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Everything posted by ArmaMan360

  1. Ok so its been about 3-4 days with this problem and finally had to register with bisforums for the solution. And I want to give my laptop a brief time before I smash it against the wall. lol I got sidefinder.sqf (finding next side mission) and separate side1, side2.sqf files in my random objectives mission and using EOS to spawn units. Which is working smooth. It starts the mission, shk_taskmaster allots me a random objective from among 2 test missions "side1.sqf" and "side2.sqf". Problem lies in the "Detect objective clear line". Previously for testing purposes I was using the following waitUntil {{alive _x; side _x == west} count allunits == 0;}; which was working very well if I killed a unit spawned with bis_fnc_spawngroup and would immediately shoot the task complete notification. But now when I have replaced the spawn line with EOS: if (true) then { _nul = [["side_area"],[0,0],[1,1,100],[0,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[1,0,100,WEST]] call EOS_Spawn;}: It throws a generic error in expression in the above mentioned waituntil line around alive _x. This mission is a purely SP game. Only one OPFOR playable unit which is mine. what could be causing it? It is basically a clear area objective where I need it to complete the objective when all EOS spawned units are killed. Any help would be appreciated and the community here is amazing :D
  2. Thank youuu for the added hint... haleks, Ravage is really a dream come true. Great zombies in arma 3. ^^
  3. Wow that worked.. Love you man. Ok so this is what I did. I removed the "_nul" from the EOS call, like so: [["side_area"],[0,0],[1,1,100],[0,0],[0],[0],[0,0],[1,0,100,WEST]] call EOS_Spawn;}: and let the waituntil remain like this waitUntil {{alive _x; side _x == west} count allunits == 0;}; Haleks thank you again man. ^^
  4. Yes Sir here is the image: http://i67.tinypic.com/106fyna.png And here is the tiny mission file: (Updated link) https://www.sendspace.com/file/q42dxm
  5. ArmaMan360

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    *Duplication post. Moderator please delete this*
  6. Make an AI unit/group. Put down the "High Command Module" from "Misc". Sync the group's leader with the module. Now put down as many AI groups you wish to be controlled by this high command ai leader. And sync all these subordinate groups' leaders with another module "Subordinate Command" (i believe that is the correct name. You will find it right below High Command module in Misc category. Then finally sync this Subordinate command module with the previously placed High Command module. And you are done. O (Leader AI unit) | O (High command module) | ________O (subordinate module)________ | | O (subordinate groups' leader unit) O (subordinate groups' leader unit) Then this script will kick in, I suppose as I havent tried it already. Was clarifying your question. :D