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Everything posted by tOnay45

  1. helo bro, I want to make Patrol Ops 3 ambient patrol consisting only of a foot patrol. so, where can I change the settings. I found the "fn_ambientGroundPatrols.Sqf" in the folder FNC, can I change it from here? and this would be very helpful if anyone wants to help me. because I play with just a few players, so I was very frustrated if the vehicle met the enemy
  2. hay @Roy86 I see there is a script in patrol_Ops.sqf if (PO3SRV) then { [] Spawn PO3_fnc_registerLocations; PO3_worldsize = call PO3_fnc_worldsize; if (PO3_param_ambientpatrolair) then {[] spawn PO3_fnc_ambientAirPatrols; }; if (PO3_param_ambientpatrolgnd) then {[] spawn PO3_fnc_ambientGroundPatrols; }; // If (PO3_param_ambientIEDs) then {[] call PO3_fnc_ambientIEDs; }; // If (PO3_param_ambient_civs_enable) then {[300,8,6] spawn PO3_fnc_ambientCivs; }; // If (PO3_param_ambient_civtraffic_enable) then {[800,15,9] spawn PO3_fnc_ambientTraffic; }; }; it looks like the script to call a civilian ambient and ambient IEDs. then if I can to use it? and how do I enable it?