings right now... ;)


    but anyway, we all want the same: no 3fps bug.




  4. Hey folks!


    I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel!! :) Because it got so worse with this bug on our exile taunus server (average every 10 min...), we decided yesterday to switch the server to the RC Version.The server is running in 32bit and the clients are connecting in 64bit. Except some minor problems, everything is working fine so far.


    AND no one had the bug anymore! RAM usage client side between 3,5 and 8,7 GB... :) Top playercount: 35-40 player, i think... And the database is really full (mysql / extdb2)....


    just to let you know...









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  5. 27 minutes ago, dwarden said:

    i answered many times ... don't you pay attention ? 


    it's being worked on ... (and nobody provided any reliable repro either... )


    thank you very much for the answer.

    as I said earlier, I really dont want to upset or criticize you... :)


    and please, dont get upset again: how can we get you the repro or what exactly do you mean? just point me in the direction (or the correct forum thread, support ticket or whatever) and we will try to help.


    this error occurs a lot on our exile taunus server. on altis, it doesnt happen so often, but it happens...


    thx again! :)



  6. 51 minutes ago, long range said:

    But if its exile specified errors you can do a serverside script to found out what causes the error:

    diag_log format ["vehicle: %1, netid: %2", _x, (netid _x)];
    } foreach allmissionobjects "All";


    thx for that! i will check this out.


    and i have to admit, that we forgot to update the perf exe in the last weeks after new year. yesterday i saw, that there is perf 12 and startet the servers with them, but had "no logs" active... will check this eve, perhaps the error vanished in the meantime... of course, that would be awesome!

  7. hey dwarden!


    because we never had contact, I want first of all say "thank you" for all the development and bugfixing stuff you do for the game and community!! :)


    i am not sure if this is the right topic for this. but this is an old subject (I found many different posts/threads in the net, but no solutions), which came back to our server (exilemod server).


    since 1.66 we are experiencing tons of the following errors again:


    Server: Object info 2:12709 not found. (or other object id numbers)
    Can't change owner from 0 to 2


    we had this error a year ago, but it somehow vanished and now its back and killing the server. and we know, that these are known errors since years, but they never occurred as often as now.


    in my absolutly-non-expert-language: i think the game tries to find objects, which - we think - have been local to a client sometimes before. but in worst case he is trying to do that over 50.000 to 100.000 times in 3-4 hours - just with ONE object (or more). is there a way to get the game think: ok, i didnt find this object with my last 10K attemps and stop it now. because this object doesnt exist anymore...  it happens especially with lot of players on (50-90 players) and a lot of AI and objects. of course, i cannot tell if its an "bad custom code" problem on our end with changing ownership.


    i know there are bug tickets since years, but i thought, why not try here...


    cheers and thx from germany,





  8. hey bad benson,


    some time ago we found the solution to get EM working with exile (you just have to load the CBA addon as client...), but we didnt implement it, because there is one major issue. in exile you can build wooden walls for base building. this is no poblem, you can climb over them, its working great with EM. But if there is something at the wall (a rock e.g.) and your making the EM jump over it, you are directly glitching through the wall. thats not so good, because your in the enemy base then... ;) do you have an idea, if its possible to prevent that? so that the animation stops at the wall and not going through?


    cheers and thx again,



  9. hello everybody!!


    first of all i want to thank the guys for creating EM! this is really a great thing. :)


    we want to use it on our exile server, but we are not able to get it working. i think the client side is working fine, but on the serverside its not loading or not loading correctly. we tried different ways, but no luck. you cant see the interface to change the keybindings and everytime you want to climb over a wall for example, the animation of the player starts deep in the ground and not on the top of the wall. so u dont climb over the wall... jumping or using the F button is working well.


    we heard from other guys that they dont have the problem with exile, but they have a windows server. our server is a linux server (battleye deactivated on the dev server). does some have an idea, what we can try or do wrong? and how to correctly execute it serverside? thanks a lot in advance...


    cheers yes
