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Everything posted by ArmaMan360

  1. Mortar mission didnt had patrols? Dayyum. How can I miss it.let me look into it. And thank you very much OP. Yeah HQs are present to be just stationery points. I will turn off the locks on them. You are correct, offroads are better 'sneakers' than helis. And I wish I knew how to make missions selectable manually. I will have to do some research. I can add addactions to an HQ Object like a laptop on table. :) Amazed by the response and now I feel how veterans like Rydy, Jshock etc might be feeling after getting expectations from the community. It builds onto you and makes you wanna improve. Update will be released in a day or two. :D Wish I could today but cant help with the work pressure I have :) EDIT: Just looked into it, I have placed enemy spawns in the mortar mission. The enemy infantry groups are random between 8 and 11. Check the reveal option they should be there. In the next mission I will put a 'knowsabout' on the mortars so that any enemy knows about the player, the mortars will start shooting :D
  2. Actually its totallyrandom. Vehicles, armour and helis have a 50-50 chance of spawning. So yeah I will add a launcher in the update. Thank you man.
  3. Rydy I am amazed by your indepth review. But I am completely clueless about the rpt errors. - I have left the VA at the beginning to ensure that playes loadout the way they want. I personally am ok with a rifle against APC. I like to sneak up to enemies, steal their rpgs and attack their vehicles with it. I believe thats a fair deal? - enemies are unknown to make some tasks harder. APCs, tanks, helis all stand a 50-50 chance of presence - i wanted to shift the VA camera but dont know how - supports are completely vanilla so i can only make the virtual support provider become support provider as apart from that I cant achieve other feats you have mentioned due to my inability with such coding yet :) -quads are supposed to be purely cosmetic coz you dont need them since HALO system and transport is enough. I'll add some offroads nonetheless :) Thank you again. You have given me good enough matter for the update. Wow again im elated by you taking some time off to try this Rydy. Thank you... :)
  4. Problem is I am spawning units via DAC and SBGF garrison script. Unable to make the enemies hint happen this way :( _values = ["z1",[1,0,0],[10,1,20,10],[1,1,5,4],[1,1,5,4],[],[1,1,1,1]]; // DAC lines [_sidepos,_axis,_axis,0,0,_values] call DAC_fNewZone; // DAC Lines sleep 0.6; _units = [_sidepos,WEST,_axis,0.3,["B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_lite_F","B_Soldier_GL_F","B_soldier_AR_F","B_Soldier_SL_F","B_Soldier_TL_F","B_soldier_M_F","B_soldier_LAT_F","B_medic_F","B_Soldier_A_F","B_soldier_AT_F","B_soldier_AA_F"]] call SBGF_fnc_garrison; // garrison script sleep 0.5; // Add task //Task ID-Task name-Task description and some other options [ "Task1", true, ["Clear the area by any means necessary.NATO have acquired a new base on the island. Finish them off quickly.","Clear Area","Clear Area"], _sidepos, "AUTOASSIGNED" ] call BIS_fnc_setTask; sleep 20; { if ((side _x) == West) then { enmc = _x; _x addEventHandler ["killed", {enmc = enmc -1; if (enmc != 0) then { hintsilent format["Enemy remaining : %1",enmc]}}] } forEach allUnits; sleep 2; }; Thanks :)
  5. I am not using any garrison script at the moment. I was using JShock's until I ran into a problem and ever since that line is commented out. Hopefully he will reply to my post at his script's thread. :) Nonetheless, I donno whats causing it. BTW, does this code generate a complete integer rather than a decimal figure?: (floor random 3 + 8) I am using this to select the random number of infantry groups(0,1,2 or 3) over 8 to spawn. Using it in this: _units = [_sidepos,_axis,(floor random 3 + 8),_vehi,_mech,_arm,_air] call JSHK_fnc_patrols; No errors shown, but maybe it gives figures like 8 + 2.4 or 8 +1.2.. like this so its like an incomplete number and the script doesnt know what to do with such an unfinished group?
  6. OMG sorry for the late reply R3vo. Its working! But, I tested this and appears it always leaves 1 enemy unit. I am running a "reveal.sqf" which puts a marker over every: {alive _x && side _x == west} count allUnits; to easily find that last annoying guy left in town :P Still always get one soldier left and my reveal doesnt show any more left unit's marker. What I do see is a marker in the bottom left corner of the map. Because of this I have changed my task ending waitUntil from: waitUntil {sleep 5; {alive _x && side _x ==west} count allUnits == 0}; to this: waitUntil {sleep 5; {alive _x && side _x ==west} count allUnits < 3}; It doesnt hurt actually, just want to understand the cause. Thank you.
  7. I am making an SP only random mission selector type of mission where currently I got 12 different missions :) I have saved all of them as separate sqf files like assassinate.sqf, destroy.sqf etc. and a random mission gets called in a file sidefinder.sqf. And at the end of each task sqf, I have added the line execVM "sidefinder.sqf"; which automatically assigns the next task. However, I recently saw a neat task made in a forum by a gent who put the entire task code in a function as fn_spawnCommsMission = { ..... }; I want to know will this have any advantage if I shift all my tasks as such functions? Yes or no, please support with atleast one liners as I am learning :) Thank you.
  8. Thank you very much. Nice explanation :) I will stick to sqfs as converting them to functions will make me overhaul the entire file heirarchy :) I am not using more than 1 additional call from within the sqfs that would hamper performance:)
  9. Thanks. Ill release my masterpiece soon :P
  10. Name your truck "t1" and make a destination marker "m1" in the editor however close or far from the truck's location as you like. Then make an init.sqf in your mission folder and write this in it: if (t1 distance m1 < 5) then { endMission "END1";}; To test this, drive your t1 truck to the marker spot and when it reaches within 5 mtrs the mission should end. Maybe this will work. Turn on script errors from launcher, run this and share screenshot if any error pops up when you start preview :)
  11. ArmaMan360

