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Posts posted by ppitm

  1. The newly implemented soldier protection (1.54) received a first version of its documentation on the Community Wiki. It will be extended soon but in the meantime, if you have any question, do not hesitate!  :292:

    I have a question. What do we have to do to notice an improvement in the soldier protection system?


    I can't seem to shoot any NATO infantry in the chest without hitting their armor. Not even when I carefully aim above the trauma plates to hit them in the neck. It's always 2-3 shots with 6.5mm. When they aren't wearing any vest at all, even a single 9mm will do the trick.

  2. I5 4690 4 x 3,5Ghz

    R9 270 OC (Radeon from Gigabyte)

    8 GB ram

    It happen on RHS tanks, specially Russian. It happen to all of my firends.

    RHS tanks have lots of scripted extras in the damage model, so performance effects are to be expected, especially with novel types of projectiles that their scripts don't know how to recognize.


    With the Russian tanks, the mod is probably struggling to decide whether or not the fragments should detonate the ERA.

  3. Trained tankers make use of overwatch positions to engage their targets. That way drivers can "duck" behind cover by reversing. In case of open-spaces like Kuwait in 1990-91, tanks dig in because there's no other choice.

    I'm trying to remember the last time I saw a human tanker use an overwatch position in ArmA. Mostly they just have a waypoint, and they drive towards it, shooting everything in the way.



    So yes, tanker AI could be taught to reverse back into cover, but everything would still have to be carefully arranged ahead of time by the mission maker. You'd have to point out the overwatch position for them, and define the vector and distance they should reverse. And the conditions for pulling forward again. And for when to exit this behavior and resume normal maneuvers. Oh, and the threat direction/main targets would have to be defined.


    At this point you might as well just create a totally scripted CoD or BF4 campaign mission, since your system is too rigid to work in any normal sandbox environment.

  4. What PC do you have?


    The A2 ACE frag system had basically no performance cost, and I've noticed zero difference in ACE 2.





    - Number of frags is too small - 125mm HE-FRAG round explosion should have devastating effects, so number of frags should be counted in tousands.

    Well, duh. Only fragments that have a chance of hitting something are modeled. And 80% of the shrapnel never leaves the splash damage radius of the shell, and therefore doesn't need to be simulated.

  5. How hard is it for BI to programme AI reversing (since it can't reverse to begin with), and to conduct this technique with gunner or loader to break line of sight with hostiles while loading the next round? Anyway at this point I've given up on BI doing armor right. If it's even half as good as Combined Arms (a side-project from ED) I'd not complain as much :P

    Very hard. 


    Altis is hundreds of square kilometers of boulder-strewn fields, cramped villages and mountains. You want tanks to start crazedly driving backwards across that, in the hopes that they might get lucky and break line of sight?


    This is like asking why dogs can't be taught to use iPhone GPS when they can't read maps in the first place.


    It's a ludicrously complicated, labor-intensive proposition, equally expensive in CPU cycles.

  6. I don't recall seeing any serious recoil in Steel Beasts either. Except as a cosmetic feature. And round impacts in ArmA are plenty visible. If anything Steel Beasts' primitive effects are exaggerated. 




    reverses promptly when overwhelmed by numbers, hull-down tactics. 

    I saw one tank pointlessly reverse about two meters, and two groups of tanks fighting hull-up on a featureless plain that could be navigated by the most primitive AI.


    I'm sure Steel Beasts' AI actually does those things, being a dedicated tank sim and all, but you're not making the most pertinent comparisons here.



    ArmA's insta-unbutton feature is pretty silly, it's true. But the ability to use rifles, grenades and binoculars while turned out redeems everything. It's one of the best things to happen in vehicle gaming.

    • Like 1

  7. OK making Chaos Warrior as a first day DLC is so low move that I don't know how they even dare. Chaos is the core race in Warhammer Fantasy. You know Chaos Warrior Harald Hammerstorm aka. "Harry The Hammer" is covering the first edition rulebook of Warhammer Fantasy.

    Yeah, but most Warhammer fans have aged many years since those rulebooks came out. They've all outgrown their attachment to silly tweenage Chaos factions.


    *runs and hides*

  8. Is there a way to increase the threshold for going unconscious due to gforce? or out right disabling it in a mission without deleting any files? i cant find any modules for it.

    I wish the blackout from Gs was related to the actual capabilities of the aircraft.


    Doing an immelmann in an Su-25 results in unconsciousness at medium speeds. Yeah right!


    You play DCS, with an actual flight model for this plane, and then are then ambushed by silly overmodeling of G-forces in Arma.

  9. How do tanks do if you set them to Column mode?


    It's a little much to expect them to stay in a decent wedge formation on terrain as rough as Altis.


    Imho the biggest problems with armor AI is their reluctance to use HE on infantry, and the engagement logic that always puts them in RPG range.

  10. Honestly, this always seemed like the most realistic wounding system, for all its simplicity.


    No extended unconsciousness or gulping Morphine like candy.


    I once had a weird glitch in A2 where I entered this sort of agony state but could still run. I ran across the map clutching at my gut, unable to fight, before finally collapsing.



    However, it is a real PITA when this system disallows team switching.


    A colloquial expression to illustrate a point, the important thing was comparing between a seemingly large majority on here, vs the actual majority out on the server list.

    And where do you get the idea that the mouthbreathers playing Altis life on the server list are the majority?


    What happened to the thousands of players who are involved in clan MP or just SP?



    It's very simple, in my view. The people who want to play offshoot gamemods that aren't classic ArmA turned off fatigue and were happy. The people who play ArmA as a military game left fatigue on and were happy. So now BIS have gone and pissed off the latter to no purpose.

    • Like 2

  12. Awesome work! The ACE frag system is the most amazing thing in ArmA 3 so far.


    Have you thought about adding very small amounts of frag to RPG-7 and AT-4 HEAT rounds? According to US Army manuals, the former can throw out some very large fragments that are lethal out to 150m or more. Even if there's no dedicated shrapnel casing, the bit and pieces of warhead have to go somewhere.


    Just something to make players less cavalier about opening up on tanks that are 50 away.




    (Also, do you know what it would take to add make a bullet-tracing script apply to the frag pieces? For testing and amusement purposes.)



     And we have tried and discarded a scary amount of 'leet special forces silencers in the dark'-missions.

    I know what you mean. This must describe a good 40% of SP user scenarios.



    Anyways, in my book convoy ambushes are the most fun you can have in ArmA. Those are perfect for co-op if you have limited AT that requires perfect coordination and timing.


    There are also plenty of missions out there that involve placing sandbags and bunkers with scripts in advance of a large assault. Although now that we have the 3D editor, making large fortresses is quick and easy.


    Edit: Like this one https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=528347724&searchtext=rhs

  14. Im not sure if this is a 100% ace topic but is there anything changed about repairing/rearming with truck/vehicle? We place 1 truck beside a tank but we have 50% of the time strange results. Sometimes it only works when 1 person get in the tank to resupply, Sometimes in the action menu "rearm AMMOXYZ" dont appear. Sometime we cant get it to work completly. we have no idea ;)

    Maybe some of those missions have ACE's disabled rearming modules added.
