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Everything posted by Alert23

  1. Hi armaholic's! i have this KeyUp EventHandler: ShootRocket = findDisplay 46 displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", { if (_this select 1 == 19 && soldier1 == player) then { shell1 = createVehicle ["M_Vorona_HE", position car1, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; shell1 setPos (car1 modelToWorld [-0.02,3,0.2]); shell1 setdir getdir car1; shell1 setvelocity [100 * (sin (getdir car1)), 100 * (cos (getdir car1)), 3]}; }]; now my question is can someone please help me make this script work only 3 times so after the 3rd time pressing the Key, the displayAddEventHandler will be removed via displayRemoveEventHandler. thank you for any help.
  2. Thank you for your help, it does work. 1.yes will do what you recommended. 2.true. 3.rgr. 4.i find KeyUp better because with KeyDown if you keep the key pressed it will fire like FullAuto. 5. okay i understand (i hope so =] )
  3. Hi everyone, i have this script to display the vehicle speed and it does work: [] spawn {while {alive vehicle player} do { _displaySpeed = speed vehicle player; [format ["%1", _displaySpeed],-0.99,-0.15,9999,0,0,202] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; sleep 0.1; }; }; but it shows too much digits after the comma: how can i remove the digits after comma? thank you for your help.
  4. thank you both, both solution are working. thank you again! edit: changed thread title.
  5. Hey, sry for digging this one up, but could someone please explain this abit? I have a vehicle composition and i rly want to know how i can create it into an mod/addon rather then to have it in a mission.
  6. First of all thank you for this script, but there is a problem if you use "camPrepareTarget" then BIS_fnc_setPitchBank wont work. Do you know a solution for this issue?
  8. Alert23

    Error Message Splendid Camera

    For anyone who also has this problem or in the future here is the solution: https://feedback.bistudio.com/T146601#1984192
  9. Hi everyone, hopefully some of you guys can help with this. i want to add an action to the player via the vehicle init so everytime a player enters that vehicle it will add an action to the vehicle driver, this is what i got so far i dont get any error but somehow it dosent work via vehicle init: if (driver car1 == player) then { car1 lock true; player addAction ["D E T O N A T E",{ bomb1 ="Bo_Mk82" createVehicle (getPos car1); player setdammage 1; {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach attachedObjects car1; deletevehicle car1;}]; }; Edit: Solved it using EventHandler GetIn https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#GetIn
  10. Alert23

    Error Message Splendid Camera

    i wanted to create a scene with this command: [player] call BIS_fnc_cameraOld; and accidently used this: [] spawn BIS_fnc_camera; i know that u can access splendid camera via main menu.
  11. We're not burying them at sea? What then? ARMA 3 + MGSR + TAC VESTS + HIDDEN IDENTITY + MARPAT (WD + DS)
  12. Hey, can someone help me with a code? i'am trying to make the player unkillable and Prevent death but still take damage and in the same time increase his health, because i want to create a custom deathscene where if the damage of the player reaches 0.8 or 0.9 he will fall in unconsciousness and then my code follows. i tried like this: player addEventHandler [ "handleDamage", { 0.9;}]; this works, but i cant add a code to increase the health in the same time, tried like this: player addEventHandler [ "handleDamage", { 0.9; _unit = _this select 0; _dmg = _this select 2; _oldDmg = damage _unit; _dmg = _oldDmg + (_dmg / 50); _dmg; } ]; this increases the health but now the player isent unkillable and my code dosent fire because player dies.
  13. Alert23

    Metal Gear Solid Vr-Missions

    let the Speedrun challenge beginn 😃 thank you very much for your feedback, yes indeed im a big MGS fan. MGS is my favorite game since my childhood until now. when i was 10 i had a serious leg injury and i remember then my brother brought me a tv and ps1 and i was the only child in the hospital playing mgs1 🤣
  15. hi all, i have a problem right now im trying to create a script which will switch trough an array: KeyUp.sqf: SelectGear = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 57) then {nul = [] execVM 'scripts\SelectLoadOut.sqf'};"]; SelectLoadOut: LoadOut = selectRandom ["Gear1","Gear2","Gear3","Gear4","Gear5"]; switch (LoadOut) do { case "Gear1": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear1.sqf";}; case "Gear2": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear2.sqf";}; case "Gear3": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear3.sqf";}; case "Gear4": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear4.sqf";}; case "Gear5": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear5.sqf";}; }; this will switch Randomly through LoadOut array, how can i make it so that it does not selectRandom but switch from Gear1-Gear5.
  16. thank you both for your help, but i cant get both of it working, maybe i explain what im doing: up on pressing the SPACE key: SelectGear = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyUp", "if ((_this select 1) == 57) then {nul = [] execVM 'scripts\SelectLoadOut.sqf'};"]; SelectLoadOut: LoadOut = selectRandom ["Gear1","Gear2","Gear3","Gear4","Gear5"]; switch (LoadOut) do { case "Gear1": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear1.sqf";}; case "Gear2": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear2.sqf";}; case "Gear3": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear3.sqf";}; case "Gear4": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear4.sqf";}; case "Gear5": {[] execVM "scripts\Gear5.sqf";}; }; now i want to give the player the option to choose which Gear he wants to use before mission start: everytime the player presses SPACE the Gear will change, for now i use selectRandom with Switch do which selects random Gear from the array but i try to make it so that everytime SPACE is pressed it will jump to the next Gear.
  17. will try when im hoem thank you!
  18. Alert23

    Metal Gear Solid Vr-Missions

    A new Trailer by ~FoxHound~for my Mission above.
  19. Alert23

    Arma3 Videos

    A very Entertaining new trailer to my: Metal Gear Solid VR-Missions https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1760343236
  20. Alert23

    Metal Gear Solid Vr-Missions

    Hey George! Thank you very much for your feedback.
  21. Alert23

    EH HandleDamage Help

    yes this does work thank you Saro. yes this is for SP
  22. Alert23

    EH HandleDamage Help

    yes indeed this does work thanks so far 👍 but i want to add another HandleDamage EH which increases players Health: increase health: player addEventHandler [ "handleDamage", { _unit = _this select 0; _dam = _this select 2; _oldDmg = damage _unit; _dmg = _oldDmg + (_dmg / 50); _dmg; } ]; now if i add both then the first one will be ignored.
  23. Alert23

    EH HandleDamage Help

    yes i tried it with two triggers: trigger 1: Condition: damage player >= 0.8 ONAC: some code trigger 2: Condition: damage player >= 0.9 ONAC: player setdammage 0.8 but if player gets hit by a tankshell he will still die.
  24. Alert23

    EH HandleDamage Help

    hmm, sry. somehow it dosent work. player gets still killed if hit by a tankshell. what i try to achive is that nothing can kill the player but player can still take damage.