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Have you added these to the Unitpools.sqf? If yes then please post its relevant lines.
  12. ArmaMan360

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Maybe name the task module and use its name in the EOS call line instead of the marker's? Not sure though. Never played Endgame.
  13. ArmaMan360

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Should be easy. Open : EOS>Functions>shk_patrol. Then change the line 34 from "SAFE" to this: _grp setBehaviour "AWARE";
  14. Hello J, I know you have been busy. But I am not able to find any conflicts with _sidepos as explained above. As I use the same variable flawlessly for your JSHK_patrol function which by the way is another slim and sleek masterpiece. Need a little attention here man. My mission is incomplete without CQB :(
  15. ArmaMan360

    Arma 3 fps bug?

    Can you share your system specs and current FPS please? :) Maybe we can find something out.
  16. ArmaMan360

    Arma 3 fps bug?

    What all processes do you have running in the BG while playing Arma ? Have you tried softwares like Game Booster 3 etc which shuts down unnecessary processes before executing a game? Maybe a new bg process is interfering. Or windows / software updates. I rarely play online hence I am assuming it should be with your various background update tasks maybe? Alt+Ctrl+Del, then Task Manager, then see what tasks are utilizing how much % of your memory and network. That should be a good way to begin your research. And once you have launched arma from a launcher, you will see arma3.exe in the Processes tab of the task manager. Right click on this arma3.exe, then Set Priority as "High". Then revert with your observations please. :)
  17. Ok I have made a random mission selector mission and when the player dies in the game for the first 2-3 times, it asks me to either load the game or abort like normally. But when I make some progress and save the game, then when the player gets killed, it just remains like that. My player is lying and I am only able to change camera from 1st to 3rd person and vice versa and the enemy AI keep moving around like normal. I have to alt tab out and close arma 3 and restart it :( Another thing is that I am not able to get the "Configure" rollout open after loading my mission's save file. IT just keeps clicking "Configure" but no rollout to show video audio etc.\ Any help would be appreciated. EDIT: By the way, I just saw my SP save files and they range from 10-11 MBs to 200 MBs? Wht gives ?? O.O Maybe thats the issue? Here is a screenshot. http://postimg.org/image/40yyxdsih/
  18. ArmaMan360

    Game stuck after player death in SP mission?

    Please guys. No one?
  19. I put the call line in side1.sqf, and _sidepos is a marker position. Derived like so at the top of side1.sqf: _sidepos = _this select 0; And the source file has this: sidefinder.sqf .... ...[getmarkerPos _city] execVM "side1.sqf"; Where _city is a selectrandom from marker array. Was working well in your previous version. :)
  20. Ok tried it first time and getting this error: http://postimg.org/image/hgb3n7rsj/ This is my call line: _units = [_sidepos,WEST,500,0.3,["B_Soldier_F","B_Soldier_lite_F","B_Soldier_GL_F","B_soldier_AR_F","B_Soldier_SL_F","B_Soldier_TL_F","B_soldier_M_F","B_soldier_LAT_F","B_medic_F","B_Soldier_A_F","B_soldier_AT_F","B_soldier_AA_F"],-1] spawn SBGF_fnc_garrison; And even the previous version started getting an error since latest stable update: ........ #call SBGF_fnc_Garrison; undefined variable in SBGF_fnc_Garrison Any clues J?
  21. Finally... It gets updated. :D
  22. I do have an an AiA terrain Pack 'hotfix'. But that was for a problem wayyy in the past where switching between maps in the editor caused crash.
  23. I am getting this screen after my player unit dies.: http://postimg.org/image/g9irbs2dh/ cant even load missions. Same mods that I usually use, nothing new. What gives? O.O
  24. Thanks J. However, I find the huge community maps way better optimized than Altis. The fps is amazing in them and drops to pathetic in Altis. Sad.