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Everything posted by ArmaMan360

  1. ArmaMan360


    Place down a marker named "m1" (without quotes) somewhere in the middle of the map in the editor, then the following at the beginning of your init.sqf titleText ["Welcome to Ravage", "BLACK FADED"]; sleep 5; _pos = [getMarkerPos "m1", 500, 1500, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // finds a safe spot as an anchor player setPos _pos; // positions your player unit there _wreckpos = [_pos, 5, 10, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // finds a safe position for spawning wreck near the player _wreck = "Land_Wreck_Car_F" createVehicle _wreckpos; // spawns car wreck _fire = this = "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicle getposATL _wreck; // spawns fire and smoke _fire attachTo [_wreck, [0, 0.5, 0]]; // positions fire and smoke right under the wreck _bodypos = [_wreckpos, 3, 10, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; // finds dead body position near wreck _body = "C_man_hunter_1_F" createUnit [ _bodypos, []]; // spawns dead body there _body addMagazine "16Rnd_9x21_Mag"; // gives the dead body a Rook mag _body addWeapon "hgun_Rook40_F"; // gives the dead body a Rook _body setDamage 1; // ok here is where you literally make him dead. lol Sleep 2; titleText ["", "BLACK IN"]; It should create something very close to what you want. Hope this helps :)
  2. Yeah I have played Alive 'lightly' in SP for a decent amount of time in it early stages with saving working fine. Now, if I am saving the mission in SP, persistence is any way not needed IMHO? I mean choosing the "Persistence on/off" option in certain modules. Anyway, I will try it tonight thanks for sharing the fact that AI Commander module uses majority of the space :D
  3. What if I use Alive without any AI Commander? I mean just to spawn enemy units like insurgency style ? Even then it will be staggering??
  4. ArmaMan360

    XLib - by X39

    The wiki page is 404 !
  5. ArmaMan360


    Esseker is perfect for something like Ravage :D
  6. I wait till the day Alive incorporates a way to flawlessly save Single player missions on the computer itself rather than having to go online ! That will be the day I will only use Alive no other mod. ;) Honestly this is the only single player mod of its kind which has issues saving. P.S.: Please dont cite the warroom or setting up dedicated server tutorial to me. This is just an opinion I carry along with manyyyyy single player gamers.
  7. Yeah even I am experiencing such effects. I dont have this mod, but a ton of others and none of them seem to have this feature so I guess yeah its vanilla :D
  8. Yeah for some mysterious reason its working now. Lol :P
  9. Hey Silola. I have turned if(isNil "DAC_Marker") then { DAC_Marker = 0 }; Units and zone markers dont show in editor preview, but while playing the single player mission through scenarios it turns them on. Anything I am missing? I am making DAC zones on the fly like so: _axis = [300,500] call BIS_fnc_randomInt; _values = ["z1",[1,0,0],[7,1,15,10],[1,1,5,4],[],[1,1,6],[1,1,1,1]]; [_sidepos,_axis,_axis,0,0,_values] call DAC_fNewZone;
  10. ArmaMan360

    ArmA 3 Performance Tweaks and Settings Guide

    One thing which has helped me greatly is to set priority to realtime. I have coupled this with Game Booster 3. And you need Arma 3 running before you go ahead. Even when it starts loading the game after you have clicked "Play" from the launcher you can proceed. :) Here's how you do it. Open Windows task manager (Alt+CTRL+Del) > 'Processes' tab > Find 'Arma3.exe' > Right Click on it > Change Set Priority to 'Realtime' I hope someone else also finds it useful. Al Hamdolillah, this has helped me remove whatever little stutter I was having. :D
  11. That is the reason I wait for some days before downloading any update. :) nice to see it got fixed soon
  12. Can you try making a dummy loadout again with arsenal? Then export the code in notepad++ to see if any commands/functions have changed. Maybe you will see a difference somewhere where you can adapt? I am limited in scripting plz excuse me if it doesnt work :)
  13. Cant you just mention classnames of enemy ai for the script to choose from? I mean is it necessary to spawn everyunit via createunit/creategroup? O.o
  14. I am getting this error: http://postimg.org/image/4cjd9qd2d/ And this is my call line right after add task in my task.sqf: _units = [_sidepos,WEST,_axis,0.3,["B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_lite_F","B_Soldier_GL_F","B_soldier_AR_F","B_Soldier_SL_F","B_Soldier_TL_F","B_soldier_M_F","B_soldier_LAT_F","B_medic_F","B_Soldier_A_F","B_soldier_AT_F","B_soldier_AA_F"]] call SBGF_fnc_garrison; btw, _axis was defined earlier as a random number between 600-800 for radius. And this I am using to delete the units at the end of task : {deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _units; Where could I be wrong J?
  15. I need to define a random size for AO that is perfectly round. In the below example, how do I set _posaxis a random value between 600 - 800 so that it copies the same number in the _posaxis repeated twice in the next line? _posaxis = ? [_sidepos,_posaxis,_posaxis,0,0,_values] call DAC_fNewZone; Thank you :)
  16. _sidepos = getMarkerPos "m1"; _side = createCenter west; sleep 1; // Add task //Task ID-Task name-Task description and some other options ["Task9",true,["Some snipers have wandered in this area. Finish them","Snipers Spotted!", "Snipers Spotted!"], _sidepos, "AUTOASSIGNED",6,true,true] call BIS_fnc_setTask; // Spawn enemy officer for "_i" from 3 to (5 + floor(random 3)) do { _newpos = [_sidepos, [5,15], random 360, 0] call SHK_pos; _groupHVT = createGroup west; _veh = _groupHVT createUnit ["B_sniper_F", _newpos, [], 0, "NONE"]; _veh setRank "COLONEL"; _veh setSkill 1; _groupHVT setBehaviour "SAFE"; [_groupHVT, _sidepos, 20] call BIS_fnc_taskPatrol; sleep 0.6; }; sleep 1; _enmc = {alive _x and side _x == west} count allUnits; while (enmc > 1) do { { _x addEventHandler ["killed", {_enmc = _enmc -1; if (_enmc != 0) then { hintsilent format["Enemy remaining : %1",_enmc]}}] } foreach allunits; sleep 0.4; }; // task complete hint ["Task9","Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; Fix it please :)
  17. ArmaMan360

