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About R3WiND S3LeK7aH

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  1. R3WiND S3LeK7aH

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Sorry in advance if this has been resolved somewhere earlier in this thread, I dug through 10 pages or so but I just don't have time to dig through all 57 pages and the forum search wasn't netting me relevant issues. I've got an Exile server up and running and was hoping to use this for some random spawn areas between towns and what not. I managed to successfully get the AI to spawn under the marker as desired, but it seems anything other than [1,0,35,WEST,FALSE,FALSE] and the AI immediately kill eachother upon spawning. My goal is hostile WEST (Blufor) AI, that will attack both Opfor (Zombies on my server) and Independent (players in exile). I tried spawning in the above west group and they spawned fine, didn't attack eachother or player but once I changed the mission to Independent is friendly towards no one, the same above spawned in blufor group immediately went hostile towards eachother until only one remained then attacked me. I tried some different combos before giving up. I wanted to see if EOS was working at all so I loaded the example mission that comes with EOS, dragged one of the authors default markers thats spawns Opfor [0,0,35,EAST,FALSE,FALSE] over to the salt flats so I could see them easier and same thing, as soon as they spawned they killed eachother until only one remained. If anyone has any idea why the AI are killing eachother within the same group spawned together would be greatly appreciated. If any more infor is needed to help, I'll check this regularly tonight and will update with whatever you need. Thanks!