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About Vanhouten_cz

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Oderberg, CZ
  • Interests
    ARMA3, ETS2, mission editing, skinning trucks to ETS2

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  • Biography
    Arma series player from Operation Flashpoint: CWC
  1. Vanhouten_cz

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: CSLA Iron Curtain

    I cant use boat on this pond (northest pond on Gabreta), it is stucked on place. Sometimes move 2 meters and then dont work again. Have anyone same problem? I tried wooden boat from CSLA CDLC and boats from vanilla game. Where I can report this bug?
  2. Vanhouten_cz

    Ingame time script

    @Grumpy Old Man finally working right. Thank you for "kick" :-)
  3. Vanhouten_cz

    Ingame time script

    guys I need help with ingame time. My story: i have mission, where I need launch nuke at 12:00. Mission is started at 10:00. When I use BI countdown timer, countdown isnt accurate (because acctime, save/load, etc. - difference should be +- 30 minutes ingame time, so in result it is one hour "window" when nuke can launched). My idea is use ingame time. I try many things with this, but I´m not able to do it functional. I have complete whole mission with almost 2 hours gameplay but this problem with countdown makes me crazy :-/ Other two friends try to fix it, but they also dont know. Can anyone help me with this? Idea: Script checking ingame time (no how long I am playing, but time on ingame clocks). When will be 12:00 script start my script "launch.sqf". What I try to use. But isn´t accurate. _launch = time + 7200; waitUntil {time >= _launch}; Has someone any idea? Thank you
  4. Vanhouten_cz


    Hi Massi or everyone. Few years ago I start made campaing on Chernarus with this units - I think v1.0. Then I stopped because there were issue with skies on AIA maps (after some major update). Now I get back to ARMA3 after almost 2 years, I used new maps CUP terrains, but I cant load mission because I havent this file "mas_cer_rebl_i" (whole Chernarussian Army on independent side). I think that file was in this addon, but now isnt there. Google dont know this name "mas_cer_rebl_i". I would like to get this file (on internet I found only this mod in V1.2). If Massi or anyone have, can you send me this or whole older mod version with this file? I have 8 completed missions. Thank you. edit: I try replace old units with new, but there is problem with sides. Old mod had Chernorussian army on independent side. New mod hasn´t :-/
  5. @Messi Hi Messi, I have question. Your weapon mod is great. Will you make some other guns? I´d like to welcome great czechoslovakian assault rifle vz. 58 (it was also in ARMA2). Still many armys around the world use this gun. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vz._58 The most used are versions with fixed stock ("P") and assamble stock ("V"). In this time, Czech Army is using modernized version (beside of CZ 805 Bren) - http://www.601skss.cz/klikmap/Sa58refl.jpg Your work is really nice, thank you for this mod. And if you will make this gun, it will be really great :-)