    hint at each kill not working

    Thanks tyger for the detailed explanation. Surely removes a lot of doubts :D
  18. Is this correct: _posaxis = round(random 200) +600; ???
  19. ArmaMan360

    hint at each kill not working

    Thanks m8... Appreciate it..
  20. ArmaMan360

    hint at each kill not working

    Edit: Superrrrr R3vo.. thanks man :D Although i am still confused as to why underscore isnt needed before enmc ? Ill read yours and tyger's reference links..:D
  21. Fixed. I was teleporting to the spot so apparently spawned ai enemy units didnt had time to process fsms. :D
  22. Gosh I am fed up. Thing is if I run the side mission as an independent init.sqf for testing purpose everything works well. But now when I put it back in the my random_mission.Altis folder as one of the side tasks, it is spawning units via DAC, no issue, and assigning me the task to clear the area. All works well. Problem comes when I have killed all enemy units (west side) it doesnt succeed the task. Here is the rpt file: http://www.filedropper.com/arma32015-11-3023-21-03. I am not able to get task complete after clearing all enemy units. The side1.sqf doesnt run when I put it among 11 side missions and ask sidefinder.sqf to assign me this task deliberately by choosing _allmissions [0] call Bis_fnc-selectRandom; // and case 0 is execVM "side1.sqf"; Side1.sqf: // Objective: Capture the town // find center of AO...looking for gamelogic location which created before in editor _sidepos = _this select 0; _side = createCenter west; sleep 4; // spawn enemy _values = ["z1",[1,0,0],[1,1,2,2],[],[],[],[1,1,1,0]]; [_sidepos,80,80,0,0,_values] call DAC_fNewZone; // Add task //Task ID-Task name-Task description and some other options ["Task1",true,["Clear the area by any means necessary. NATO have acquired a new base on the island. Finish them off quickly.","Clear Area","Clear Area"], _sidepos ,"AUTOASSIGNED",6,true,true] call BIS_fnc_setTask; sleep 2; // WAIT UNTIL objective destroy waitUntil {sleep 5;{alive _x && side _x == west} count allunits == 0}; //// Why this line is not being recognised while executing side1.sqf via sidefinder //beats me. // task complete hint ["Task1","Succeeded"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState; sleep 15; // remove mans/vehicles/air/static "optional" ["z1"] call DAC_fDeleteZone; sleep 15; ["Task1"] call BIS_fnc_deleteTask; titleText ["", "BLACK FADED"]; sleep 2; player setpos [((getPos hq select 0)+8), getPos hq select 1, getPos hq select 2]; player setdir (((getPos hq select 0) - (getPos player select 0)) atan2 ((getPos hq select 1) - (getPos player select 1))); titleText ["Incoming transmission from HQ", "BLACK IN"]; // go for next side mission []execVM "side_finder.sqf"; All the other 10 tasks work as intended. and this is the only task which has a check to count all units spawned via DAC. I am not sure if DAC is the issue as I mentioned before if you play the above task as an independent init.sqf with the DAC folder in the mission folder, it is perfect. No need for the gamelogics. Just add this at the start of the init.sqf: DAC_Basic_Value = 0; execVM "DAC\DAC_Config_Creator.sqf"; sleep 0.5; And change _sidepos to: _sidepos = getmarkerPos "markername"; Any one got any clues whats going wrong here? RPT is also posted above. Thank you. :)
  23. Dont go beyond EOS or DAC :)